My ship girl, my world

Chapter 541 Finally meeting


Seeing the bluegill suddenly appearing on their route, Washington and others immediately stopped moving forward.

"Hehe, I am indeed the best!" Bluegill looked at North Carolina and the others happily and said, "Miss North Carolina, I finally found you."

"How did you get here? And how did you finally find us? Was there an attack on the headquarters?" Washington said.

But after she finished speaking, she suddenly slapped her forehead. There were New Jersey, Frederick the Great, Akagi Kaga and other awakened ship girls at the headquarters. How could they let Bluegill come over to seek help from her? Woolen cloth?

"No." Sure enough, Bluegill hurriedly waved his hands and said, "There was indeed an attack at the headquarters before, but the ladies there were so powerful that it only took more than ten minutes to calm down the attack there. Ren battleship.

I was sent out by the commander to find the Siren stronghold. The commander also said that the sea fog in this sea area was so thick that the Siren must have tampered with it. Since it had tampered with it, there must be a smoke-generating device. "

"I see, Commander really had a good idea." North Carolina said, "We went to the location where Helena and the others were monitoring before, but when we got there we found that Helena and the others were no longer there and the Siren stronghold that we had previously observed had also disappeared. .

So I think it is possible that this Siren stronghold is just a cover for the Sirens to confuse Helena and the others. The most important thing is to divide us and then slowly eat away at us. "

"Huh?" Bluegill said in surprise.

"No, then you can continue to complete the mission assigned to you by the commander, and we still have to find Helena.

There is no time to delay any longer. You must have seen it along the way. The sirens here are very densely distributed. Helena and the others have no supplies now. If they delay any longer, they will definitely cause unnecessary casualties. ” Washington said to the bluegill.

"Wait, let me finish my words first!" Bluegill said speechlessly.

"If you have anything else to say, hurry up. Now is not the time to play with you." Washington said.

"It's like this. In fact, I was actually carrying out the mission assigned to me by the commander, but when I continued to move forward, I discovered Sister Helena and the others." Bluegill said.

"Huh? You discovered Helena and the others, why didn't you tell them earlier!" Washington said hurriedly.

Baltimore on the side rubbed his hair and said, "Washington, you at least let others finish their words before you speak.

Didn't Bluegill just say it? She hasn't finished her words yet. Now that Helena's traces are known, let's learn about their situation first. "

"Um..." Washington was stunned, and then looked at Bluegill sheepishly, "Okay, hurry up and say it."

"Okay." Bluegill didn't look surprised at all, and said to everyone, "Sister Helena and the others are in very bad condition now. They have run out of emergency repair tools. When I found them, Stanley Mo Several of them were in a state of great defeat, and were no longer able to fight.

Sister Helena and Bumblebee were also injured. Fortunately, I brought some emergency repair tools with me when I came out, so they recovered first.

In fact, I originally wanted to take them to the commander, but you also saw a lot of Siren fleets along the way, so someone had to protect them, so Miss Bumblebee asked me, Big Mackerel and Nautilus to look for you.

With your help, they will return to the headquarters smoothly. "

"Hey, we have thought about the worst situation they will be in when they are short of supplies. It seems to be worse than we imagined." North Carolina said.

"In their team, only one person, Hornet, is the main ship, and Hornet is also an aircraft carrier. In such a foggy situation, it cannot display its combat effectiveness at all. Only Noshiro, Helena and the others are fighting, and there are so many destroyers. .

It's a miracle that they can survive until now. We should rush over to support them now! " Baltimore said.

"That's right!" Washington nodded, "Bluegill, can you take us there?"

"Of course, but there are two siren fleets on the way there," Bluegill reminded.

"It doesn't matter, just use them to relieve your anger!" Washington said, clenching his fists.


"By the way, I haven't asked yet." Cleveland said, "Bluegill, Helena and the others couldn't find us even with their radars. How did you find us?"

"Hey, although the sea fog blocks the signals and communications on the sea, it can't block the signals and communications inside the sea. Our submarine has its own contact information.

It is precisely because of this, because Helena's sister fleet has two people, Big Mackerel and Nautilus, that I was able to find them smoothly. said the bluegill.

"I see, then let's set off quickly, Bluegill. Find Helena and the others, and then take them back to the headquarters!" North Carolina said.


Everyone immediately followed the bluegill and headed in the right direction. With the correct direction, there are several siren fleets ahead, and Washington and the others are no longer within the scope of consideration.

Because no matter how many fleets there are, as long as they are all wiped out, there will be nothing left.

In this way, several people rushed forward without hesitation, heading towards the place where Helena and others were at the highest speed.

In the process, the bluegill also sent a return signal to the mackerel and nautilus.

There was no need to worry. After they reunited with Helena later, what happened was that the big mackerel and the nautilus were still looking for outside.

Encountering two siren fleets on the way, North Carolina and the others still adopted the same strategy as before. They dug a passage and crossed it. Now was not the time to bother with them.

Therefore, there was no way to eliminate them as Washington said before, but she was not worried at all. Because up to now, the initial battle has just begun, and more intense battles are waiting for her.

After such a long-distance attack, I finally saw Javelin and Nodai who were on guard in the mist.

"Finally found you!" North Carolina said happily as soon as she approached Helena and the others.

Several hours have passed since receiving the order, and they have experienced countless battles along the way. Finally, they finally met Helena and the others.

"Haha, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief." Bumblebee said to North Carolina with a smile.

"You look very embarrassed, and Bumblebee, what happened to your uniform?" Washington looked at Bumblebee's cracked uniform and said to her.

"It doesn't matter, I just took a solid shot from the cannonball. Even though I'm like this now, I can still use half of my strength." Bumblebee said with a smile.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

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