My ship girl, my world

Chapter 505 New Formation

When Qin Ge heard this, he immediately understood what Tiancheng meant, "Yes, this is like a general classification, all the ship girls will be evenly distributed to the eight fleets."

"Yes, I believe that every flagship that serves as the commander-in-chief of the fleet will control the balance between itself and another fleet. The eight fleets allocated in this way will be a fleet with balanced strength." Amagi said with a smile.

Qin Ge stood up immediately, came to Tiancheng's side, crumpled the data he had just written on the paper into a ball, and threw it into the wastebasket.

Then he stretched out his hand to hold Amagi's hand and said, "Amagi is indeed worthy of being called the Chongyakura counselor. He easily solved my troubles with a few words. Thank you very much."

"It's an honor for Amagi to be able to help the Lord. Cough..." Amagi said, coughing slightly.

"Are you okay?" Qin Ge immediately reached out and patted Tiancheng on the back.

Amagi shook his head, "Don't worry, my lord, this is an old problem. And if my lord really cares about Amagi, please move forward with all your strength... Your victory and smile are the best to me. Special medicine.”

"How can this be possible?" Qin Ge said, "Our fleet did not have many conditions before, but now we have built the Kitchen Goddess. Go to her when you have nothing to do. She can control your physical condition. This It’s the best choice.”

"Well, Lord, Amagi understands." Amagi smiled.

Qin Ge nodded, then turned around and picked up the communicator, "According to what you said, the choice of camp leaders is also very simple. Next, we will call them over and redistribute the fleet."

"Yes, Lord."

Qin Ge immediately used a communicator to connect with several other ship girls and asked them to come to the conference room in the office area for a meeting. And he and Tiancheng walked towards the conference room.

Not long after Qin Ge arrived at the conference room, the eight ship ladies he called quickly arrived one after another.

And these eight people are White Eagle's Enterprise, Royal Monarch, Iron-Blooded Bismarck, Nagato of Chongzakura, Veneto of Sardinian Empire, Richelieu of Free Iris, Zhenhai of Donghuang, and Soviet Union of the North. Rosia.

Watching several people sit down one after another, Qin Ge said to them, "Everyone should know in the past two days that I summoned forty ship girls this time, and the number of our fleet has exceeded a hundred.

Therefore, in order to make the fleet command more orderly and allow the newly added ship girls to integrate into our fleet environment more quickly, I plan to break up all the original six fleets and re-select the leaders of the eight fleets.

The leaders of these eight fleets are the eight of you here. After that, you will reselect the ship girls that belong to the fleet.

One thing is necessary, and that is to give priority to ship girls with low training levels when choosing. The main ship girl and the vanguard ship girl must be chosen alternately. I believe you can understand what I mean. "

"Comrade Commander, is it possible to choose ship girls from across camps?" Soviet Rosia asked.

"Of course." Qin Ge nodded and said, "Just like the mixed concept proposed by our previous fleets, try to keep the strength of the eight fleets at a balanced level, so as to ensure that during the attack , so that ship girls with low level of training can develop better."

"I understand." Several other people nodded.

"But our training...especially Nagato and Rosia's." Zhenhai said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled and glanced at everyone, "Except for Nagato, Soviet Rosia and Zhenhai, all of you here have reached the full level of training.

After that, I will raise the levels of all three of them to full level to ensure that the strength of each fleet is balanced.

So there is no need to worry about this. Next, according to the seating arrangement, in a clockwise manner, start selecting members of the respective fleets. "

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

Business was the first to say, "I'll pick Baltimore first."

"Count Spee." Bismarck said calmly.

"London," said the monarch.

"Kaohsiung." Nagato said.

"Pola." Veneto smiled.

"Tartu," said Richelieu.

"Anshan." Zhenhai said.

"Suffolk," Sovietrosia said.

After the first round of selection is completed, the second round follows.




"King Kong."




"Long Xiang."

Then the third and fourth rounds began...

However, perhaps deliberately or intentionally, the Iron-Blooded fleet organization was very complete, but the organization of several other fleets was dismantled into pieces.

But almost every fleet is guaranteed to have awakened ship girls, and except for super-large ones like Akagi and Kaga, the overall configuration of the remaining fleets is very balanced.

This could be regarded as letting Qin Ge finish his biggest worry. Seeing that all the fleets were settled, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Qin Ge said to everyone, "Now that you have selected all the personnel and formed your own fleet, it will be up to you to notify them.

The other two command ships will arrive in port this afternoon, so our preparations will also start today, and then we will start the attack at noon tomorrow. "

"Understood, Commander." Everyone nodded.

"Because there are new people joining our fleet this time, our fleet's goal is not to go to the erosion level five waters for the time being. We will give priority to improving the training level of the new ship girls in the four seasons sea area, and after forming a coordinated operation with the fleet , Heading to the fifth-level sea area." Qin Ge said to everyone.

"And when necessary, the two fleets can cooperate with each other to go to the fifth-level sea area. This can not only ensure the strength of our fleet, but also greatly consolidate the training of the newcomers."


Seeing that everyone agreed, Qin Ge nodded with satisfaction and asked everyone to go back and prepare.

Before leaving, he gave the ship drill data to Nagato, Soviet Rosia, and Zhenhai, who had not yet reached full training, and asked them to raise their level to full training.

This finally ends today's major work, and the rest of the work will be much easier to handle.

As the news of the re-formation reached the ears of all the ship girls, no one had much reaction.

After all, the fleet has been a mixed configuration from the very beginning, and all positions can be adjusted at any time, and the basic formation will not change.

Therefore, there will be no problem of everyone’s positions being confused and formations inconsistent after regrouping.

So, with supplies, oil and other things ready, everyone got up the next morning and after having breakfast, they started boarding the ship and sailed towards the level 4 sea area...

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