My ship girl, my world

Chapter 554 Agreement

The moonlight is like water, and the night is silent.

However, Qin Ge's mood at this time was not peaceful at all.

It stands to reason that after these few days of going out, I should have been very tired. But Qin Ge was extremely energetic at this time, so energetic that he couldn't sleep even with his eyes open and looking at the ceiling.

"Commander, are you asleep?"

A gentle voice appeared next to Qin Ge, but Qin Ge didn't turn his head at all. He just quickly closed his eyes and muttered, "Asleep."

"Hehe, you still answer my questions when you are asleep. Commander is really cute."

Qin Ge couldn't help but open his eyes, then turned around and looked at the person lying next to him.

Under the moonlight, the white hair was extremely bright, and the face was also particularly beautiful, so beautiful that Qin Ge paused for breath when he looked over.

And if this familiar face is not Guanghui, then who is it?

After some requests just now, Qin Ge finally agreed to Guanghui's request. Therefore, Guanghui slept on Qin Ge's bed tonight.

Of course, the two of them didn't sleep under the same quilt, they just slept together.

"Weren't you very sleepy just now? Why are you so energetic again now?" Qin Ge asked Guanghui.

"Of course it's because the commander is by my side. I've been looking forward to this scene for a long time." Guanghui said with a smile.

"Uh, what are you looking forward to?" Qin Ge said in surprise, "So, sleeping at my place tonight is also a long-planned move on your part?"

"Ah, I accidentally said what was on my mind." Guanghui quickly covered her mouth with her hand, but the smile in her eyes had already betrayed her deeply.

Qin Ge couldn't help but laugh and said, "But your smile has betrayed you deeply."

"Hehe, now that the commander has discovered it, then I don't need to hide it." Guanghui said with a smile, "Commander, then I can't sleep because you are by my side? Why can't you sleep?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Of course it's because you, a beauty, are by my side. It's our first time sleeping on the same bed. It would be strange if we could fall asleep so quickly."

"Can I take this as a compliment?" Guanghui Luoluo said generously, without any hint of coyness.

Qin Ge was speechless and rolled his eyes, "If you like it."

"Commander, I suddenly found that lying here looking at you feels much cuter than usual." Guanghui said with a smile.

"Cute?" Qin Ge couldn't help but reach out and touch his face, "It's no longer cute after being exposed to the wind and sun. I feel a lot darker when I look in the mirror recently."

"Hehe, the reason why we are so brave is because the commander is fighting side by side with us, and I feel that such a commander makes people feel more dependable than when we first met." Guanghui said.

"Oh, so what do I look like in your eyes?" Qin Ge asked curiously.

"A commander at ordinary times?" Guanghui smiled, "Sometimes he is very serious, and other times he is very silly. He struggles for a long time over some issues that are not problems at all, but he is resolute and resolute on the battlefield and makes decisive decisions.

Is this kind of commander bothering me a lot? I often wonder, which side of you is the real you? "

Qin Ge smiled and said, "It seems that I am still a very multi-faceted character in your heart."

Then looking at Guanghui's smile, Qin Ge smiled and said, "These are me, the real me. I am also a human being, and I also have feelings. It is precisely because of feelings that I have love, hate, and desire.

And when the relationship reaches a certain level, you have to touch the bottom line in your heart. Just think about it in your heart, consider it, and then make a decision.

This is why we hesitate and hesitate. But there is no need for this on the battlefield. Just as Frederick the Great said before, you must maintain absolute rationality on the battlefield, so you must eliminate these distracting thoughts. "

After hearing what Qin Ge said, Guanghui couldn't help but stretched out his hand from the quilt, and then held Qin Ge's hand.

"Commander, it's not easy. I can see all this." Guanghui said softly, "So let's make an agreement between the two of us?"

"What kind of agreement is it?" Qin Ge asked.

"Commander, if you have something on your mind, you can come to me and talk to me. I will never tell anyone else. I will try to tell the commander some solutions to these things, and only the two of us will know these secrets. .

And if I have something on my mind, I will go to the commander to talk to him, and the commander will not refuse. "Guanghui said with a smile.

Looking into Guanghui's gentle eyes, Qin Ge agreed directly without thinking, "Okay."

Now it was Guanghui's turn to be a little surprised, "Commander, won't you consider it?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "What are you considering? Haven't I told you about my affairs before? Since I have told you before, isn't this agreement a matter of course?"

Guanghui couldn't help but laugh, "Commander is so cunning, how can the past count? I'm talking about from now on."

"My answer is also good." Qin Ge smiled, "I won't have any secrets in front of you, do you believe that?"

Guanghui squeezed Qin Ge's hand helplessly, "I always feel that the commander is so insincere, but in this case, this agreement will be implemented from now on."

Qin Ge nodded, "Okay."

Guanghui's eyes turned and he said to Qin Ge, "Commander, actually I have something that is very difficult to say and I am a little hesitant about it. I wonder if I can talk to you?"

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, "So fast?"

"No?" Guanghui asked.

"Okay, of course." Qin Ge agreed readily, but he vaguely felt as if Guanghui had dug a very big pit for himself, but he jumped into it resolutely.

Guanghui smiled and said, "I like a person very much and am willing to accompany him to the end, and if that person can bring me a ring of oath, I will be very happy.

But how can a girl have the nerve to say such a request, so now I am very hesitant about whether to tell him or not.

Commander, can you help me? "

Qin Ge was confused. Although Guanghui kept saying that there was a very melancholy thing, when he said this sentence, how could he not know what Guanghui wanted to express?

As a ship girl, the only person she can like in her life is her commander.

So instead of saying that Guanghui told herself what she was struggling with, it was more of a very direct attack.

The Ring of Oath is a piece of ship equipment that can increase the overall strength of a ship girl. Compared with equipment such as ship guns, it adds very little power.

But on the other hand, it represents a deeper contract between the ship girl and the commander.

In the name of love, we conclude a vow...

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