My ship girl, my world

Chapter 548 Victory? fail?

The eastern area of ​​the mirror sea area.

Suddenly there were waves on the calm sea, and a huge circular shield suddenly appeared, and inside the shield was the senior Siren humanoid who had just left the battlefield.

"Good job, Builder."

At some point, a white-haired tester appeared on the surface of the sea, staring at the high-level Siren humanoid emerging from the sea and said.

"...It's very troublesome." Apparently, this is the title of the tester acknowledged by this Siren high-level humanoid.

"That's our job, isn't it?" the tester said.

"So is it done now? If it is, I have to go to my lab on the Bering Sea..." the builder said.

The tester looked at the sea in the distance. Although there was still thick fog covering the sea, her eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the thick fog.

"This is just the beginning. Variables have appeared in the world now, although variables need to be eliminated for the sustainability of the experiment.

But it is precisely because of the emergence of variables that adds uncertainty to the experiment, and such uncertainty is exactly what we need to pursue. "The tester said.

"...Variable? Frederick the Great? Or New Jersey? Or Shinano?" the builder said.

"It's not them. Although they are not set to appear in this world, our host also has their information. They do not pose any threat to us." The tester said.

"That's it?" The builder opened his golden eyes and looked at the tester in front of him.

"Their commander, that human being." The tester said, "In other words, the re-opened numbered world should not have given birth to such a powerful character, but maybe there was a slight difference in this world, allowing that variable to fall into this world.

I have been doing calculations for a while, but I have not come up with a very certain result. Every calculation will give a new result, and these results hover between good and bad.

Now we cannot directly contact the main world, so we can only store these results in the host and activate the emergency plan. "

"..." The builder obviously knew what the tester's emergency plan was, but he didn't say anything and just looked at it expressionlessly.

When the tester saw this scene, he couldn't help but smile, "Forget it, you are not responsible for this. Then, wait for the next notification."

"Understood." The builder nodded, and then slowly sank under the water.

Seeing the builder disappear, the tester turned his head again and looked in the direction of Qin Ge's fleet, then an unknown smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and disappeared above the sea at the same time.

The search and rescue at sea was still going on, and the sound of cannon fire gradually stopped, because as far as the eye could see, basically all the mass-produced sirens were wiped out by the fleet's ships.

Several camp leaders had already arrived on the command ship and reported to Qin Ge what they had just seen. This has also been the tradition of the fleet. After the battle is completed, a battle summary meeting will be held.

"You are all here." Qin Ge said to several people with a smile, "You have worked hard just now."

"The battle just now was not very difficult, but it was a pity that the senior Siren humanoid escaped." Enterprise said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge shook his head, "It's normal for the senior Siren humanoid to leave. It would be abnormal if she was defeated by us."

When Qin Ge said this, serious expressions appeared on the faces of everyone present, but there were also a few people who looked confused, including the company.

Looking at the confused expression of the company, Qin Ge smiled and said, "Are you a little confused, why did I say it's normal for her to leave?"

"Yes, after all, this is a bit uncharacteristic of a commander." Enterprise nodded.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "In total, this should be the third time I have seen the high-level siren human form. The first time I saw it was in Chongying.

At that time, the Purifier was besieged by all the awakened ship girls in Chongqing, but she was still able to fight with ease in the end. Although it looked very miserable, who can say that she used all her power?

Bismarck, Amagi, and Veneto were all witnesses of that battle. You can ask them if you have nothing to do.

As for the second time, it was in the last mirror sea area. I directly saw three high-level siren humanoids. Their arrogant attitude and the way they looked at us like we were guinea pigs are really memorable.

But it is undeniable that they have strong capital, and we are still far from their strength.

Monarch and Glory have also faced off against the Purifier before. Even if she suppresses her strength limit to be similar to ours, it is still difficult for us to defeat her. "

After listening to Qin Ge's story, the company couldn't help but look at the people Qin Ge mentioned before.

Bismarck nodded, "What the commander said is true, so our fleet's current accumulation is still very weak, especially when encountering an unexpected attack from the opposite side.

For example, in the previous wave, we were unable to organize an effective confrontation, and we had to take care of those who fell into the water. So I didn't give any more orders after that, because the battle was over from that moment on.

The other party seemed to have escaped, but we also failed. "

"So what's next?" Sovietrosia asked.

Qin Ge shook his head, "Report the damage first, let me understand the power we still have."

Several leaders glanced at each other, and Veneto came out and said, "Now there are nearly a hundred people in our fleet who are ready to fight. Among the remaining nearly a hundred people, there are many ship girls with low training levels who have suffered. There are varying degrees of injuries, but generally they are not too serious.

As long as the emergency repair tools are repaired, the combat effectiveness can be restored in a short time. However, there are also a few ship girls who have damaged the ship's equipment like the Hornet before, and must go through several days of ship equipment repair before they can regain combat effectiveness.

Moreover, after this war, there was a certain gap in our emergency maintenance tools. Fortunately, the Kitchen Goddess is here, otherwise..."

Veneto didn't say it out loud, but everyone present understood it.

Qin Ge nodded, "There's no need to be so downcast. Although the ending is like this, I saw infinite possibilities in the process.

Our fleet is not complete yet. Our fleet is still growing, so there will be a lot of room for improvement in the future.

And this is the first time that our entire fleet has had a direct face-to-face confrontation with a high-level siren humanoid. Although it can only be said to be a miserable victory, it is still a victory.

I saw that the thick fog on the sea was dissipating soon. We then gathered the current combat forces, launched a radar search to find the existence of the Siren stronghold, and then controlled it, so that we could complete this mission. "


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