My ship girl, my world

Chapter 555 Frankness

There is a joke that has been circulating in the commander circle that when you have the first Oath Ring, you will be very hesitant because you don't know who to give the Oath Ring to.

But when you have the second Oath Ring, it will be very refreshing to confirm your goal.

Qin Ge originally thought that such a joke was far away from him, but on such a moonlit night, his shipgirl put it in front of him in the form of a straight ball.

"Commander?" Guanghui called softly.

In fact, she feels very unsure now, because she knows her commander, and this kind of decision is not easy to make. So she planned to use one move to frighten the enemy, and then retreat to advance.

But what he didn't expect was that this move immediately stunned Qin Ge.

"Well... did you call me?" Qin Ge was stunned for a long time, and finally reacted and said to Guanghui.

"There are only two of us here." Guanghui said with a smile, "Commander, what do you think of the question I just mentioned?"

"I...I think you should tell him directly, or give him a hint, so that there may be a turnaround." Qin Ge paused, then said firmly to Guanghui.

"Really?" Facing Qin Ge's answer, Guanghui looked a little unbelievable, and a trace of tears burst from her eyes, which looked so crystal clear under the moonlight.

"Why are you doing this?" Qin Ge couldn't help but smile bitterly, and quickly stretched out his other hand and wiped it on Guanghui's face.

"It's necessary, because this is what I want to know most. Even if I am laughed at by the commander, I still want to know." Guanghui said firmly.

"Fool." Qin Ge couldn't help but knock his head when he looked at Guanghui, and suddenly laughed out loud, "What on earth am I struggling with? I already love you so much, but I still can't take that step. You Do you think I'm stupid?"

"No, as the commander said, you will see the rainbow after the storm. Perhaps after so much hesitation and entanglement, what you promise will be the determination to take life as your promise." Guanghui looked at Qin Ge and said seriously .

"Are you committed to life?" Qin Ge smiled, and with a strong force on the hand held by Guanghui, he pulled Guanghui's whole body to his side, and then hugged her and kissed her deeply.

Obviously Guanghui didn't expect Qin Ge to be so direct. After being stunned for a moment, he reacted, then hugged Qin Ge's body tightly and responded eagerly...

After a long time, the two separated and looked at each other, the light in their eyes was different.

One was extremely determined, the other got what he wanted, and smiles spread across their faces.

"It seems that tonight, I will be so excited that I can't sleep all night." Qin Ge couldn't help but laugh at himself.

"I will always be with you, Commander. Whether I am chatting all night or watching you sleep, I will always be with you." Guanghui said affectionately.

Qin Ge smiled, then touched Guanghui's face with his hand, and then hugged her tightly, "Then let's chat while the night is still long."

"Well, what do you want to talk about, Commander?" Guanghui said happily.

"I have a question that I have always been very curious about. When did you fall in love with me? And you were a free ship girl before. Logically speaking, you should have met many commanders. Why did you choose me alone?" Qin Ge was curious. road.

Guanghui chuckled and said, "It seems that the commander is very concerned about this issue."

Qin Ge scratched his head and said with some embarrassment, "Since we all admit that we are together, we can't keep it secret, right? So I really want to know about this."

Guanghui smiled and said with a hint of recollection, "It's a long story, but actually, like most free ship girls, I didn't want to find a commander.

But then something happened that made me particularly concerned. It was only then that I decided to find a commander. "

Qin Ge asked curiously, "What's going on?"

Guanghui said, "When we were on the front line, we were almost the same as our stationed free ship girls now, but it was not in the station where we were stationed, but in a separate location.

The large fleets on the front line are generally relatively strong, so there is no need for free ship girls to patrol the sea areas with them. However, when performing tasks, there may not be enough manpower. This is when our free ship girls can play their best.

That time, a few ship girls and I and a commander jointly took on a beacon detection mission to the edge of the fifth-level sea area to the sixth-level sea area.

Originally, it was very easy to complete this task according to our configuration, but we unexpectedly encountered two large fleets in the sixth-level sea area, and these large fleets were all commanded by siren elite humanoids.

We fought very hard that time and lost several ship girls, including the free ship girls and the commander's ship girls.

When we went back, the commander stood on the beach and looked at the sea in the distance as if he had lost his soul. His ship girls stood next to him and didn't say a word, but I could see that they and his commander Same, very sad.

That scene touched me deeply. From then on, I wanted to know what the relationship between the commander and the ship girl was like. What was it like to have a ship girl with a commander?

So I started paying attention and sent out the message that I wanted to find a commander. "

When Guanghui said this, he smiled and said, "Fortunately, I didn't make a hasty choice at that time, otherwise I would have missed you, Commander."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I remember you said this before, saying that several commanders invited you to join the fleet, but you didn't agree."

"Commander has a really good memory." Guanghui smiled and buried his head in Qin Ge's arms and said, "Maybe there is a lot of tension on the front line, or maybe I suspect that they just fancy my ability, so they had no choice until the end. .

Just when I was about to give up, I got a call from the Prince of Wales. At that time, because I also wanted to go back to the rear and relax, I agreed to her.

I met you after I returned to Shenhua City. At that time, you gave me a completely different feeling from a frontline commander. You were not so heavy, but full of passion. You stood in the lecture hall and illuminated with your own light. other people.

To be honest, I was a little excited from that moment on. Later, after getting along with him for a period of time, I found that the commander met my standards very well, even better, so I joined your fleet.

If I really want to say when did I fall in love with you, then it should be the moment when you became my commander.

Putting the rest of my life in your hands, and moving forward and retreating together from now on, this must be what I like, right? "

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