My ship girl, my world

Chapter 424 A long battle

As soon as Qin Ge returned to the building, he saw a group of ship girls sitting in the lobby. They were not busy, but each holding a tea cup, looking very comfortable.

This situation made Qin Ge very confused, "Have you finished cleaning the building? Have the rooms been arranged?"

At this time, everyone smiled, and Javelin quickly ran to Qin Ge and said, "Commander, they had cleaned every room when they left, so when we came, we just cleaned our own things. It didn’t take long to arrange it.”

Qin Ge laughed when he heard this, "Oh, then we can still check in with our bags."

"Lingbao is checking in? It's almost ready, right?" Javelin said to Qin Ge.

"Is everyone free?" Qin Ge asked with a smile.

"No." Javelin quickly shook his head and said, "Sister Aurora went to plant roses in the garden next to her, sister Helena followed her there, sister Richelieu was praying, and Santiago and Osborne ran to the beach. It’s time to play.

Ayanami and Bunker Hill sister were playing games in the room, Hiei sister went to see the banquet hall, and Shinano sister and Raffi were sleeping. And that Zeppelin sat on the roof as soon as he arrived, and wouldn't come down no matter how he asked her. "

Qin Ge couldn't help but feel ashamed. Everyone else was very normal, but Qi Bolin was a little abnormal. But let her sit on the roof, otherwise it would be better to tell those destroyers something to destroy the world and teach them bad things.

So, Qin Ge nodded, "Is there a conference room where we live?"

"Yes." The person who answered Qin Ge was not Javelin, but Bismarck who was standing against the wall in the distance. "Commander, are you preparing for a meeting?"

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, we have just arranged the affairs of the large fleet there. Now it is time to arrange the tasks of our fleet."

"Then let's go to the conference room and talk." Bismarck nodded and said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge looked at the people present and nodded, "Then let's go to the meeting. The leading flagships of each mixed fleet will come over, and the others can move freely."

Following Qin Ge's words, Guanghui, Bismarck, and Veneto came over, while Javelin said to Qin Ge, "Commander, I'll call Sister Richelieu."

Qin Ge nodded, "Then I'll trouble Javelin."

"It's okay." Javelin said and ran away.

"Commander, if you don't mind, how about I go and observe?" Peter Strasser said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, it's not a confidential matter. If any of you want to participate, you can come over."

"Yes." Several ship girls nodded with interest. After all, they had nothing to do sitting here. They might as well have a meeting with Qin Ge and the others to discuss future countermeasures.

After a few people arrived at the conference room, Richelieu appeared at the door not long after. As Richelieu took his seat, the army meeting officially began.

"The meeting of the fleet has just ended. Basically, they all know the sea areas they need to patrol and guard. And outside these sea areas, there are the goals of our fleet." Qin Ge said to everyone.

"Currently, we are still following the previous formation in the academy, with me, Bismarck, Richelieu, and Veneto each leading a formation and heading towards the target sea area respectively.

However, this time since we will not be accepting too many entrusted tasks for the time being, the distance between our four fleets does not need to be too far. We should stay within the call range of the communicator, and then carry out patrols and attacks in the sea area.

The purpose of this is that in the event of an emergency, we can complement each other's offense and defense, and help each other on guard. "

As Qin Ge spoke, many ship girls nodded involuntarily. Don't think that the distance Qin Ge mentioned is very close. In fact, it's not that close at all.

After so many years of research by several major camps, the range of communication devices equipped on the ship's equipment can be contacted, and its reliable range is very large. For example, several camp envoys, ship girls, can contact their respective camps through proprietary equipment.

Such communication can be achieved even without any blessing from satellites. Even though some of the communication equipment on the command ship is weaker than the communication equipment in the hands of the special envoy ship girl, basically, there is a coverage area of ​​one hundred kilometers.

Therefore, when several fleets are superimposed on each other, the maximum operating distance can reach about 400 kilometers, which is not close at all.

Moreover, the communication device on the Qin Ge command ship is the latest type of communication device. It has a much wider range than the communication device on the general commander's ship, so it can basically cover the entire sea area with level four erosion.

"After that, I will use the communication device specially given to me by Wasp to let her activate the beacon detector once a day to transmit to us the position of the Siren fleet in the sea. So although our configuration is the same as that in the academy, we must do a good job Preparation for a long battle at sea.

Each time we go to sea, we keep it for about a week to a month, so that we can experience more battles and don't waste time on the road every day.

When we were in college, we needed to ensure the basics of being in school every day, so we had to go back and forth every day, but now we don’t need to. And this can not only quickly improve our training level, but also exercise our ability to continue fighting. "Qin Ge said to everyone.

Bismarck nodded, "I understand what the commander means, which is to hope that we can quickly adapt to the intensity of this battle, and also be able to conduct enough battles and collect enough battle data to ensure that the planned ship can appear faster. "

Qin Ge nodded, "That's true, so I hope everyone can understand."

Veneto smiled, "There is no understanding or disapproval of this. This is not only the commander, but also our common thing. I believe no one will refuse."

"It's just that after doing this, I have less time to spend with the commander." Lexington said from the side.

Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "I don't think so. Now I am mainly with the Royal Ship Girl because of the ship planning. After the planning key is completed, I will go to every fleet.

And I think that since the royal family has a planned ship, then other camps will also have planned ships, so for you, there is no bias. "

All the ship girls couldn't help but smile. Lexington's question was considered to be in their hearts, but Qin Ge's answer was also answered in their hearts.

After all, it is visible to the naked eye that Qin Ge and the Royal Ship Girl spend too much time together, and their relationship is much better than that of the Ship Girl from other camps, so anyone will be a little jealous.

Qin Ge's answer not only made them relieved, but also made them look forward to it. When will it be the turn of their own camp's plan ship girl?

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