My ship girl, my world

Chapter 532 Departure

Just after Qin Ge gave the order, the entire port area started to move instantly.

The faces of the ship girls who were going back and forth no longer had the usual laughter, but a hint of seriousness. Everyone seemed to be walking in a hurry, some were walking towards the warehouse, and some were walking towards the port.

In about an hour, more than a hundred ship girls had gathered at the port, and Qin Ge had been waiting here for a long time.

"Commander Qin Ge, do you really not need our help this time?" Hao said to Qin Ge.

Bismarck told them the detailed situation when he found them before. After hearing this information, they were also very surprised.

The first thought in my mind was to immediately report it to my camp, and after waiting for the report to be completed, I immediately wanted to see it in person.

Qin Ge shook his head, smiled at Hao and said, "Thank you very much for your kindness, but this is a battle that takes place in the sea area where we are stationed, and it is also our own battle.

And I believe that with the strength of my fleet, as long as we don't encounter beings like testers or purifiers, we can still be powerful.

If you encounter those high-level Siren humanoids, even if you go there, your sacrifice will be in vain. So please help keep an eye on the port area. We will be back soon. "

"This..." Hao looked at Qin Ge deeply, "Okay, then I hope Commander Qin Ge will succeed immediately this time. If he encounters a situation that cannot be solved, he can send us a message at any time."

Qin Ge nodded, "Don't worry, if we really can't solve it, we will send you a message."

After finishing speaking, Qin Ge turned to all the ship girls standing at the dock and said, "Everyone board the ship, use my command ship as the flagship, and head for the target sea area."

"Yes, Commander!"

With a loud response, all the ship girls began to walk towards the command ship. The original eight command ships have now become more than ten due to the previous reform of the port area in order to be fully used by the entrusted ship girls.

Therefore, there is absolutely no problem aboard more than a hundred ship girls, and some command ships still have room to spare.

Seeing all the ship girls boarding the command ship, Qin Ge turned around and saluted Hao and others, then turned and walked towards his command ship.

As the air horn sounded, more than a dozen command ships slowly left the port. After forming a fleet formation in the sea, they marched toward the sea directed by Cleveland.

Looking at the fleet fading away, Zara walked up and said, "Do you think they will succeed this time?"

Hao shook his head, "It's hard to say. If it's just a siren stronghold placed on the surface by the sirens and a fully trained main force formation, then the fleet led by Commander Qin Ge can destroy them without any effort.

But I'm afraid that the Siren will ambush something in that sea area that even we have never seen. After all, you have seen photos like that before, and we have never seen that kind of fleet. "

"Does it mean that becoming a siren has started to take action now?" Gangut said.

"I don't know, but there is no abnormality in the sea area of ​​​​the White Eagle camp. The only sea area where such abnormality appears now is the sea area where Commander Qin Ge belongs. The only one left is Free Iris, right?" York Cheng said this and looked at Kaixuan aside.

Triumph shook his head, "I don't know what happened there now, but I have informed the bishops of what happened here, and I believe they will take action."

"However, I feel that we must not relax in the sea areas of our major camps. Even if more humans are sent to patrol the sea areas, this threat must be nipped in the bud." Scharnhorst said.


On the other side, as the fleet began to take action, the flagship command ship where Qin Ge was located was also extremely lively.

Because this command ship is where the command headquarters is located, almost all the wise men from all major camps are here. At this time, in the cabin, a blue sea surface appeared on the huge table, and Qin Ge, Zhenhai, Tiancheng and others were standing beside the table, planning the next strategy.

"It's very strange that there are no islands around the place chosen by Ran, and the nearest island is also very far away. It is almost impossible to avoid any fleet. Do they want to fight us head-on on the sea?" Veneto wondered.

Qin Ge nodded, "It is true that in such a large area of ​​​​sea, once you enter it, almost the signal points can cover the entire place. It seems that the Siren and the others have not thought about doing some tactics with us at all, but are very direct. There’s going to be a big fight.”

"Cleveland, are there many aircraft carriers on the opposite side?" Amagi asked.

After following Qin Ge to see the tactics of aircraft carriers, Tiancheng gave priority to the tactics of aircraft carriers among all tactics in open areas.

"Because we did not conduct an in-depth investigation, we are not sure of the number of aircraft carriers inside. However, during the period of our observation, the few ships that came out of the stronghold were battleships and cruisers, but we did not see any aircraft carriers." Cleveland replied.

Zhenhai nodded slightly, "Although aircraft carriers do have certain advantages in open sea areas, if it is filled with sea fog, the advantages of aircraft carriers are actually not great. After all, the field of view is blocked. At this time, the advantages of battleships are reflected. It’s more obvious.”

"It seems we have to contact Helena then and take a look at what happened there during the time Cleveland left." Qin Ge said to everyone.

"It is indeed like this." Several ship girls nodded. They currently have less information about the enemy's intelligence, and the specific situation must wait until later to actually determine it.

However, the strategy cannot be determined now, but some ideal plans can be discussed. And this kind of discussion can also be said to be a drill before starting.

Consider what might happen under various factors, and then come up with solutions to deal with them and get the maximum benefit from the fleet.

So in the atmosphere of this discussion, the fleet led by Qin Ge gradually approached the target sea area.

But no one saw it. On the sea surface where the fleet had just sailed, a transparent crystal slowly floated up from below the sea surface. However, the crystal only floated up a little, and then quickly disappeared without a trace.

In the void, an ethereal voice seemed to say slowly.

"Observer, the target has entered the stronghold sea area."

"Oh, it seems that he is really not afraid of challenges. In that case, please entertain our guests well on our behalf. Let me see what kind of fleet he leads in a desperate situation. the power of."


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