My ship girl, my world

Chapter 457 Yixian’s Letter

"This is our base, it can also be said to be our port area."

Qin Ge walked in front and introduced to the people behind him.

There were twenty-one summons in total, and each of the light, heavy, and specialty builders was built seven times.

In addition to the Z23, Zhaohe, Portland, Prinz Heinrich, Enterprise, and Glory that appeared before, the light-weight construction was followed by the Hermione, Longwave, Leipzig, Cleveland, and Karlsruhe.

Heavy construction came out of Nachi, Exeter, Tirpitz, Washington, and Zara.

Special models have been built including Weser, Casablanca, U81, Nautilus, and I-13.

For Qin Ge, this construction was very successful. It not only summoned legendary warships like Enterprise, but also further supplemented the submarine strength of the fleet. With the current number of submarine formations, wolf pack tactics can be started.

More importantly, it strengthened the strength of the front row of the fleet. After all, five heavy cruisers were built this time. In addition to the Prince Eugen and Atago that the original fleet still had, the fleet now has seven heavy cruisers.

Moreover, the number of fleets has also changed from the original forty ships to the current sixty ships. This improvement is extremely powerful.

After Qin Ge summoned all the ship girls, as usual, he had to register.

So after registering with some dumbstruck Wasps, he took the summoned ship girl on a tour of the station.

After all, this place is not as big as the academy. Although it is not very big, there are also areas for other ship girls and commanders, so I have to focus on introducing them.

Standing on the pier, Enterprise released her bald eagle. As everyone walked, she said, "Commander, I feel that the surroundings around us are quite desolate. There don't seem to be many people here."

Qin Ge nodded, "Indeed, this is an island outside the mainland, surrounded by the sea. Except for some local residents, few people live on this island, and most of them have gone to the mainland.

So this is the location closest to the front line in Donghuang. The sea areas here are basically third-level to fourth-level sea areas, so everyone must be extra careful when fighting. "

"Understood." Everyone nodded. After all, they were all newly summoned ship girls, and their training levels were generally low. The third-level sea area and the fourth-level sea area were still a bit difficult for them, so Qin Ge's words got everyone's attention. of attention.

“But what I need to tell you is that according to our current fleet plan, we will not stay in the third-level waters for training, but will directly enter the fourth-level waters.

And according to our current fleet configuration, there are a total of four special mixed formations. Although it is three to be precise, it can be understood as four.

It is the same as the task force formed by White Eagle before. The flagship of the fleet is Glory, which has now been replaced by Monarch. The other three fleets are Bismarck, Veneto and Richelieu.

Later I plan to expand these task force formations to five or six. One of them has Amagi or Akagi of Sakura as the flagship, and the other one has you as the flagship.

However, considering that your current level of training is not high, more training and combat are needed. Only by improving your level of training can we form a corresponding fleet. "

Upon hearing those familiar names, many ship girls showed understanding expressions. Everyone is basically one of the top leaders or top players in the camp, and they are indeed qualified to become the flagship.

As Qin Ge continued to introduce and lead the tour, the newly summoned ship girls also had a general understanding of Qin Ge's fleet and their location, and then Qin Ge took them back to the fleet's dormitory. .

After all, the top priority is to arrange a place for them to live, especially since there are more ship girls being built this time, so everyone has to take action.

Originally, Qin Ge also wanted to help, but all the ship girls rejected the request. According to their original words, the commander was responsible for commanding the fleet, and it was not his turn to do these things, so Qin Ge had no choice but to return to his room.

In the room, he saw a familiar box.

This box was previously given to Qin Ge by Li Chenming, who said it was sent from the Donghuang General Headquarters. He had just summoned the ship girl, so he did not open it.

Now those ship girls don't need Qin Ge's help, but they have time, so Qin Ge wants to open it and see what kind of things Yixian from the Donghuang headquarters sent him.

This box looks very similar to the technology box, and the buttons are arranged in the same way, so it is not difficult for Qin Ge to open it.

After opening the box, the first thing that caught the eye was a letter, and underneath the letter were many book-like things, as well as chip and cube-like things.

Qin Ge was not in a hurry to check these things, but picked up the letter.

I saw the words above the letter, "Commander Qin Ge personally expresses this, Donghuang General Headquarters Yixian".

Qin Ge smiled and then opened the letter.

"Qin Ge, I am particularly pleased to see the news that you will start fighting in the erosion level 4 sea area as soon as you arrive at Sun Moon Island. However, I still hope that you can proceed step by step and not be too impatient.

You are a very good commander, so I know you will definitely have your own plans, but remember that when thinking about these plans, you must also consider your own ship girl.

They are warriors but also girls who hope to be cared for by others, so don't forget to communicate with them from time to time.

The box sent to you this time contains the achievements you gained in the Chongying battle. It contains ship drill data and mental units.

Ship drill data can quickly improve your ship girl training. I believe you need this very much now. There are a total of 18 books in the box, and each camp provides two copies, which will be available every month.

One of the ship drill data can increase a ship girl's training level from the initial level to more than 30 levels. Generally, a junior ship girl can reach full training level by using ten copies of this ship drill data.

As for the mental unit, I actually considered not giving it to you before, because you can let the ship girl awaken independently.

A ship girl who awakens independently is much more powerful than a ship girl who awakens with her mental unit, but after consideration, I will give you some every month. You can accumulate it, and if some ship girls are really unable to awaken on their own by then, you can also use mental unit awakening for them. It can also increase their combat effectiveness, but after awakening in this way, they cannot awaken independently.

This scale is up to you. In the end, I hope you can become stronger and stronger, and truly stand on an equal footing with the nine major camps. "

When Qin Ge saw this, he folded the letters solemnly.

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