My ship girl, my world

Chapter 599 A wild idea

"What an interesting report."

Qin Ge looked at the report in front of him, raised his head and said to Prince Eugen and Zhenhai who came to the office, "When you were doing this, were you discovered by the Purifier?"

Prince Eugen smiled and said, "No, Purifier, oh no, it should be called Purifier.

Now she is having fun every day in our port area, but she doesn't care about monitoring and investigating her. "

"Purification dear..." Qin Ge couldn't help but be speechless. He thought about the crazy appearance of the Purifier on the battlefield and the threat of being on the verge of death in Chongying. "Who named her this?"

"Javelin and the others, what do you think, Commander, are they cute?" Prince Eugen said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "She is quite cute. If she can keep such a cute look, it is not impossible for her to live in our port area for a long time."

"It depends on when her next mission is." Prince Eugen said, "But what does the commander think of this report?"

Qin Ge glanced down at the report in his hand and placed it on the table. "This routine seems familiar."

"Seems familiar?" Zhenhai asked doubtfully, "Has the commander encountered this before?"

Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "No, no, I'm talking about this routine. You know that I come from a different world. In my world, there are many novels and movies.

Among those creations, it is common for the world to be destroyed. For example, if a biochemical crisis breaks out and the world is enveloped by zombies, the remaining humans can only live in shelters.

Another example is when we encounter aliens. Their technology is several dimensions ahead of the earth, and they can easily wipe out the earth or the solar system, etc.

So when I read your report, I felt a sense of déjà vu. "

Prince Eugen suddenly smiled, "So that's it. I'm wondering why the commander didn't feel the slightest bit surprised after reading it. Instead, he seemed very bland."

“How about we play a game where we exclude the history of our world and create a new Earth whose history is roughly the same as the history of this world.

If that world was the first world where ship girls appeared, then where do you think the time point was when ship girls appeared? Qin Ge asked with a smile.

"Based on all the ship girls that have appeared so far, the most likely time for ship girls to appear is after the Second World War as the commander said.

Because the commander said before, many battleships born in the 21st century you are in have not appeared in this world at all. Most of the battleships were around World War II. " Zhenhai said.

Qin Ge shook his head, "Yes, but it's not accurate enough. To be precise, it should be during the Cold War. At that time, due to the explosion of science and technology after World War II, humans did some earth-shaking things.

Satellites were launched into the sky, manned spacecraft were used for lunar exploration, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, nuclear bombs, electronic computers, and a series of other cross-era things, all sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain in those decades.

So in terms of setting, it can be said that it is normal to add the birth of a ship girl here. "

"But according to what the commander said, humans only used nuclear power at that time, and the energy of the Rubik's Cube is superior to nuclear power. So how did humans obtain the energy of the Rubik's Cube?" Zhenhai said with interest.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "This is very simple, because in works of art like this, it is either a mutation from the earth that produced mineral deposits like the Rubik's Cube, or it is an alien meteorite, a gift from the universe. "

"What an interesting idea. So what's next? What will humans do after they have the Rubik's Cube, Commander?" Prince Eugen asked with a smile.

Qin Ge thought for a while, "It must be to study the usefulness of the Rubik's Cube. Even if it has the power to destroy the earth, it will never be able to stop the enthusiasm of scientists until it is destroyed.

Then, when the power of the Rubik's Cube is revealed, governments will surely intervene to use the Cube's energy for military purposes. After all, compared to bulky nuclear power, Rubik's Cube energy is much lighter.

Then following this logical reasoning, the first battleship equipped with Rubik's Cube power is obvious. "

"Oh? Who is it?" Prince Eugen and Zhenhai asked in unison.

"USS Enterprise nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!" Qin Ge said to the two of them.

"Enterprise?" Prince Eugen said in surprise.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "It's not the CV6 in our port area, but the CV65. The world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to be retired.

This is what I deduced based on the history of my world. Although it does not represent the history of the Siren and your world, I feel that it is not much different. "

"Suddenly it feels like the commander's deduction is very close to reality, so what's next?" Prince Eugen said with interest.

"Ha, you still want to continue listening?" Qin Ge smiled, "Then it must be that during such research, it was discovered that the Rubik's Cube can resonate with the ship, and thus the first ship girl was born.

But I'm not sure who this ship girl is, and she doesn't need to have her name. After all, as the first ship girl, she is just a codename.

If and when a country and government masters such advanced weapons, then the first thing it will do is to announce it to the whole world and demonstrate its power with a clean victory in an exercise or war.

And seeing this, other countries will naturally follow suit. It happened to be the Cold War during that period, so a new round of arms race began again.

In such a time of technological explosion, there is such an energy that breaks the balance. I can't imagine what will happen in the end. But I believe that if the facts are really what I expected, then humans will definitely suffer the consequences in the end.

Therefore, in order to save the future that has become a foregone conclusion, the remaining humans will definitely do some crazy things, such as changing the past. "

When Qin Ge said this, Prince Eugen and Zhenhai's eyes were already full of light.

"Well, all of this is my imagination, which is to say the result of my imagination. As for whether the future will be like this, it's hard for me to say.

According to the movies and works of art in my past world, things are probably like this, so I am just joking with you, don't take it seriously. "

Qin Ge quickly explained that he was afraid that his temporary boast would be taken seriously by several ship girls.

Prince Eugen squinted his eyes and smiled, "Commander, maybe sometimes, the truth is so simple?"


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