My ship girl, my world

Chapter 526 I will always be by your side

"I just saw the commander's back, and I feel a little lonely." Guanghui approached Qin Ge and said to him.

"No, you must have seen it wrong." Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "How could I be lonely? I have always had you by my side."

Guanghui shook his head, "Maybe just saying this can deceive others, but you must know that you and I have been together for several years.

If there is anyone who is most familiar with Commander, your life, then in the fleet, it is none other than Belfast.

But if there is someone who knows the commander best, then I should be considered that person.

The commander I am with has always been courageous and positive, and has never shown such a lonely figure.

But it seems that the commander's mood has changed a lot during the recent period when I am not by your side. Can you tell me, what is the reason for this? "

Looking at Guanghui's sincere eyes, Qin Ge fell silent, and after a long time he said, "I don't know, maybe I have been thinking too much recently."

Guanghui walked to Qin Ge, held his hand with a smile, and placed Qin Ge's hand on the heart of his body, "Commander's hand, can you feel Guanghui's heartbeat?"

Seeing the intimate gesture and the warm smile, Qin Ge did not blush shyly this time, but nodded, "I feel it."

Guanghui smiled slightly, "Originally, I had a wish, that is, I hope that the light will spread all over the world and bring light and warmth to all people.

I told the commander this wish before. I wonder if the commander still remembers it? "

Qin Ge nodded, "Remember, that time was when we were commissioned to go to Minghai City. When we got up that morning and watched the sunrise together, you said it yourself."

"Commander's memory is really good." Guanghui said with a surprised smile.

Qin Ge put down his hand and looked into Guanghui's eyes, "Actually, I remember everything I did with you. Because those are the best memories for me."

"I have never heard the commander say that. I thought the commander would be a little shy and evasive like before?" Guanghui said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "People will always grow up, grow up and become mature. Guanghui is growing up, and I am also growing up. I am no longer as shy as the young boy I used to be. "

"Time flies so fast. When I met the commander, the commander's fleet only had six people. Now it has more than two hundred people. It's really amazing.

Although I thought at the time that the commander's fleet would be very powerful in the future, this was far beyond my imagination. "Guanghui said with a smile.

"You have a part in this, so don't say everything as if it is my credit." Qin Ge said with a smile.

Guanghui smiled, and then said to Qin Ge, "Commander, can you let me take a break? This time, Guanghui also wants to hear the commander's heartbeat~"

Qin Ge smiled, and then hugged Guanghui in his arms. "You are always like this. You attract my attention from another place and make me stop thinking about other things."

"Haha, have you been discovered by the commander?" Guanghui raised his head in Qin Ge's arms and chuckled, "But I feel like I can succeed every time."

"Yes, you succeeded again this time." Qin Ge nodded and said.

"As long as it's the commander's business, Guanghui will accept it no matter what it is, so tell Guanghui all the commander's thoughts." Guanghui said with a smile.

"Why do I feel like I can't refuse you every time you say that?" Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Because I am Guanghui, the glory that belongs to Commander alone." Guanghui put his head on Qin Ge's chest and closed his eyes slightly and said, "This world is different from the world I know. If If it were that world, maybe I could only share more of my own light with the commander.

But I am not the only one in this world, so Commander, please forgive Guanghui's selfishness. Although I can spread my light all over the sea and sky, now I want to be alone with Commander. "

Qin Ge was silent, and then said slowly, "But I am only a human being, and I can only spend a few decades with you.

You ship girls, as long as the energy of the Mind Cube is not interrupted, your lifespan is almost infinite, so..."

Qin Ge didn't say the next words, because at this time Guanghui had already put his hand on his lips, blocking his next words.

"So this is the reason why I have been struggling with Commander?" Guanghui sighed and said, "I thought Commander had a psychological problem. It seems that I thought too much, but if that is the case, then I will not worried."

"Huh?" Qin Ge reached out and held Guanghui's hand that was covering his lips, "Isn't this reason enough?"

Guanghui smiled and said to Qin Ge, "Commander, how long do you think our ship girl's lifespan will be?"

"Didn't I just say that? As long as the energy of the Mind Cube continues to be interrupted, the lifespan of your ship girls will be almost permanent." Qin Ge replied.

"That's wrong. The situation the commander mentioned is when the world is at peace. That does not rule out other factors, such as the energy runaway in the mind cube, or encountering some other situations.

But in this world and time in front of us, how can the lifespan of the ship girl and commander be explained in terms of theoretical time?

Just like the commander Wan Lao's house that he took us to before, his son is also a commander, but he has only been a commander for a few years, and he is already sleeping in the sea with his ship's wife.

Moreover, has the commander ever thought about a question, which is why the war between ship girls and sirens in this world has lasted for hundreds of years, but the number of fully trained ship girls is still so small? "Guanghui said with a smile.

Qin Ge was stopped by Guanghui's question. He really didn't understand such a thing, so he shook his head.

Guanghui smiled and said, "That's because when a commander reaches the end of his life, his ship girl will also reach the end of her life.

Except for the current high-level camp officials, we ship girls all exist because of the presence of the commander. If one day, Commander, you reach the end of your life, then we will not exist in this world.

At that time, we will leave this world with you. This is the destination of all ship girls and the fate of all ship girls. "

"This..." Qin Ge was stunned.

"So, being with the commander is our happiest time. I will always be with the commander and will never be separated."

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