My ship girl, my world

Chapter 613 Guardian Plan

"Energy ready."

"The coordinates have been determined."

"Carrying out alienation singularity."

"Connect the coordinates and activate the beacon point."

As a few sounds fell, a strange sound of electricity came from above the sea in the center of the Pacific Ocean.

Then, the sky seemed to be torn apart, revealing a large black crack. And behind the black cracks, there are tower-like buildings, flashing with strange light spots.

A giant beam of light spurted out from the top of the tallest tower-like building, reflecting on a strange device on the sea.

The moment the light beam hit the device, the sky suddenly turned blood red, and the surrounding waves also trembled.

The device gradually rose into the air and transformed into a strange black object suspended in the air, like a strange totem.

"It's done, the beacon has been set up, just waiting for the response from that party." The observer looked at the black object in mid-air and said with a smile.

"Tsk, this world is still a little too fragile. It's almost unbearable to bear such power, but fortunately the beacon is completed." The tester on the side looked at the cracked sky and said to the observer.

"But after they arrive, do you think the world can withstand their power?"

The observer shook his head gently, "Since Zero has made such a decision, there must be corresponding countermeasures. Regarding the numbered world, the terminal has no less information than us, so we don't have to worry about this."

While the two were talking, three figures flew over from different directions. They were the Purifiers, Clearers and Builders who had previously stabilized the sea areas and built beacon singularities.

"Observer, the beacon has been activated. When will the people from the original world come?" the purifier asked the observer.

"I don't know. After our beacon is built, they should respond. As for the time when they will come, I'm not sure. It depends on what they mean." The observer said.

"So all we can do now is wait here?" The Purge was a little confused.

"That's right, now that the Judge Project has ended, our mission has ended. Until the terminal mission is issued, all we can do is wait." the observer replied.

After the observer finished speaking, the purifier was in a daze, "Is our mission completed now? It's really unrealistic..."

"Haha, isn't this better? Being able to solve the problem with minimal loss is the luckiest thing for us." The observer smiled.


Just when the Purifier spoke, the tester on the side suddenly looked at him and said, "The beacon is active."

"What? The beacon is active now? Are they here in such a hurry?" the Purifier said in surprise.

"Interesting. It seems that we have all underestimated Commander Qin Ge. Just after building the beacon, Zero and the others rushed over impatiently. There may be something hidden behind this that we have never imagined." The observer looked at The beacon said as the light gradually became thicker.

"Tester, how long will it take for them to arrive?" the builder asked.

"According to the fluctuation of the beacon, it will only take three days at most." The tester looked at the beacon in front of him and said with some shock.

"So fast." The Purifier said in surprise.

"Then let's just wait. Three days have passed in a very short time." The observer looked at the beacon in the sky and said softly.


As observers say, three days are very short in their eyes and go by in a blink of an eye.

In the past three days, the light emitted by this beacon became more and more intense, until it suddenly stopped at a sudden moment.

"Coming!" Seeing this reaction from the beacon, the observer opened his eyes and said to the front. Several other people also looked in the direction of the beacon at the same time, and saw a blue light suddenly flashing under the beacon.

The light did not last long, and soon dimmed, and what emerged were dozens of figures.

The shapes of these dozens of figures are very distinct. Standing at the front is a figure with short white hair. She is sitting on a huge and abnormal ship suit, with a huge blue jellyfish-like thing above her head. He was holding a doll in his hand, which looked a bit like a constructor.

And behind this figure, there are two distinct groups of people. On one side are figures with exaggerated ship uniforms and various shapes, which are very similar to the observers.

The other party was carrying the same ship uniforms as the ship girls, but their outfits were very shabby, as if they had experienced countless battles.

"Tsk, it's really rare to see the arbitration agency and the ember appear together." Seeing this scene in front of him, even the observer couldn't help but sigh, and then said to the figure in the front, "Zero, I didn't expect you It came so quickly."

The white-haired girl sitting on the jellyfish suit opened her eyes gently, looked at the observers in front of her and said softly, "Thank you for your hard work, experimental agency. The judge's plan has been implemented. What's next?" I still need to trouble you for a while to implement the next plan."

"New plan? Could it be that something happened to the original world again?" the observer asked.

"Everything is normal in the original world and is currently recovering, and other scientific research projects are also being carried out." Zero said slowly, "As for the new plan, it is related to the ownership of all the main worlds and numbered world ship girls. question.

In order to pursue the future, we have traveled through various singularities of time and space, leaving various possibilities in history, but relatively speaking, it has also left behind instability.

The new plan is to eliminate these instabilities and make history return to history, and the ship girls and sirens will be eliminated from this history. "

"Didn't we already have a record for this kind of elimination? Why didn't we implement the record?" the observer asked doubtfully.

"That adult felt that our registration was too cruel. He planned to find a planet for the ship girls in the starry sky, and transfer the ship girls and sirens at all points in time to that planet. ." Zero replied slowly.

"Tsk, what a great plan, are you here to transfer the ship girls of this world this time?" asked the tester on the side.

"No, we will deal with transferring the ship girls later. Because in order to transfer all the ship girls to a new planet, there must be someone who can lead them, and this person is in your world, and we are here for this. ." Zero said to the observers and others.

"Commander Qin Ge?" The Purifier reacted immediately.

"Yes, he is a man of destiny, just like that gentleman, so it is best for him to rule that planet. But before that, he needs to go through some experience to reach the level of a true leader.

This is the reason why we are here, and this is also the plan you need to implement next. "Zero said to several people.

"So what's the plan?" Purge asked.

"Project Guardian!"

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