My ship girl, my world

Chapter 506 Frederick the Great

"Ha, it's finally done!" Qin Ge looked at the purple scientific research mind cube in front of him and said to the people next to him.

"Haha, after more than a year, does the commander have anything to say?" Prince Eugen smiled.

"What do you want to say?" Qin Ge smiled, "Of course you can rest for a while. I have been fighting at sea during this period. Every time I go back to rest, I leave directly within a few days, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon, right? ?”

"Yes, it's the end of the year in the blink of an eye, people go by so fast." Weiser nodded.

"But what I am more concerned about is when will the commander summon this scientific research ship girl, now? Or wait until after returning?" Bismarck asked.

Qin Ge thought for a while and then said to everyone, "After we go back, it caused quite a stir when we summoned Shinano. If we summon the ship girl who planned the decisive battle here, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of the Siren. Cause unnecessary trouble.

So to be on the safe side, we will summon her after we return to the port area. "

"Well, then should we notify other fleets next, or should we continue fighting and wait for the supplies to be consumed before going back?" Bismarck asked.

"Go back. The current task has been completed. The next task will have to be decided at a meeting in the port area." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Yes!" Everyone nodded, and Bismarck also walked to the communicator and started to contact other fleets.

Soon, the other seven fleets out in the sea also received communications from the command ship where Qin Ge was located. Everyone began to move towards the gathering position and waited until the last fleet arrived.

Taking the unit where Qin Ge's command ship was located as the flagship, the command ships of other fleets formed a wheel formation and began to sail towards the station.

After a day or two, everyone finally returned to the port, and the first thing they did was to summon the ship girl inside the scientific mind cube.

Because this time was a special summons, Qin Ge greeted all the special envoys from other camps as soon as he came back.

Although this mind cube was given by an observer, Qin Ge is still worried that something similar to what happened in Chongying will happen, so it is better to make some insurance, and several other camps are also very curious about the decisive battle plan. .

So soon, many people gathered in the resident square.

Among them are naturally Qin Ge's ship girls, as well as other commanders from the large fleet and their ship girls, as well as free ship girls, special envoys from various camps, etc.

Although the square is relatively large, it still seems a bit crowded with so many people gathered at once. However, even so, these people still stood on the edge of the square, leaving the center of the square to Qin Ge.

So Qin Ge took the Rubik's Cube emitting purple-red light to the center of the square, placed the Rubik's Cube on the steps, and next to it were the corresponding mental Rubik's Cube, supplies, and other things, and then just like when he summoned the monarch , a summons was made.

At this moment, the purple-red Mental Rubik's Cube released an even stronger light, covering all the materials on the ground and the ordinary Mental Rubik's Cube inside.

All the ship girls and commanders looked at this magical scene and couldn't help but scream in surprise. Because what is visible to the naked eye is that the materials and the Mind Cube shrouded in the purple-red light are decreasing rapidly, as if they have all been absorbed by the purple-red Mind Cube placed in the center.

Immediately afterwards, a mist emerged from the purple-red light, and the purple-red light gradually became darker and darker. Until the fog completely enveloped the place and no more purple-red light was revealed.

The sound of a tiny crack suddenly appeared, as if something was broken.

Qin Ge knew that the highlight would come next.

Sure enough, a colorful light suddenly burst out from the thick fog. The colorful light soared into the sky and reflected on everyone's faces, including Qin Ge who was closest to it.

Just like when Shinano was summoned before, the colorful beam of light seemed to be substantial. Everyone in the entire station saw the pillar of light rising into the sky, including the residents near the station. They all raised their heads and looked at this strange scene.

At this moment, in the deep-sea stronghold in the center of the Pacific Ocean, the observer is sitting in his position, and the same scene is on the screen in front of him.

"Haha, it's been summoned. It's a little faster than I thought." The observer smiled.

"So what's the next plan?" asked the tester on the side.

"Plan?" the observer smiled, "This is the second one, why are you anxious. When the third or even fourth one appears, we can start to take the initiative to attack."

"Where's the target? Is it just him or are there others?" the tester asked.

"Of course it's all camps." The observer smiled, "The mice in this world are living a little too comfortably, and they are awakening too slowly. It's really time for us to put in some effort."

"Hmm." The tester nodded and said, "I don't know what the situation in the main world is like now, as well as the original world."

"I don't know. They are located at different singularities in space and time. We cannot detect information from other worlds. Who knows what is going on there." The observer narrowed his eyes.

"In short, let's implement the Judge's plan first and wait for the mission update."


Just as the observer moved the realization onto the screen, the light beam in front of Qin Ge gradually weakened. A figure gradually appeared in the colorful light.

His black hair hangs long behind his back, and a pair of red horns grow on his head like a demon. He was wearing iron-blooded uniforms, but the skirt behind the clothes was particularly conspicuous.

The overall color of the clothes is black, with a pair of red gloves on the edges, and the lining of the cloak-like skirt is also red.

Just when everyone was looking at the ship girl in front of them, the ship girl also opened her eyes. Those dark golden eyes seemed to be born with a sense of oppression, which made Qin Ge feel vaguely uncomfortable.

The ship girl glanced around the area, as if she understood the situation, and then locked her eyes on Qin Ge in front of her.

"Welcome, my child, what do you want me to give you? Gold, glory, or youth?" The ship girl said to Qin Ge with a smile.

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment. This was the first time he heard such an initial dialogue. But he immediately adjusted, "Hello, my name is Qin Ge. I don't seem to need what you said for the time being, but I need you to join my fleet to fight against the Sirens."

"Fight against the sirens?" The ship girl smiled slightly, "Since it is my child's request, then I must fulfill it.

The battleship Friedrich der Grosse of the Iron-Blooded Navy, one of the products of Plan H. My child, if you have trouble sleeping, let me sing you a lullaby! "

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