My ship girl, my world

Chapter 542 Determine the location

"Bluegill?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully, "Shouldn't she go to check the Siren stronghold with U81?"

Helena explained, "According to Bluegill, their submarines did not set off together, but conducted fan searches in one direction.

This was how Bluegill could meet us, and it was she who later helped find Washington and the others, so that we could get together and return to the headquarters. "

Qin Ge nodded, "Haha, it seems that those little guys have made great achievements this time."

"Yes, without her, we might never see the commander again." Helena said with some fear.

"Well, since you are back now, Helena, you should go to the Kitchen Goddess to rest for a while, and then rest. You don't have to participate in the next battle." Qin Ge said to Helena.

"Commander, I don't have much to do. It's just that I look a little embarrassed now. I can still participate in the next battle with everyone." Helena shook her head and said.

"The commander's order on the battlefield is the highest order. You cannot refuse it because of personal emotions. Helena, have you forgotten?" Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Eh...yes." Helena finally agreed, but then she said to Qin Ge as if she had thought of something, "Commander, we just received a submarine signal from U96 on our way back. She said The location of the high-level Siren humanoid has been found, and the thick fog in this sea area is also caused by her."

Qin Ge's eyes lit up, "Really? Can you confirm the location?"

"Okay!" At this time, a figure appeared behind Helena. It was the company that had been patrolling outside.

Qin Ge nodded towards the enterprise, "How is it?"

"The bluegill and mackerel have just reported the location of the signal to me. Now we only need the submarine to lead the way, and we can successfully find the location mentioned by U96," the company said.

"That would be great." Zhenhai said with a smile, "But what about the other submarines? They should have also received U96's signal, right?"

Enterprise nodded, "Yes, U96's signal is sent to all submarines, so they must have received the signal and are rushing towards the headquarters."

Qin Ge nodded, "In that case, should we wait for them to get closer before setting off, or should we set off now?"

"Commanders don't actually have to worry about this, because when they left, they set up a signal base point here at our headquarters, so even if our headquarters moves, they can detect the location of the signal base point in the deep sea and adjust their position. Come here." The company explained.

"Then this is the best." Qin Ge nodded, and then looked at St. Louis aside, "St. Louis, take Helena to the Kitchen Goddess to heal her injuries as soon as possible."

"Yes, Commander," St. Louis said.

"As for the company, tell everyone to do a good job in defense. We are heading towards the location of the Siren senior humanoid." Qin Ge said.

"Yes, Commander!" Enterprise nodded.

After assigning tasks, the fleet began to move. This time, the vanguard ship girls are all composed of ship girls with full training levels. It is obvious that the company and others changed their strategy based on the information brought back by the submarines, Helena and Washington.

Because there will be a lot of battles in this sea covered by sea fog, it would be irresponsible to place the destroyer girl in front again.

Therefore, high-level heavy cruisers and light cruisers are the first choice. And in this process, destroyers are assigned to conduct sonar detection of Siren submarines. This can ensure that the vanguard fleet can respond to any situation.

But Qin Ge's fleet is too huge. More than a hundred ship girls are deployed in formation in this sea area. Such momentum is very huge.

Such an action cannot be avoided, nor can the Siren fleets in front of them avoid Siren detection.

As a result, swarms of Siren warships swarmed in. Fighting was taking place almost every moment along the way.

The strong explosion and sound waves even dispersed the sea fog on the way forward.

This made Qin Ge, who was watching from the command ship, very surprised. He couldn't say that he had never seen such a dense Siren fleet, because it was similar to this during the Siren tide before, but this is just a sea area, but not The original Siren Tide.

And it can be imagined before that Helena and the others faced such extremely frequent battles. No wonder they would become like that after they were fully trained.

After thinking about all this, Qin Ge couldn't help but sigh secretly, and then continued to look forward.

Among the ship girls heading ahead, one person stood out, that was the White Eagle battleship New Jersey.

After summoning New Jersey, Qin Ge used the ship drill data without saying a word to turn New Jersey into a fully trained ship girl.

And he went to Akashi and asked Caibri to make a breakthrough for New Jersey. In this way, New Jersey has become a complete body except that it has not yet achieved awakening.

When such a complete New Jersey is fighting, the ship-mounted link behind it will emit dazzling light. That ray of light formed two diamond-shaped pieces of light, like shining and soaring wings, which was very dazzling. And there was a halo of light covering the wings.

If this were normal times, although it would be more dazzling, it would not attract all Qin Ge's eyes.

But this is now in the sea area with fog, and this kind of light is like a lighthouse, penetrating all the surrounding sea fog, making it dazzling!

However, after watching the battle, Qin Ge felt something was wrong, and then turned to Tiancheng next to him and said, "Tiancheng, do you think the Siren fleet besieging us was attracted by New Jersey?

After all, this thing that shines like a lighthouse is here, it would be strange if the Siren fleet couldn't come over..."

Amagi smiled slightly, "Maybe there is a certain reason, but I think the most likely reason is that after our huge fleet moved, the Siren fleet in this sea area noticed it.

After all, since they have set up this mirror sea area, how come they don't have the means to monitor us? "

Listening to Tiancheng's words, Qin Ge couldn't help but nodded.

As Tiancheng said, Qin Ge had noticed it the last time he encountered the mirror sea. All their actions in the mirror sea were well known by the Siren, so how could the Siren not notice such a large-scale fleet movement like his this time?

"I don't know who controls the mirror sea this time, the tester or the purifier, or the most mysterious observer?" Qin Ge said looking ahead.

"Lord, with the current speed of our fleet, the truth will soon become clear."

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