My ship girl, my world

Chapter 525 We are all equal

As the conversation continued, Hood also let go of his initial restraint and sense of distance and became more relaxed.

"Commander, how are you doing at work recently?" asked Zhan Xian on the side.

Qin Ge looked towards Zhan Wean and saw that although Verification was smaller than Hu De, Guanghui and others, he did not lose any dignity sitting there.

"The work has become much easier recently. As there are more and more people in our fleet, everyone's responsibilities are becoming more and more dispersed, so that everyone only needs to complete a few things to make the entire station operate normally." Qin Ge Smiled.

"Well, although there are some unpleasant memories between our royal family and Iron Blood, Frederick the Great's methods are indeed admirable." Warpity said sincerely.

"Not only did the auxiliary commander take care of the whole song in an orderly manner, but the differences between the current camps are also very indifferent among our fleet."

Qin Ge nodded, "This is a very good phenomenon, isn't it? If camp barriers are always maintained, then the fleet's cooperation will be greatly reduced, just like the nine major camps in this world.

As everyone develops, they have to think about how to curb the other party's development, and want to enhance their own camp's interests. This would be detrimental to the world as a whole, but they couldn't change it because no one wanted to be weaker than the other.

Our fleet does not have such a problem. At least I am here, and at least Frederick the Great has the means. "

"That's true." Guanghui nodded, "But isn't Commander afraid of Frederick the Great taking away your authority?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Do I still have authority in front of you? I've never felt that way.

I'm not your boss. From the beginning when I told the centaurs and the others, I have always been talking about comrades-in-arms.

Our relationship is that of comrades fighting side by side. No one has more power than anyone else, and no one is more special than anyone else. It's just because of physical and even abilities that the division of labor is different.

If one day I am more capable than you, then I will definitely be on the front line and help you withstand the ups and downs, just like you are on the front line now. "

"Oh? Commander, has this always been what you thought?" Yan Zhan's eyes lit up and he said to Qin Ge.

"Of course." Qin Ge smiled, "No matter it was before, now, or even in the future. My relationship with you will never be that of superior or subordinate. Our relationship will always be equal. It is precisely because of this that we can be here." I sit here and talk to you freely at this moment.

I think this was the original intention of the shipgirls to cooperate with humans at the very beginning, right? "

"The commander is a qualified gentleman. No wonder there are so many ship girls from different camps willing to unite around you." Hood smiled with admiration.

"Me too, equality, harmony, and smile, these should be the most beautiful things in the world, right? Sure enough, staying with the commander will make your mood better every day." Shengli said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "As long as you feel happy, then it proves that everything I have done is meaningful."

"I just want to ask a question? Can you ask the commander to answer me truthfully?" Hood said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, "Of course, if I know the answer to the question."

"The commander said before that he treats us as comrades fighting side by side, and our relationship is equal, so the emotional relationship is also equal.

So I'm very curious. Commander should say that he is already twenty-five years old this year and will soon be twenty-six. So is there any girl that he likes? "Hood asked.

When Hu De asked this question, Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, and then all the other ship girls sitting there fixed their eyes on Qin Ge.

Seeing that Qin Ge didn't speak for a long time, Hu De smiled and said, "If the commander feels that it is difficult to answer this question, then you can choose not to answer."

Perhaps because of this advance and retreat, Qin Ge felt embarrassed, but he came back to his senses, looked at the others and said, "No, this question is not difficult, or it is extremely simple.

Having been with Guanghui and the others for so long, it is impossible to say that you don’t like them, but now is not the time to talk about this.

Our fleet is growing, nothing is stable, and there are many challenges we face, so I feel like this is not that important.

Besides, the way we get along now is also very good. We are very happy to be together every day, and there is nothing inconvenient about it. "

Although Qin Ge's answer said a lot, everyone understood the ambiguity in his words. This also made them more curious, why has their commander never dared to face this problem?

Is there something wrong with Qin Ge's health?

But according to the news from the Kitchen Goddess, Qin Ge is in very good health, perhaps extremely healthy, and exercising every morning and evening keeps him in very good physical condition.

Are there any other reasons? Is it the reason that even Guanghui and Belfast, who have followed Qin Ge for so long, don't know?

But no one asked this question at this moment, and Guanghui very cleverly led the topic in another direction.

After that, the process of the tea party became more harmonious, and it was not until the sun set in the west and the sunset glow fell on the mountain peaks that the tea party was successfully concluded.

After it was over, Qin Ge did not choose to leave immediately, but let Guanghui and the others leave first. He stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the port area under his feet and the beach in the distance.

Being asked this question again, Qin Ge smiled helplessly. It seemed that he had only told the answer to this question to one person in the company. Now it seems that the company is worthy of being a company and has not revealed any content.

But what to do next?

I still have a long time to get along with them. Although it is only a few decades, these decades will be multiplied by 365 days.

And as I get older and my relationship with them deepens, this issue will eventually be put on the table.

How should we face it then? Tell them the real situation? Although this answer is very hurtful, it is also true.

Qin Ge's thoughts were a little confused for a moment.

At this moment, a voice appeared behind him.

"Commander, haven't you left yet?"

Qin Ge turned around and saw Guang Hui, standing there pretty in a white dress, with the familiar big-brimmed hat on her head.

At this moment, standing under the bloody sunset, with layers of halo covering his whole body, he looked breathtakingly beautiful.

"Guanghui? Didn't you send Hu De and the others back?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"Today is the commander's tea party, not mine, so I am also a guest. And I am a little worried about leaving the commander here alone." Guanghui smiled, with a bit of mischief in his smile.


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