My ship girl, my world

Chapter 447 Too Poor Strength

Ship girls and sirens actually have the same origin. This is something Qin Ge has never thought of before.

He once thought that the shipgirl might have been created by the siren, or that the shipgirl and the siren were simply two different beings. But the observer's words made him fall into deep thought. He would not question the authenticity of this sentence, because at the level of an observer, he did not bother to speak.

Furthermore, both the Kanmus and the Sirens seem to have been created by the same person, and observers refer to him as the Creator. The identity of this creator aroused Qin Ge's doubts, so he asked the observer.

"So who is the creator of the ship girls and you sirens?"

The observer smiled and said, "This question cannot be answered for you, because with your current strength, even knowing the Creator will not help."

This sentence choked Qin Ge, but what the observer said was true. Even if he knew who the creator was, could he compete with the creator? Does he have a way to change this rule and change the world?


Qin Ge couldn't help but smile bitterly. Finally, he thought of a very important question and said to the observer, "I want to ask, can I still go home?"

At this moment, all the ship girls in Qin Ge couldn't help but cheer up, because they knew that their commander had traveled from another world to this world. And a long time ago, my commander had always wanted to find a way to go back, so he became the commander, and that's why he formed such a powerful fleet.

The purpose was to ask the Siren in the deepest part of the sea, but now that the observer was in front of him, he still asked this question, and the observer's answer was related to their future.

However, Hao and Beifui didn't pay too much attention to it because they thought Qin Ge was asking if they could leave the mirror sea and go home.

The observer smiled slightly, then shook his head and moved the corners of his mouth. These words only reached Qin Ge's ears.

"Not for the time being, because even we cannot master the multiverse, and the entire commander is a very good research subject. How can we let you leave here?"

Qin Ge smiled bitterly, "Sure enough, I have been deceiving myself?"

"Do you really want to go home?" the observer smiled, "Abandon everything you have in this world? Although I don't know what you have in that world, but you can really abandon your ship girl, you friend?"

Qin Ge was stunned and didn't speak for a long time.

"So ask yourself, if I really told you that you could go home, would you go home?" the observer smiled, "What you humans call bonds, what you humans call emotions, all of this, Are you willing to give it up?"

"I know." Qin Ge took a deep breath, and his heart suddenly became cheerful.

Whether he can go home has always been a frustration in his heart. Now that he knows the answer, he feels a lot more relaxed. Maybe everything has been decided for a long time. Since I can't go back for the time being, it's better to run my own fleet well in this world and complete their mission with these ship girls.

"Then what is your purpose? To collect these battle data and use the entire world as a testing ground. If you don't have a shocking purpose, you will definitely not do these things out of boredom." Qin Ge asked.

"I can't tell you. The reason is the same as the previous one. Even if you know it, what can you do?" the observer smiled.

Qin Ge was speechless, "So is everything due to lack of strength?"

"Yes, although you are very powerful among humans and have now surpassed all human commanders, you are still very small to us.

You are so small that if it weren't for your specialness, we wouldn't notice you. So when your strength reaches a certain level, you will naturally know a lot of things that you have always been confused about.

And when your strength doesn't reach that level, what's the use of knowing these things? It can only become your burden and encumbrance, causing you to lose the motivation to move forward. "The observer said with a smile.

"Okay, so are these questions my reward for passing these levels? Can I ask another question?" Qin Ge asked.

"Okay," the observer said.

"If we can't pass these six levels, will we die here today?" Qin Ge asked.

"Yes." The observer said without hesitation, "Although you are special, you will not be so special that you will change the course of all our experiments, so do you understand?"

Qin Ge couldn't help but smile when he heard this answer, "How heartless. I thought you would say something nice."

"This is just the most basic fact, so work hard and let me witness your strength. As a special treatment, Commander Qin Ge, the Siren fleet you will encounter will be double to three times more than others. So. Whether you can survive or not depends entirely on yourself." The observer smiled.

Qin Ge couldn't help but be speechless. This was indeed special treatment. The enemy fleets encountered are one to three times that of ordinary commanders, which means that others may encounter one large siren fleet, but oneself will encounter two or four.

"What a special treatment. I'm so grateful." Qin Ge said speechlessly.

"Okay, that's it for this meeting. I believe that the materials we have given you can help you develop for a long time. Continue to create miracles, Commander Qin Ge. I look forward to meeting you next time." The observer smiled.

She said this to everyone. Not only Qin Ge could hear it, but others could also hear it.

In the blink of an eye, a whirlpool appeared behind the observer, tester, and others, and then the whirlpool slowly swallowed the two of them, and together with the Purifier's head, disappeared above the sea in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, the originally bright sky suddenly dimmed, and the stars and the moon appeared in the sky. At this time, a voice came from the communicator on the command ship.

"Commander, please answer when you receive it, please answer when you receive it!"

Qin Ge looked at the sky outside and smiled, picked up the communication device and replied, "Roger, report your location."

"Commander, is it really you?" Obviously, the voice over there suddenly became excited, and it was obvious that he was in disbelief.

"It's me." Qin Ge glanced at the radar, and then said to the communication device, "The coordinates we are currently at are xx, xxx. Inform everyone else to come over. We will go into details after we gather."

"Yes, Commander!"

After saying this, the other party hung up the communication, obviously going to tell others. Qin Ge said to the ship girls who were still on the sea, "Everyone, you can come back now."

"Yes, Commander!"

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