My ship girl, my world

Chapter 533 Battle in the Sea Fog

"Commander, look, the sea fog has appeared."

While the fleet was moving, Cleveland, who was sailing the ship at the command ship's console, suddenly shouted.

Qin Ge, who was discussing the attack method with several ship girls, quickly turned around and saw the sea fog outside through the window of the command ship.

However, compared with the sea fog they encountered in the mirror sea before, although the current sea fog is relatively strong, it has not yet reached the original level.

"When did this happen?" Qin Ge asked in surprise.

"I was sailing the boat, and I just felt that the situation in front of me changed, and there was such a thick sea fog." Cleveland said.

"It seems that we have entered the enemy's trap without knowing it." Amagi said with narrowed eyes.

"It is true that in such a sea fog, except for a few awakened ship girls in the aircraft carrier fleet, the other ship girls cannot display their due strength." Zhenhai looked at the sea fog outside and whispered.

"So Cleveland, we have now entered the target sea area. Where is Helena? Try to contact them." Qin Ge said.

"As for the others, contact the fleet next to you and let all the command ships sail within each other's visual range. Don't lose any command ship.

Also, let the destroyer girls and cruiser girls form a protective formation to avoid unknown attacks from the enemy. "

"Yes." Cleveland nodded, then picked up the communicator nearby and looked for Helena's signal. Other ship girls also began to contact the fleet next to them.

Although the sea area was filled with sea fog, the signal was not blocked, and Cleveland quickly contacted Helena and the others.

After agreeing on the location, Qin Ge asked the fleet to speed up again, and under the escort of the ship's wife, drove towards Helena's location.

On the other side, Bumblebee put down the communicator in his hand. Independence on the side asked Bumblebee, "So this time is the whole Hong Kong dispatched, and the commander is also on the battlefield?"

Bumblebee nodded, "It's very normal for the commander to come to the battlefield. I would be surprised if he didn't come to the battlefield.

You know, the commander's battlefield command skills are very good, even the corporate sisters are not as good as them. "

"Then shall we meet up with the commander now?" Independent asked.

"Don't worry, call Helena and the others back first. I always feel that this Siren stronghold is too weird. We must ensure that we are all together before making other plans." Bumblebee looked at the sea in the distance from the command ship The siren stronghold flickered in and out of the fog and said warily.

"It's indeed too weird." Independent nodded, picked up the communicator and said, "Helena, please answer when you receive it."

Helena's voice soon came from the communicator, "Roger."

"The fleet led by the commander has entered this sea area. We must go and join the commander immediately. You can bring them back now." Independent said.

"The commander is actually here too, let's go back soon." Helena said, but the voice in the communicator immediately changed, "No, they have discovered us, and everyone is preparing for air defense..."

"Helena! Helena, what's going on there!?" Independent asked hurriedly.

But there was no response from the communicator, only the rustling sound made after the electronic signal was interfered with.

"What's wrong?" Bumblebee asked beside him.

"It seems Helena has encountered an enemy, and they have been discovered!" Independent said.

"Tsk, these sirens would have been discovered sooner or later. They had to wait until now to discover them!" Bumblebee exclaimed, "Independence, you stay here and continue to contact the commander's command ship. I will bring people to support them."

"Senior Hornet, is this sea fog blocking your carrier-based aircraft?" Independent said uneasily.

"It doesn't matter, I'm Bumblebee! When I took off the B_25, it was raining heavily, so the sea fog was nothing." Bumblebee said with a smile, then picked up the cowboy hat next to him and put it on his head. , walking towards the rear of the command ship.

Hearing only a few splashes of water, Independent looked out of the cabin window and saw Bumblebee leading Portland, Benson and Osborne away from the command ship, heading towards the direction of Helena in the distance. Drive away.


"Sister Helena, there are too many carrier-based aircraft. It would be great if Santiago were here. It should be easy to deal with these aircraft with her anti-aircraft guns." Javelin dodged the cannon bullets of the carrier-based aircraft on the sea. While taking the time to speak to Helena next to him.

"No, these carrier-based aircraft are just entangled with us. Their vanguard fleet is about to approach." Helena said while shooting at the carrier-based aircraft in the sky and pointing at the javelin next to her.

"Everyone, I think we should retreat back. Our current anti-aircraft firepower is insufficient. If we are entangled by the Siren's vanguard fleet, we will be in big trouble." Nodai said.

"The commander has arrived, which means that our large forces in the port area have also arrived. We must withstand this wave of attacks and then retreat, otherwise we will not be able to retreat very far." Helen Na said.

"Can these carrier-based aircraft ignore this sea fog? Are they so accurate every time?" Javelin said after dodging a round of machine gun attacks, and then fired at the carrier-based aircraft in the sky.

But at this moment, shells were fired one after another from a distance. Several people immediately dodged with understanding, but there were also ship girls with relatively low training levels in the team, so Stanley took a solid hit from the cannonball.

"Stanley, how are you!?" Helena asked anxiously as a cannonball hit Stanley next to her.

As the smoke dissipated and the splash gradually subsided, Stanley appeared in front of Helena with his clothes scorched black.

"It doesn't matter to me, it's just a rupture." Stanley said to Helena.

"Hurry up and use the emergency repair tool you are carrying, the javelin, to protect Stanley." Helena said.

"Okay." The javelin started quickly, and his body drew a graceful arc on the sea and came to Stanley's side. The anti-aircraft guns on his body were fully activated, attacking the carrier-based aircraft in the sky while guarding Stanley. Li, slowly retreating backwards.

"No, the enemy's vanguard fleet has already rushed up, and it seems that they can ignore the sight blocked by the sea fog." Noshiro said while defending against the air.

"Damn it, our firepower is still too weak!" Helena said anxiously.

At this time, a weak voice came from the communicator, "Sister Helena, you lead everyone to retreat first. The big mackerel and I are ready to attack, and we will stop the vanguard fleet."

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