My ship girl, my world

Chapter 556 Favorite type of girl

Put the rest of your life in his hands, and then move forward and retreat together.

What a beautiful thing to say, but if you think about it carefully, isn’t that the relationship between the ship girl and the commander?

Especially after being a free ship girl for so long, who would be willing to join the fleet of a strange commander if it weren’t for believing in him, if it wasn’t for liking him?

This is different from ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend relationships, because if you don't like them anymore, you can choose to break up or leave. Even after getting married, you can choose to divorce, and the decision depends entirely on the wishes of the two people.

But once the relationship between the ship girl and the commander is decided, it becomes a contract. From the moment it begins until the end of the commander's life, he remains determined and unswerving.

Even if sometimes the relationship between the two is very bad, most ship girls will choose to ask their commander to correct themselves, or to provide support to the commander.

In fact, this kind of relationship has already broken through the ordinary men and women and reached another realm.

Embracing the glory in his arms, Qin Ge discovered that he didn't understand the ship girls at all before, but maybe from this moment on, he will gradually understand them, right?

"Why did the commander stop talking all of a sudden?" Guanghui felt the power coming from his body and said with a smile.

"Can I say that I was moved by you?" Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Ara, it's a glorious honor to be able to impress the commander." Guanghui said with a smile.

"But since the commander just asked Guanghui, Guanghui also wants to ask the commander. What type of girl does the commander like the most? You have to tell the truth."

Qin Ge couldn't help but smile, "Aside from brilliance, maybe it's a type similar to Noshiro's."

"Oh?" Guanghui was a little surprised when she got this answer, because she had never thought of this answer before.

She originally thought that her commander might be like Belfast because of her, but she never thought that he was actually Nodai.

Guanghui, whose curiosity was piqued, hurriedly asked, "Why?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Because I was in school most of the time before, and the years that impressed me most were in high school.

At that time, my deskmate was a girl. Her personality was similar to Noshiro. She was usually calm, but she had a very nice smile. Maybe you can't help but fall in love with that kind of girl from then on?

So if you ask me which type of girl I like the most, it would be Nodai. "

"So that's what it looks like. I thought the commander would say someone who takes care of people like Belfast, or a gentle person like Rodney, but I never expected that the answer would be like this." Guanghui smiled.

Qin Ge shook his head and said to Guanghui, "The type of girls that boys like is determined by their environment and experience, just like me before.

Because she often studies and is alone, it is a luxury for a girl like Belfast who can take care of others.

So I feel very emotional now that the person closest to me emotionally in the entire Hong Kong area is a British lady like you.

But then again, aren’t ladies always very elegant and tactful when expressing their feelings? "

Guanghui chuckled, "Elegance and tact are the kind of people like Miss Hood. Although I am also a lady, my personality is unexpectedly proactive."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "You can see that, so I am yours now."

Guanghui smiled and said, "I don't mind if the commander owns many wedding ships at the same time."

Qin Ge coughed, "This..."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. After all, people like me who have love for the commander are not a minority in our fleet. I don't want to be ostracized and isolated by them in the future. Being the first one is already very enviable. Now, if you think about monopolizing the commander again..." Guanghui said with a smile.

However, she did not continue to speak at the end, but the meaning she wanted to express was very clear.

Qin Ge couldn't help but rub his head when he heard Guanghui's words.

What Guanghui said was indeed correct. Let's not talk about whether he felt guilty towards other ship girls. Just say that if I only have one wedding ship, Guanghui, what will the fleet look like?

Qin Ge's head suddenly felt big just thinking about it. Although Akagi and Kaga, who are heavy cherry blossoms, have not appeared in front of him recently, it does not mean that they have no thoughts about him at all.

Especially after experiencing the previous situation, Qin Ge absolutely believed that the two of them had not appeared in front of him recently because of Tiancheng and Frederick the Great.

And in addition to Akagi and Kaga, the royal centaurs, Rodney, Shigesakura's Noshi, Amagi, White Eagle's Helena, the iron-blooded Prince Eugen, etc., they have all been with him along the way, and their feelings are Needless to say, its depth is natural.

The most important thing is that Guanghui used to be a free ship girl and was not summoned by herself. If Kouki is the only one, what will the ship girl he summoned himself think?

Looking at Qin Ge whose face was getting darker and darker, Guanghui couldn't help but laugh and said, "Commander, do you think it's scary to think about it?"

Qin Ge couldn't help but be speechless, "Not only is it terrifying, I feel that if I announce this matter, then I am afraid that I will definitely become a puppet in the future... and may even die."

"Pfft..." Guanghui waved his hand, "It's not as scary as the commander said. Death is absolutely impossible, because others will never allow that person to attack the commander.

But it is very possible to become a puppet, so in order for the commander to be able to command the ship smoothly in the future, and for your own safety, work hard to earn red points. "

"Ahem..." Qin Ge couldn't help but sigh, "Suddenly I realized that being an ordinary commander is pretty good. There are only a dozen ship girls. Even if we fight for it in the future, there will only be those few.

Now I suddenly find that as the fleet slowly grows, one aspect has now become a burden. "

"Hee hee, this is called having great benefits, but being great also comes with great helplessness." Guanghui said with a smile. Anyway, the overall situation has been decided, and there was a bit of ridicule in her laughter.

"Well, Guanghui, why don't we discuss it first..." Qin Ge said hesitantly, "How about delaying the purchase of the Oath Ring for a while. It's better to develop our fleet now..."

"Is it possible that Commander has already reached this point and still chooses to retreat?" Guanghui said with a smile, without any sign of anger.

Qin Ge's face darkened, but his aura instantly weakened, "Okay, then tomorrow.

Anyway, this time we harvested a lot of red tips in the Siren Stronghold, otherwise I will go to Akashi's tomorrow and buy a Ring of Oath. "

Guanghui smiled contentedly, then rolled his eyes and said to Qin Ge, "I suggest Commander buy two..."

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