My ship girl, my world

Chapter 453 Promoting elite members

Of course Akashi wouldn't be that stupid, otherwise he wouldn't be called a profiteer by those students.

Although Qin Ge holds these scientific research projects in his hands, which makes Akashi very excited, Akashi thinks that his remuneration is never enough.

So after fierce bargaining, he temporarily agreed to help Qin Ge develop the mind cube for the scientific research ship girl, and also said that he could help him develop those colorful weapons.

The reward is also very simple. If a scientific research ship girl's drawing can only build one scientific research ship girl's mental Rubik's Cube, then this Rubik's Cube belongs to Qin Ge. If more scientific research Rubik's Cubes can be built, then these Rubik's Cubes belong to Akashi.

But it's the same as scientific research weapons, and Qin Ge has to pay corresponding supplies and materials before he can exchange the finished products from Akashi.

Qin Ge thought about it and it was indeed the case. If he didn't have to pay for anything, why would he just give someone a drawing and make it for him?

So the deal between the two was finalized. As for Commander Meow, according to Qin Ge's original words, it was because Commander Meow would provide part of the fleet's capabilities.

So when he goes to sea, the command cat must follow him, and when he returns to the station, the command cat can be stored here for Akashi to study.

Akashi also agreed with this method, so he decided on it.

Immediately, Qin Ge asked Belfast to hand over all the scientific research ship girl drawings and scientific research weapon drawings to Akashi for research, and the two of them left Akashi's grocery store.

Then Qin Ge found Li Chenming, because even he had some supplies that needed to be applied for, and applying for supplies had to go through Li Chenming.

"Commander, what supplies do you want to apply for?" Li Chenming asked as he led Qin Ge and Belfast towards the warehouse of the fleet.

"Didn't I tell you about the Mind Cube last time?" Qin Ge said to Li Chenming.

"Huh? Commander, are you going to carry out major construction?" Li Chenming asked.

"Yes, I need to improve the strength of my fleet as soon as possible, otherwise it will become more and more troublesome in the future." Qin Ge couldn't help but said worriedly, remembering what he heard from the observer.

"Huh?" Li Chenming couldn't help but ask, "What happened? Why do I feel that you have become a little nervous since you came back this time?"

Qin Ge shook his head, "Anyway, something unexpected happened. I can't tell you these things because the more people who know about it, the easier it will be to cause panic.

So I hope you can understand that some things are not good only if you know them. Sometimes not knowing anything is a kind of happiness. "

Li Chenming nodded thoughtfully, smiled and said to Qin Ge, "I understand, don't worry, no matter what happens in the future, you will be the commander of our Star Sea Fleet, you just need to move forward, We'll take care of the rest for you."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I was a little touched when you suddenly said that. You may need to watch over me most of the time. I estimate that you will often be fighting in the sea, so you might as well recruit a few elite ones." The players manage it with you.”

Li Chenming nodded, "Then the four people from before, Chen Baijun, Wang Yueqin, and Zhang Xiaotian, can be considered the veterans of our fleet."

"Well, for example, Wu Hao and Zhang Shaocheng can also be promoted. It is not necessary to promote all our veterans. Try to be fair and just." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"no problem."

While talking, the two arrived at the warehouse of the Grand Fleet. Li Chenming gave all the mental cubes accumulated in the warehouse to Qin Ge, and correspondingly crossed out the points Qin Ge had accumulated after performing the mission.

After Qin Ge asked Belfast to install all these mental cubes, he was ready to say hello to Li Chengming and leave. But then Li Chenming stopped him and handed him a box.

"What is this?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"It was sent from Donghuang Command. Since you were not here before, I kept it in the warehouse." Li Chenming said.

Qin Ge nodded and asked Belfast to put the box away, then said goodbye to Li Chenming and left, walking towards the construction hall with Belfast.

Of course, when Qin Ge left, he also asked Li Chenming if he wanted to go with him, but when Li Chenming heard this, he was very resentful, "I don't want to watch the seals come ashore!"

Hearing Li Chenming's answer, Qin Ge could only rub his nose, give up his thoughts, and left the warehouse of the Grand Fleet with a snickering Belfast.

The construction hall of the station is actually very different from the construction hall of the Commander Academy. There are dozens of construction machines in the Commander Academy, but in the construction hall of the station, there is actually only one row of combinations.

After all, in comparison, the number of personnel in a large fleet is much smaller than that of the Commander Academy, so the chance of simultaneous construction is very small. Basically, a set of construction machines is enough for the entire fleet.

After coming to stand in front of the construction machine, Belfast placed the mental cube, supplies and rapid construction tools next to the construction machine and asked Qin Ge.

"Master, how many ships are you planning to build this time?" Belfast asked.

Qin Ge looked at the number of mental cubes, and then said to Belfast, "At least twenty, we have to expand the number of our fleet.

The centaurs and your first batch of ship girls are about to reach full training, and then they can lead a group of ship girls on their own to attack.

So now even if we summon more ship girls, it will not be a burden to our fleet. And next, each camp needs to collect combat data and summon the ship girls in the scientific research cube, so the number of ship girls in each camp must be completed.

For example, your royal family is now a very large camp in our fleet, but other camps are far inferior. So this summons is to solve these problems, and it must be summoned sincerely in large numbers. "

"Understood, Master." Belfast nodded.

After explaining it clearly to Belfast, Qin Ge began to make his own summons.

Picking up a mental Rubik's Cube and 600 units of supplies from the ground, Qin Ge placed them in the light builder and pressed the start button.

In an instant, the builder began to rumble and shake slightly.

And in the midst of this shaking, a digital time appeared on the display screen of the builder.


Seeing this time, Qin Ge couldn't help but nodded.

He doesn't care about whether there are any ultra-rare level ship girls now. What he cares about now is the number of ship girls in his fleet.

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