My ship girl, my world

Chapter 416 Sun Moon Island

"So in terms of your personal wishes, where do you want to go?" Mikasa asked with a smile.

"Actually, it doesn't matter to me anywhere, because my fleet now has the Awakening Ship Girl, and her power is known to Senior Mikasa. The general siren fleet no longer poses much of a threat to my fleet, so what should I do? You can go anywhere, even the front lines.

However, although my Grand Fleet members are much stronger than ordinary second-year students, I feel it is not safe enough to let them go to dangerous places at this time. So I prefer places where there are more battles but are not that dangerous. "Qin Ge said to Mikasa.

"Is that so?" Mikasa nodded, "Actually, if you say so, there is a place that is very suitable for you, but that place is a bit remote."

"Where?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

Mikasa didn't answer yet, but Cologne reacted, "Mikasa-senpai, could it be that you are talking about Sun Moon Island?"

Mikasa smiled and nodded, "As expected of Cologne, he has worked in the Maritime Safety Administration before, and he seems to know the situation on the island well."

"No, it's just that I often see battle reports on that island, so I paid attention to it." Cologne waved his hands and said.

"What kind of place is Sun Moon Island?" Qin Ge asked in confusion.

"I can explain this." Cologne said to Qin Ge, "Riyue Island is located in the southeast of Donghuang coast. It is a large island independent of Donghuang mainland. There are four port areas on it.

Three of the port areas face the sea and are responsible for guarding the southeastern coastal defense line. The last one is facing the Donghuang coast and is responsible for cleaning up the sirens in the sea area between the Donghuang coast and Riyue Island.

There are relatively few indigenous people there, and most of them live along the coast, because the center of the island is a large mountainous area, which is not suitable for living. And most of the indigenous people now live near the port to ensure their own safety.

Moreover, there are a lot of sirens there, and you will experience several fierce battles almost every day when you go out. Although the strength of the siren is not as strong as that of the front line, it is definitely much higher than the strength of the siren in the coastal sea area. The erosion sea area there is generally divided into level three to level four. "

As Cologne told it, Qin Ge finally remembered the place Sun Moon Island. According to his world, Riyue Island is where Wanwan is today.

The geographical location is similar to that of Wanwan, but compared to Wanwan, Riyue Island is further away from Donghuang Continent.

"I see, I understand." Qin Ge nodded and said.

"And because the situation on Sun Moon Island is quite special, a large fleet rotation system is implemented. Large fleets that want to go there can register with the Maritime Safety Administration. Only after meeting the capability requirements will they be sent to Sun Moon Island.

Moreover, if the fleet is severely damaged on Riyue Island, or if it wants to re-select an inland station, it must report to the Maritime Safety Administration six months in advance, and the Maritime Safety Administration will send people to rotate. "Colon said to Qin Ge.

"How long will the fleet be stationed on Sun Moon Island?" Qin Ge asked.

Cologne shook his head, "Normally it won't be too long, because there are too many sirens in that place, and it's really a bit too tiring. If it weren't for the Maritime Safety Administration's enforcement, basically no big fleet would want to go there. So the big fleet that goes there Generally, after being stationed for one or two years, they will apply to return to the mainland. At that time, the Maritime Safety Administration will no longer try their best to persuade them, but will choose a new fleet to defend there. "

"But for you and your big fleet members, it is a good training place. From there as a springboard, you can get a lot of combat training and improve your ship girl's training as soon as possible. Go to Frontline." Mikasa said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "Isn't this the place I dream of? In erosion level three and four sea areas, generally the enemy's training level is not very high, so the normal operation of the fleet can be ensured without worrying about being hit by training. Suppression. As long as we work together, I believe that the training level of our ship girls will be improved even higher."

"So you can make a suggestion to Wales or Canglong at that time and let your large fleet be stationed at Sun Moon Island. I believe that arrangements will be made for you soon.

Moreover, Riyue Island is our outpost on the southeast coast of Donghuang, and its geographical location is also relatively dangerous. When you go over, the ship girls from the other eight camps will definitely follow you. There are nearly twenty awakened ship girls stationed there at the same time. I believe that the southeastern part of Donghuang will be safe and sound for a long time. "Mikasa smiled.

Qin Ge couldn't help but smile, "Senior Mikasa, you have plotted against the special envoys of the other eight camps."

Mikasa shook her head, "This is not called calculation, this is called mutual benefit and win-win."

Qin Ge shook his head in a funny way, looked at the auditorium in front of him and said, "We are here, then I will tell the dean and Director Canglong when the time comes."


The three of them looked at each other and smiled, then walked into the auditorium together. As usual, the three of them were the first to arrive. After a few people took their seats, other instructors and college staff gradually arrived.

The Prince of Wales was naturally the last to arrive. Following her were several familiar faces, including the other representatives of the eight camps.

Qin Ge was a little surprised in the car, because according to usual practice, they usually would not attend any activities at the Commander Academy, but this time they showed up. Could it be that something unexpected had happened?

Just as Qin Ge was confused, another familiar figure walked in from the door. Qin Ge took a closer look and saw that it was Yixian, the commander-in-chief of the Donghuang camp.

Seeing such a huge scene, Qin Ge was stunned for a moment. Although Yixian also came last year, it was just because he needed to explain to Qin Ge about going to Chongying, but this time it seemed that it was not that simple.

And this time, even Cang Long from the Maritime Safety Bureau did not come. The guests were the commander-in-chief Yixian representing the Donghuang camp and several special envoys representing the other eight camps.

Although I had all kinds of guesses in my mind, I still couldn't guess what it was. In the end, Qin Ge could only give up the thoughts in his mind and prepare to wait and see.

The graduation ceremony began step by step according to the normal process, but Qin Ge did not have to change his military rank this time, which saved him some trouble and was able to better participate in the graduation ceremony.

It was not until the end of the ceremony that the Prince of Wales stood in the center of the stage and introduced everyone.

"Everyone, the guests who came here today must be very unfamiliar to the students, so let me introduce them to you. These eight are representative ship girls from the other eight camps except Donghuang, and this one I believe you must be very familiar with this person. She is our Donghuang Commander-in-Chief Yixian.

Now let us give warm applause to Commander-in-Chief Yixian to speak on stage! "

"Here we come." Qin Ge's spirit rose and he looked at Yixian who was gradually standing up.

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