My ship girl, my world

Chapter 598 Purification

"It's sunny. I can finally go outside to play today!" Javelin looked at the sunny weather outside and said to the people in the room.

" doesn't matter, it's the same everywhere." Lafite leaned on the sofa and said lazily.

"Hey, Lafite, go out and bask in the sun. If you stay in the room for a long time, you will get moldy. And the weather is very good today. Let's go to the beach to build a sandcastle together? Call the unicorns and the others." Javelin said to Lafite. .

Then she turned her head and looked at the Purifier who was eating snacks, "Purification dear, are you going?"

Purification dear, this is the nickname Lafite and Javelin give to the Purifier. After all, calling him a purifier would be too formal, and it would also bring a lot of bad memories.

The purifying kiss is just right. It looks cute and doesn't remind people of fighting.

The Purifier was very happy with this nickname, and was happy to be called Purification Kiss by Lafite and Javelin.

"Hmm... Go, go!" The Purifier nodded quickly and said while swallowing the snack.

Z23 on the side raised his forehead speechlessly, "Eat your food before you talk, and why are you so interested in building sandcastles? Didn't you say before that the thing you are most interested in is fighting?"

The Purifier said quickly, "I am interested in everything. I used to have nothing to do, either performing tasks or staying in the stronghold.

It's boring, so fighting is the only fun. Now that I know you and know so many things, fighting is no longer my greatest fun. "

Z23 couldn’t help but smile, “Why do you suddenly feel a great sense of accomplishment?

But having said that, dear Purification, why do you sirens fight with us ship girls? Wouldn’t it be nice to live every day peacefully like this? "

The Purifier's smile faded, and Z23 quickly waved his hand after seeing it, "I don't mean to force you to say it. It's your freedom to say it or not."

The Purifier shook his head, "It doesn't matter if I tell you this kind of thing, but I can only tell you a little bit."

"Isn't this really going to embarrass you?" Javelin said to the Purifier, "If it's embarrassing, you don't need to say anything."

"No." The Purifier said to several people, "The reasons are very complicated and cannot be explained in one or two sentences. You only need to know that these battles are necessary to explore an unknown future."

"Unknown future? What does this mean? Isn't the future unknown?" Z23 asked.

The Purifier shook his head, "No, the future is a given. No matter how many times we calculate, all the results point to a future. And that future is not the future we want, so we want to find a solution between the known past and the future." , exploring an unknown future.

In other words, behind us is the established future, and in front of us is the unknown past. We neither pursue destruction nor escape destruction. Everything we do is for the Judge and the Creator, and their pursuit is our goal. "

"Judge and Creator? Are they gods...?" Ayanami, who was playing games on the side, raised his head and looked at the Purifier.

The Purifier shook his head, "No, the Judge and the Creator are both human beings, and their will is the will of mankind."

"Huh? Human?" Javelin said in surprise.

Not only Javelin, but also everyone else had their mouths opened. Even Lafite, who usually seemed very sleepy, straightened his body at this time.

"Surprised?" Purifier said.

"That's right, what Purifier said is really subversive of our three views. Does that mean that we are all made by humans?" Z23 said to the Purifier.

"Yes, isn't this a very simple thing to think of? Otherwise, where did we come from?

Do you really think that the Mental Rubik's Cube has been around since the beginning? So who created the first Mental Rubik's Cube? Who created the first ship girl? Which came first, the ship girl or the mind cube? Have you ever thought about this question? "The Purifier kept asking.

Z23 thought for a while and shook his head, "I don't know."

"So, you have very little information now, so little that you don't even know your own birth." The Purifier said, "Maybe this is a kind of sadness, but it is also a kind of happiness.

You don't want to know what's going to happen in the future, because even we can't talk about it. "

Z23 couldn't help but secretly note, "Let's not talk about these heavy things now. The weather outside is very good. Let's go have a good time today."

"Yes, let's go have a good time outside. It's been so long since you've been here. Purification dear, you haven't been to other places in our port area yet. It just so happens that this time I can also introduce you to other friends." Javelin responded quickly. road.

"Really?" After the subject was changed, the Purifier's expression no longer looked heavy and became lively.

"Of course, let's play with the sandcastle first and then hide and seek." Javelin said with a smile.

"Hey, what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly!" The Purifier said impatiently.


In a conference room in the port area.

Frederick the Great, Akagi and others were sitting here, looking at the screen in front of them, and what was shown on the screen at this time was the conversation Z23 and the others had just had with the Purifier.

After a few little guys left the room, a voice began to come out of the silent conference room.

"Everyone, what do you think?"

This voice was magnetic and rich, and it was obviously spoken by Frederick the Great.

"Haha, it's interesting. Judge and Creator, it turns out that the terms similar to gods that often appear in the mouths of Siren's senior humanoid command units are actually only human beings." Akagi said with narrowed eyes.

Zhenhai smiled slightly, "Isn't this normal? After all, we and the Siren are not human beings. They can only be called highly intelligent AI. And to us, the humans who created us, aren't they just gods?"

"I'm not very interested in those two. What do you think is the established future mentioned by the Purifier? It's a future that even they themselves don't want to mention.

Moreover, what is the unknown past? Isn’t it the past that is most certain? "Amagi smiled.

"What if we make an assumption and assume that the sirens come from the future?" Prince Eugen said, biting his finger.

"The future?" Enterprise hesitated, "Could it be that there will be some disaster in the future that is enough to destroy the ship girls, sirens, and humanity?"

"Maybe." Zhenhai said with a smile while twirling his hair with his hands, "Maybe this is the hypothesis closest to the truth."

"But a hypothesis is a hypothesis, and until it is confirmed, it is just a conjecture." Veneto said.

"Haha, then what do you think came first, the ship girl? Or the mind cube?" Frederick the Great narrowed his eyes and said.


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