My ship girl, my world

Chapter 417 Welfare of all commanders

Yixian stood up from his seat, walked to the center of the stage, and said under the gaze of everyone.

"Hello, commanders, I am Yixian, the commander-in-chief of Donghuang. On this special day, it is my honor to celebrate the graduation ceremony with you at the Commander Academy.

Donghuang has gone through ups and downs over the years, but the coastal defense line is still moving forward and advancing steadily. When inland and coastal cities enjoy peace and tranquility, it is because groups of commanders like you are fighting bravely on the front line.

Be fearless, not afraid of sacrifice, and move forward bravely. It is precisely because of this that our Donghuang camp is growing day by day. I hope you can uphold the excellent qualities of your predecessors and create your own glorious chapter.

In view of the outstanding contributions made by the Commander Academy to Donghuang in recent years, the Donghuang Command decided to invest a sum of funds for the replacement of the teaching equipment and expansion plan of the Commander Academy. And strengthen the propaganda of commanders, and strive to recruit more commanders in coastal areas, including inland areas, to join this battle to protect mankind and the world. "

When Yixian said this, the audience burst into warm applause, and Qin Ge also followed suit.

Perhaps the replacement of teaching equipment and expansion plans are not of much use to him, because he will graduate this year. But for future commanders, such changes can greatly enhance their learning ability and the speed of integrating into the commander system.

Moreover, Yixian also mentioned that he would recruit commanders from the interior. This was information that had never been mentioned before. It seemed that Donghuang was preparing to make an effort.

Sure enough, after Zai Yixian said these words, the eight major camp envoys had a look of surprise on their faces. Donghuang has a vast territory, rich resources, and a large population. It used to be silent among the nine camps because Donghuang's plan to recruit commanders was carried out in coastal areas and did not go deep into inland areas.

And now that it has begun to penetrate into the inland areas, it is conceivable that the number of people signing up to become commanders will definitely surge in the second half of this year. In this way, Commander Donghuang's reserve force will be greatly replenished, which will be a very big improvement for Donghuang's maritime power in a few years.

But they have no way to stop Donghuang from doing this, because this is their freedom and their resources.

When the applause gradually stopped, Yixian continued, "And considering the issue of logistical supplies and the initial lack of resources for the trainee commanders.

With special approval from the Donghuang Command, an additional 4,000 units of oil will be distributed to all commanders every month. In the future, it will be considered to add ship drill materials, ship girl teaching materials and other materials. "

At this moment, applause and cheers instantly lifted the roof of the auditorium, and even Qin Ge was stunned for a moment.

Although four thousand units of oil per month is not much, it is sustainable. It is a very big asset to both trainee commanders and other commanders.

The most important thing is that Yixian said that he is considering adding ship drill data, which means that Donghuang's research institute has completed the analysis of the ship drill data that Qin Ge obtained in Chongying and entered the mass production stage.

This is a huge event. If ship drill data can be added, it will save a lot of time and even allow commanders to have relatively strong combat capabilities right after graduation.

And when Qin Ge looked in the direction of the other eight camp girls, he found that they did not express surprise. Obviously Donghuang's move must have been approved by the eight major camps before, and they all understand it. In other words, this year it will not only be implemented in Donghuang, but also in the other eight major camps.

When the applause gradually dissipated, Yixian continued to say a few words before returning to his seat.

Looking at Yixian sitting back in his seat, Qin Ge couldn't help but wonder, is it because the ship girls sent by the other eight camps are at the Commander's Academy, so Yixian came to the Commander's Academy to use this graduation ceremony to announce it?

But whether it is or not is not an issue that he needs to care about, because the graduation ceremony is now quickly coming to the last item. That is to take a photo with the commander of the same period, or with the teacher.

Last time, because Qin Ge left early and didn't stay to take photos with them, many graduated commanders were still worried about this matter.

So this time, just after the graduation ceremony, many commanders were already shouting at Qin Ge. Such a scene even shocked Mikasa and Cologne who were sitting next to Qin Ge.

The two of them looked at Qin Ge with strange eyes, wondering if he had done something in school that was outrageous to both humans and gods. But obviously this was also a joke. The two of them knew Qin Ge's reputation in the Commander Academy, so he was destined to be unable to escape this time.

The group photo lasted for a very long time. It was so long that Qin Ge felt that his smile was a little stiff, and even several of his mentors were also smiling extremely stiffly.

In previous years, most group photos were taken by a few commanders and a few close mentors, which could basically be completed in an hour.

But this year they discovered that since Qin Ge stood here, every commander wanted to take a photo with Qin Ge. Naturally, they had to queue up, so while queuing up, the commanders targeted them.

As the saying goes, if you shoot one, you will shoot, if you shoot two, you will shoot. So, it shouldn’t matter if all the instructors take turns to shoot, right?

So after taking a group photo with the graduating commanders, I stood together and took a mentor photo with them, and then stood together and took a group photo with them.

After doing this, the graduation ceremony, which was supposed to end before twelve o'clock in the morning, ended in the afternoon.

When Qin Ge and several instructors finally left the auditorium, they all had stiff smiles on their faces. Even when the instructors looked at Qin Ge strangely, they had stiff smiles on their faces.

"Qin Ge, I really saw how popular you are." The female general said with some complaints.

Qin Ge helplessly spread his hands, "Me too, at least you are still awakened ship girls. I am a human being. Being manipulated by them like this is more tiring than commanding an attack siren."

"Haha, by the way, Qin Ge, you should have a camera at your place, right? Let's go to your place to take a photo together, call all your ship girls, and leave it as a thought. When we meet again in the future, who knows where? What time is it?" Mikasa said to Qin Ge.

"Okay, I was just going to tell you. After all, I am a graduate today." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Well, let's just take advantage of today's stiff smile to miss him for a while." Maryland said to Qin Ge.


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