My ship girl, my world

Chapter 458 These Four Hundred and Fifty-Eight Chapters Six Leading Ships

This letter must have been written by Yixian before. She did not expect that she would encounter the mirror sea in the fourth-level sea and gain so many things.

mentioned in the letter. Ship exercise data is a very good thing. I am currently worrying about how to form other mixed fleets and who should be assigned as flagships. The emergence of this thing has solved an urgent need.

As for the mental unit, just as Yixian said, Qin Ge can now let his ship girl awaken independently. Therefore, the role of the mental unit is not obvious to him, and the only fully trained ship girl in his fleet is the monarch.

Akagi Kaga and Kouki have already awakened, so they are not fully trained Kanji girls now.

But soon, Centaur, Belfast, Noshiro, Rodney, Prince Eugen and other ship girls will reach full training. At that time, Qin Ge's high-level fleet will be successfully established.

By that time, he is using the experience of awakening the radiance to awaken others. If he succeeds, he can produce awakened ship girls in large quantities. If he fails, he will have to use mental units.

Qin Ge glanced at the ship drill data in front of him, and then a figure flashed in his mind, so he walked to the desk and picked up the communicator in the desk drawer.

"Bismarck, Veneto, Richelieu, Monarch, Tiancheng, and Enterprise, the six of you will now gather in the conference room on the first floor. In addition, the secretary ship will come to my room." Qin Ge said to the communicator.

Soon the corresponding ship girl's response came from the communicator. At this time, Qin Ge's door was also knocked, and a voice came over.

"Commander, are you in the room?"

Qin Ge turned his head and said in the direction of the door, "Come in."

The door was opened immediately, and a tall figure walked in. Looking at the figure walking in, Qin Ge said in surprise, "Are you the secretary ship this week?"

"Yes, Commander, although the position of secretary ship does not play much role in our fleet, the secretary ship this week is indeed me." The person said with a smile.

"So time is urgent. If you have anything to say, just say it, Commander."

In the Qin Ge fleet, there is only one ship girl who always talks about time, and that is Peter Strasser who always holds a pocket watch in his hand.

As she said, since Qin Ge is not a commander who is always in a command position, but more often attacks with the fleet, the role of the secretary ship is very small.

This may be related to Belfast's omnipotence, because no matter what Qin Ge needs, Belfast will be ready for him.

Qin Ge pointed to the box on the table, "Then Peter, take this and go to the meeting with me."

"Yes," said Peter Strasser.

So Qin Ge and Peter Strasser walked towards the conference room on the first floor.

When the two arrived at the conference room, they found that six other ship girls had arrived, but the expressions on each ship girl's face were different.

Enterprise is very excited now, because in this fleet, she not only found many companions, but also found her own sister. And from the conversation with them, she learned that Qin Ge was a very good commander, so she was very happy about this.

Having experienced a long battle, she knows what an elite commander can bring to a fleet, so she is very much looking forward to the next cooperation with Qin Ge.

Veneto also seemed relatively happy. There were originally relatively few people from the Sardinian Empire in the fleet, and now there was another Zara. It could be said that she was very happy.

Amagi is still smiling, and consistent with that, Richelieu is still expressionless, or is he mature and steady? The monarch looked very indifferent, and only showed a slight change when Qin Ge came in.

Bismarck's expression was a little strange. Different from her usual seriousness, she seemed a little absent-minded at this time.

However, these expressions became serious again as Qin Ge stepped into the command room.

"The purpose of calling you here this time is very simple. You all know it. This time I summoned twenty-one ship girls, so our fleet has also expanded to sixty ship girls.

It was obvious that the four task force formations compiled before were no longer enough to carry so many ship girls, and changes had to be made this time.

The ships we currently have in the fleet will be disrupted and reorganized to form six task force fleets, and the six of you will be the flagship of the task force fleet. "Qin Ge said to the six people.

It doesn't matter to Bismarck, Veneto, and Richelieu. After all, they have been the leaders of their respective fleets since the academy.

Amagi also agreed. She understood why Qin Ge chose her instead of the more powerful Akagi and Kaga as the leader. It was because of her special identity and the fact that she was a ship girl trained by Qin Ge himself. .

Familiar with his tactical command, and more importantly, able to control Akagi Kaga.

The monarch also nodded. The Royal Fleet did not have a leader before. That was because Qin Ge was always in the Royal Fleet, so he could directly command.

And now because of the mental cube of the decisive battle plan, Qin Ge will also leave the Royal Fleet and go to Iron Blood, so the Royal Fleet must choose a leader who can lead everyone.

Sovereign and Glory were undoubtedly the best choices, but after several weighings, Qin Ge still chose Sovereign. That was also because Sovereign was very powerful and could lead the royal fleet forward bravely.

The only one among the six who had doubts was Enterprise. She stood up holding the table, "Commander, I think you can reconsider, because I just came to the fleet not long ago and I don't have any training skills now, so I'm afraid. Unable to lead everyone to victory.

I think Bunker Hill is good. It has served as the flagship of a special mixed formation, has corresponding experience, and has relatively strong training. There is also Lexington, who has rich tactical experience and is also very powerful. "

Qin Ge shook his head, "No, these are not problems. Compared to Bunker Hill, your White Eagle companions trust you more.

Whether it’s judging from today’s summons or judging from the usual chats with them, you are the one who can lead the White Eagle special mixed formation.

As for the issue of practice, it might have been a problem before, but it is no longer a problem now. "

At this point, the company looked at Qin Ge with some doubts, and others were also a little confused.

Qin Ge turned his head with a smile and nodded to Peter Strasser. Peter Strasser immediately placed a box in front of Qin Ge, and this box was exactly what Qin Ge asked Peter Strasser to take before. box.

"Do you still remember the rewards we fought hard for in Chongying?" Qin Ge looked at everyone with a smile.

"Is it the ship exercise data?" Bismarck's eyes lit up.

"That's right!"

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