My ship girl, my world

Chapter 454 Top Students and Controllers

Picking up the quick construction tool at hand, Qin Ge put it into the groove of the builder and pressed the start button.

Amidst the rumbling sound of the builder, the time on the monitor screen instantly cleared to zero. Then the hatch of the builder opened, and a purple light emitted along with the smoke.

The figure of a girl gradually became clear in the light and smoke. She has short brown shoulder-length hair, with two bows tied on both sides of her hair, a beret on her head, and a uniform.

When she saw Qin Ge, the girl introduced herself, "I am the eldest sister of the 1936A destroyer, Z23. The younger sisters starting from me all only have code names, unlike the older sisters who inherit the names of their predecessors, although it is a bit inhumane. , but it is indeed more convenient, so please don’t be polite and just call me Z23.”

Z23, when he heard this code name, Qin Ge immediately thought of the Narvik destroyer she belonged to.

The biggest feature of this type of destroyer is the use of a light cruiser-level 150 mm caliber main gun. The main reason is that it hopes to gain an advantage in the confrontation with the Iris super destroyer equipped with a 138.6 mm caliber gun.

Looking at the serious girl in front of him, Qin Ge stepped forward and stretched out his right hand, "Hello, Z23, my name is Qin Ge, and I will be your commander from today on. Please give me some advice.”

"Guten Tag, Your Excellency Commander. I am Z23, let us learn together and move towards the top together." Z23 said and held Qin Ge's hand, looking very serious.

The performance of Z23 made Qin Ge a little surprised. After all, for ordinary destroyers, what they want most is to play, or look like a little adult like Osborne, but Z23 is completely different from them.

If Qin Ge had to find one word to describe his impression of Z23, it would be top student. Maybe it would be great to have such a girl in your fleet, who can lead other destroyers very well.

Thinking of this, Qin Ge couldn't help but smile more tenderly, "Welcome to join our fleet. Now I need to add more companions to our fleet, so can I trouble you to chat with Belfast for a while?

Although she is royal, we are in the same fleet, and we should not only distinguish between camps, right? "

Z23 looked at Belfast in the distance and nodded, "I understand, Commander. If you need me anywhere, please feel free to call me."

"Yes." Qin Ge was naturally happy when he saw Z23 agreeing so readily, "Definitely."

So, Z23 temporarily left the love song and walked towards Belfast. After Qin Ge saw this scene, he picked up the Mental Rubik's Cube from the ground again, but this time he picked up not one, but two.

This time, he planned to start the summons very evenly, that is, he would summon heavy ones after light ones, and then summon special ones after heavy ones, to replenish his fleet like this.

So he put two mental cubes and 1,500 units of supplies into the heavy builder. With a rumbling sound, a line of time appeared on the screen of the builder.


When Qin Ge saw this number appear, he immediately took a quick construction tool from the ground, placed it in the groove of the builder, and installed the start button.

With the rumble of the builder, the numbers on the screen of the builder disappeared in an instant, and the hatch gradually opened. A blue light accompanied by thick fog appeared in front of Qin Ge, and the figure of a girl appeared. .

She has silver hair and her hair is tied into a single ponytail. He was wearing a sailor uniform, but it slipped down at this moment, revealing his white shoulders and a black bikini on his chest. This outfit made Qin Ge feel a little weird.

But just when Qin Ge looked at the girl, the girl also opened her eyes and looked at Qin Ge.

"Hello, Commander, I am Indy's sister, Portland. I have participated in the Battle of the Coral Sea, the Battle of Midway, the Battle of Guadalcanal and the Battle of Santa Cruz."

Portland, Qin Ge naturally knew about this meritorious battleship. It ranked third in the entire White Eagle Heavy Patrol Merit List, and it was even more famous for another battleship of the same class, Indianapolis.

After all, the parts and nuclear fuel needed for the two nuclear bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki were transported by a single ship from Indianapolis.

"So, is Yindi your sister's nickname?" Qin Ge asked curiously.

"Hey, Commander actually knows about my sister!" For a moment, Portland was very excited. He suddenly jumped down from the builder, took Qin Ge's hand and said, "Commander, let me tell you, my sister is so cute!"

Qin Ge looked at Portland, who was holding his arm and was extremely excited, and suddenly felt a little confused. Portland was obviously very normal before, but did he trigger some unspeakable switch in her?

Could it be because he asked her about her sister just now?

Qin Ge thought of this instantly, so he quickly said to Portland, "Portland, although I really want to know your sister, now is obviously not the time to talk about this.

This is our first meeting. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Qin Ge, and I will be your commander from today on, so please give me your advice in the future. "

"Hey, is it so formal?" Portland paused and said.

"After all, it's the first time we've met, so it's better to be right." Qin Ge smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Okay." Portland nodded, "It would be great if the Portland class could be called the Indianapolis class... Well, my name is Portland. Although there are sixteen stars, I have also seen some big ones. It’s a scene, but my affairs are fine no matter what, Commander, let’s talk about my sister sometime?”

Qin Ge can now completely confirm that the seemingly charming Portland in front of him is completely a girl control. And she is the ultimate sister-controller, not the kind of character who only wants to like her own sister, and no one else can like her.

But the kind who wants to sell her sister to the whole world and let everyone know that her sister is very cute!

So a very simple way for this kind of person to get closer is to chat with her about her sister. But unfortunately, Qin Ge is indeed busy now, so he can only suppress this idea for the time being.

Then he said to Portland, "Portland, I am summoning our companions now, they are a little busy.

Because Indianapolis is very likely to be summoned in the future, so if you can, please go to Belfast to chat with them first. After I finish summoning, we can have a good chat with your sister. .

OK? "

"Okay!" This time, Portland agreed very readily.

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