My ship girl, my world

Chapter 446 Decisive Battle Plan

The battle progressed extremely quickly. Even when Qin Ge stood on the command ship, he could only see the monstrous water column and the light caused by various artillery shells and laser weapons streaking across the sky.

The two sides fought for about ten minutes. Finally, as the water curtain gradually fell, Qin Ge could see clearly the specific battle situation in front of him.

The Purifier is currently in a bit of a mess. One of the floating cannons has been knocked out, and one of the barrels of the shark suit on him has been knocked off. His whole face is covered with black marks.

However, although he was a little embarrassed, he was still very excited, with a wild expression on his face.

On the other hand, here in the Qin Ge Fleet, because there are unicorns who have been maintaining the Pioneer Ship Girl while flying the plane, so even if the Pioneer Ship Girl's training level has not reached the conditions for awakening, she still supports it, but everyone They have all reached the point of being broken, with solemn expressions on their faces.

The battleship was much more embarrassed. The clothes on the monarch were in tatters, and Hao could not maintain his original elegance. One of the turrets on the counterattack had been damaged, and the whole person was in a state of damage.

However, the aircraft carrier fleet was not greatly affected. After all, they only needed to release aircraft from a distance. They did not directly enter the battle and remained the same as before.

Obviously, the current battle has entered an anxious state, and everyone is fighting with all their strength. They don't care at all about their current damaged state, because this battle will determine their future fate.

"Haha, that's it, fight to your heart's content and abandon everything! If you want to pass, kill me!" the Purifier shouted crazily.

"Hmph, then I'll kill you!" the monarch said coldly, then raised the cane in his hand and rushed towards the Purifier in an instant.

The fighting between the two sides started again, and this time the assassination was almost hysterical, because both sides knew that the other side was in almost the same condition. If they wanted to win, they must use all their strength and make a desperate move!

So a new round of attacks began amidst the sound of artillery fire, and Qin Ge's heart was in his throat.

Finally, after a period of brutal fighting, the battle finally came to an end.

With a barrage fired by the Sovereign's final cannon, the Purifiers reached their final moment. Her entire body was completely shattered, leaving only a head floating on the sea.

"Is it over?" The monarch looked at the Purifier's head in embarrassment and said warily.

"It should be over. She only has one head left, and she has no fighting ability at all." Hao took a deep breath and said, she had not encountered a battle with such intensity for a long time.

"There is only one head left, we must win!" Counterattack said excitedly.

And while everyone was talking, the head floating in the sea suddenly opened its eyes.

"Although I failed, I am not dead yet! Be careful when you speak!" said the Purifier.

"This... vitality is really tenacious!" Rodney said as he looked at the Purifier's head in surprise.

At this time, a huge whirlpool appeared on the sea in front of everyone, and everyone took a step back warily, staring closely at the whirlpool.

I saw that in the whirlpool, the box did not fall as before, but two figures suddenly appeared.

One of the figures was carrying a sea bat-like ship suit on his back, while the other figure was sitting on an octopus-like ship suit and slowly landed on the sea.

However, because this whirlpool appeared directly above the Purifier's head, the two people just stepped on the Purifier's head into the sea when they fell.

All I saw was frantic bubbles in the sea, and then a few voices came out.

"I said don't step on my head into the sea. Although I lost, at least I completed the task!" the Purifier shouted.

"Oh?" The siren sitting on the octopus said softly, and then her ship's suit stretched out a tentacle and lifted the head of the Purifier from the sea.

This scene made people feel chilling, but everyone's attention was not here, but on the two figures.

"When we meet for the first time, ship girls and Commander Qin Ge, please introduce yourself. My name is Observer, and she must be known to you all. There is no need for me to introduce her again." Observer said with a smile.

"Observer?" Jun Hehao's expressions changed. Apparently, they did not expect Siren to have other high-level humanoid bodies, and judging from the appearance of the observer, her status was not low.

The command ship where Qin Ge was located naturally heard the observer's voice, but listening to this familiar voice, Qin Ge said, "So you are the mastermind behind everything?"

"Of course not, I don't have that qualification yet." The observer smiled, "Let's not talk about it for now. First of all, congratulations on successfully passing the sixth level. It was a beautiful battle and provided a lot of opportunities for our experiments. material.

So as a reward for the sixth level, here is a scientific research Rubik's Cube with a decisive battle plan, which I give to you. "

As the observer spoke, a mental Rubik's Cube appeared out of thin air in front of her. This Mental Rubik's Cube was similar to the previous Monarch's Mental Rubik's Cube, but unlike the Monarch's purple-red one, this Mental Rubik's Cube itself was colorful.

"Decisive plan? What level of scientific research ship girl is this?" Qin Ge asked strangely.

The observer flicked his hand, and the Rubik's Cube slowly flew in front of the monarch. The Monarch suddenly took the Rubik's Cube in his hand.

Finally, the observer looked at the command ship in the distance and said slowly, "The levels of scientific research ship girls are divided into two levels, namely the highest plan and the decisive battle plan. The existence of the monarch is the highest plan, which is equivalent to the super among ship girls. A rare ship girl.

The existence of the decisive battle plan is equivalent to the legendary level ship girl at sea among ship girls, so do you understand? "

All the ship girls looked at the mind cube in the monarch's hand in surprise, and Qin Ge was also extremely surprised. Suddenly he thought of something, "So are these scientific research cubes and ship girls created by you sirens?"

"Haha, Commander Qin Ge's question really goes to the core, but since we have agreed to your question before, I can answer your question." The observer smiled.

"Both ship girls and scientific research ship girls are not created by us. Perhaps it can be said that our existence is another possibility of being a ship girl. Both ship girls and us are created by the Creator."


This information not only surprised Qin Ge, but also all the ship girls.

"Are your sirens and ship girls the same origin?" Qin Ge asked in surprise.

"Why not?" the observer smiled.

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