My ship girl, my world

Chapter 423 Grand Fleet Meeting

After leaving the beacon detection room, Qin Ge and the others went to other parts of the office area and became more familiar with the entire office area.

During this period of time, other members of the fleet had also arranged their places to live and gathered in the office area one after another.

Li Chenming also worked out a relatively complete and feasible plan with North Carolina, and the two of them came to the office area together.

Seeing that everyone had arrived in the office area, Qin Ge asked his ship girl to go back and clean up the house, while he stayed to hold a meeting with all members of the fleet.

Looking at the members of the fleet sitting on both sides of the conference room, Qin Ge smiled and said to everyone, "From now on, this place belongs to our Star Sea Fleet, so we must also shoulder the security here.

And we have gone through such a long period of study at the Commander Academy just for this moment. Now that you are no longer students, you have grown into a qualified commander, so pay attention to the key points. I will not remind you anymore. Next, I will assign our tasks.

I believe that after such a long time, you already know the identities of the ship girls who follow me, so I can clearly tell you now that I have some tasks with the nine major camps, so in the next time, I will Priority will be given to completing these tasks, while you will be responsible for patrols and commissions in the offshore waters, as well as the daily tasks of the Grand Fleet.

So I will introduce you to two helpers first. The first one is Wasp from the Maritime Safety Administration. She will be responsible for the handover between our fleet and the Maritime Safety Administration. If you have anything you don’t understand, you can always ask her questions.

The second one is North Carolina, the Free Ship Girl in this station. She is the most highly trained Free Ship Girl in this station and is responsible for the cooperation between the Free Ship Girl and our fleet. "

Following Qin Ge's introduction, the Wasps and North Carolina stood up one after another, and the others also clapped, and the scene was relatively harmonious for a time.

After waiting for the applause to end, Qin Ge continued, "As for the cooperation with the Liberty Ship Girl, I have arranged for Li Chenming, the deputy commander of our fleet, to talk to North Carolina, and now we have come up with a relatively stable plan.

Therefore, when you are on patrol and have commissions, you can go together with the Free Ship Girls. This will not only increase your strength, but also learn some experience from their Free Ship Girls.

And you are also people who have experienced great wars, and everyone's tactical literacy is now good, so I hope you can complete this task, hone yourself as soon as possible, and make your fleet more powerful.

So if anyone still has questions, feel free to ask them, and I'll explain them to you here. "

Chen Baijun raised his hand, and Qin Ge nodded to him. Chen Baijun stood up and said, "Commander, I would like to ask, that is to say, our subsequent patrols or commissions can be assisted by the freedom ship, so during the operation, will they follow our arrangements, or will they carry out the tasks individually? "

Qin Ge nodded and looked at North Carolina, "My opinion is that during patrols or entrusted tasks, only the ship girl needs to obey the deployment of the commander.

If there is an instruction that the ship girl thinks is malicious, the ship girl can choose not to execute the command and exit. After returning, both parties must write corresponding reports and apply for arbitration. "

North Carolina nodded, "I agree with Commander Qin Ge. Although we free ship girls have experienced a lot of battles, we have not cooperated with the commanders, so Commander Yu's fighting method is very correct. s Choice.

And I will tell them later that unless some unavoidable circumstances occur, as long as it is within the controllable range, all actions will be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the leader of the team. "

Qin Ge nodded, then looked at Chen Baijun, "Do you have any more questions?"

Chen Baijun shook his head, "I have no problem for the time being."

Wang Yueqin raised her hands and stood up, "Commander, where do we get the things we get after we complete the task entrustment? There are also things like material exchange, oil exchange, etc."

Qin Ge looked at Li Chenming with a smile, "I have handed over all these to the deputy commander. For task handover and the like, you can contact Wasp. After that, Wasp will collect the materials completed and report them to the Maritime Safety Administration. Someone from the Maritime Safety Administration sent people to deliver the supplies.

The materials are then stored in the warehouse and handed over by the deputy commander and Wasp. So when the time comes, you can just come to the deputy commander to collect it with the receipt of your completed mission.

Regarding the special material exchange for the Grand Fleet, you will inform the Deputy Commander of your needs, and then the Deputy Commander will hand over the request to Wasp, and then Hu Feng will make a material request to the Maritime Safety Administration, and it will be approved according to the same process. "

Wang Yueqin suddenly realized it and looked at Li Chenming with a smile, "So from now on, our Deputy Commander Li will become the General Manager Li of our fleet?"

Everyone laughed together, and Li Chenming couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Although I am responsible for the handover, you will still need to help with transportation and the like, otherwise I will have to do the work alone."

Zhang Xiaotian smiled and said, "There is no problem. Supporting the deputy commander's work is an obligation for us."

"So where is the commander going?" Wang Yueqin asked Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I am going to go to the erosion level 4 sea area. There will be more sirens and more enemies there, so that I can speed up the training and running-in of my fleet girls."

Everyone nodded, even North Carolina. After all, Qin Ge has so many awakened ship girls, wouldn’t it be easy to invade the fourth-level sea area?

In the subsequent meetings, many people also raised some doubts. The specific issues were in terms of tactical execution and emergency response.

Qin Ge, Wasp and North Carolina all gave corresponding answers, which also gave everyone in the Grand Fleet full confidence in their future work.

And on the spot, Li Chenming also announced the duty rules of the large fleet, as well as the patrol routes and directions, giving everyone a clearer understanding.

After the meeting was disbanded, Zhang Xiaotian and Chen Baijun, who were the first group of patrol officers, gathered with the free ship girls who had left and started patrolling on duty.

From this moment on, the duty patrol started, and everything was on the right track, which also meant that everyone in the Star Sea Fleet began to take over the work of the Dark Owl Fleet.

After arranging everything, Qin Ge naturally returned to the original accommodation area where the commander was.

After all, for him, after arranging the large fleet, he still needs to arrange his own fleet.

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