My ship girl, my world

Chapter 549 Information

As the builders left the mirror sea, the thick fog gradually began to dissipate, and the obstacles to communication and radar were completely eliminated.

As a result, the company quickly organized aircraft carriers to release carrier-based aircraft for sea area exploration.

Without the thick fog blocking the view, the advantage of the aircraft carrier finally emerged. Countless carrier-based aircraft were like swarms, taking off from in front of the command ship and spreading towards the surrounding sea areas.

The rest of the people took advantage of this precious time to repair and maintain it. After all, the builder was caught off guard when the final shield exploded. In addition, with the existence of the steel tentacles, the fleet's entire attention was not there, so this result was achieved.

Of course, the more reason is that there are only about a hundred highly trained ship girls in the fleet, and except for a few of the ship girls summoned by New Jersey, their training levels are relatively low.

Facing the new Siren ships, even if the formation is relatively far back, they will still be hurt by stray bullets. After all, such a naval battle is large-scale, and it is impossible to avoid being injured in the vanguard fleet.

Fortunately, this time did not cause any ship girls to sink, and after experiencing the process of fighting these new siren warships, the level of most ship girls has been significantly improved. This should be regarded as this one The biggest gain from the battle.

Soon, when the ship girl was almost resting, Akagi also discovered this stronghold in the sea.

So a group of people followed the guidance of Akagi's carrier-based aircraft and raided towards the stronghold in this mirror sea area.

All the Siren fleets on the road were wiped out by the carrier-based aircraft in the sky, so the journey went very smoothly and no other battles occurred.

However, what everyone unexpectedly found was that there were no sirens guarding this siren stronghold. In other words, the departure of the previous builder had made this siren stronghold meaningless.

After the investigation by the vanguard fleet, Qin Ge followed the ship girl into the stronghold.

"Is this the Siren stronghold?" Qin Ge looked at this special building and couldn't help but exclaimed.

This building is very technological, or in other words, the technology known to Qin Ge is simply not enough to describe this building.

Even the ship girls who came with us were full of admiration for this siren stronghold.

"Although they are rivals, the Siren's technology is indeed much stronger than ours!" The company exclaimed with a hint of worry, "How are we going to deal with an enemy like this?"

Qin Ge looked at the complete Siren stronghold and said to several people, "There is an old saying in our world that is to learn from the foreigners to gain skills to defeat the foreigners. It means that since the other party's technology is stronger than ours and their abilities are stronger than ours, they are not as good as us." Learn from them, and then combine our strengths to fight against them."

"Is the commander talking about us using siren technology?" Veneto asked.

Qin Ge nodded, "Why not? Since we already know that Siren and Ship Girl are from the same source, then technology must be interoperable.

In this case, the technological content contained in a Siren stronghold that is completely preserved like this is enough for us to study.

Just because the Sirens are evil, we can't conclude that these technologies are evil. We must use it, change, innovate, and develop our own technology! "

Bismarck nodded affirmatively, "I agree with the commander. There is no evil technology, only people who use technology to create evil."

"As expected of my child, I am surprisingly proud." Frederick the Great said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled and looked at the surrounding buildings, "Then make arrangements and use this time to order everyone to collect as much scientific and technological information as possible here."


Qin Ge's order made all the ship girls in the port area take action.

However, some of the ship girls are the underlings, while the other part of the ship girls are the main force.

For example, Yubari of Shigesakura, Noshiro, Agano and others, Helena of White Eagle, St. Louis, Independence and others, Iron-Blooded Prince Eugen, Z23, Gneisenau and others, Royal Glory, Monarch, Ou Ruola and others...these are ship girls who can conduct technological research.

Many commanders think that ship girls are only capable of fighting, but in fact, most ship girls are very outstanding scientists and can engage in scientific research.

Just like Qin Ge's world, every battleship is made of the most advanced technology, and it contains the country's most advanced military technology.

Therefore, it would be strange if the ship girls transformed from this did not have certain scientific research capabilities and scientific knowledge.

With the help of the ship girl, the technology collection progress here was completed very quickly, even faster than Qin Ge expected.

And on a computer at the main console of the center, Helena actually found some Siren-related information.

Qin Ge immediately flipped through the information, but the more he looked at it, the weirder it became. Because these materials record the data of high-level humanoids and elite humanoids that appeared before the Sirens.

"It turns out that the senior Siren humanoid that appeared in front of us this time is called Constructor." Qin Ge turned around and said to the ship girls surrounding him.

"Constructor?" Everyone asked suspiciously.

"Yes, her ability is to construct sea fog, shield, mechanical tentacles, counterattack shield, etc." Qin Ge explained, "So the sea objects we encountered this time were constructed by her , and this sea fog also has a very special name, micro-layered mixture.”

“Microlayered mixture?”

Qin Ge nodded, "Its main function is to cover the march and block radar communication signals within a certain range, so the poor communication and radar failure we caused this time were all caused by this kind of thing.

Unfortunately, there is only a brief introduction to this microlayered mixture here, and there is no actual operation method or avoidance method. "

"This..." The company became more and more confused, "Although I should feel happy to get this information, why would Siren put such obvious information here?"

Qin Ge turned around, looked at the flashing computer and said, "I guess it's the Sirens who want us to know."

"How arrogant." Frederick the Great said in a deep voice, with a hint of anger in his tone. The other ship girls around him were also like this.

Qin Ge smiled, "There's no need to be angry, right? Since the enemy humiliates us like this, this is our opportunity.

With this information and this technology, we should break through our own limits. Only when we reach that point can we prevent things like today from happening. "

All the ship girls looked at each other and then nodded heavily.

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