My ship girl, my world

Chapter 614 Upgrading the World

"Guardian plan?" The observer narrowed his eyes, "Interesting, and it matches the purpose of your visit this time, but this world cannot withstand the torment of the Arbitration Agency and the Ember Ship Girl."

"I know, so I came here in person this time." Zero said slowly, "I will use the terminal to arrange and upgrade this world."

"Upgrade!" Purifier said in surprise, "Does that mean this numbered world will become a part of the main world?"

Zero shook his head, "No, the main world is a parallel world that is intercepted at different points in time based on the original world, and the numbered world is a brand new virtual world. Although it has adopted changes from the original world, it is called the experimental field. a little better.

So this upgrade is mainly to move the terminals in this world from hierarchical to Laplace terminals. "

"Hiss, that is to say, you brought Laplace's main system here?" the observer said in surprise, "Then what about the original world? The current situation should be when the original world needs Laplace the most. Bar?"

"The Laplace I brought is a backup system. After the material blessing of that adult, this Laplace's ability is only stronger than the Laplace of the original world." Zero explained.

"It seems that a lot of money has been spent on this plan." The observer laughed, "So what is the specific content of the plan?"

"Before executing the content, how far have you carried out your plan in this world?" Zero asked.

"Be prepared for a frontal attack during the next tide." The observer smiled.

"Oh?" Zero nodded, "Understood, then let's hide the beacon here first, then upgrade the world, and then let Laplace perform the calculation."

The observer nodded, "As you wish."

Because of the addition of Zero, this sea area quickly became normal. The beacon that was originally floating in the sky just disappeared and could no longer be seen, and everyone who was still on the sea just now also completely disappeared.

Apart from them, no one in the world knows what happened in this sea area. No one knows what changes the arrival of this group of people will bring to the world.

But as the observer said before, the world will become interesting in every aspect.

In the Siren Stronghold, while Zero and Observers were busy, the Purifier in another hall looked at the Ember and Arbiter in front of him and said somewhat strangely, "Why do I feel that the three of them don't feel the same way as you?" Same?"

"Oh, although you usually act crazy, your intuition is sharper than the others, Purifier." The person standing at the front among the arbiters said with a smile.

"Empres, no matter how crazy I am, I'm not as crazy as your arbiters. I'm the experimenter in charge of the experiment, not you madmen who only know how to fight." The Purifier rolled his eyes and said.

"Haha, interesting." Enpress glanced at the Purifier, then looked at the man with silver-gray hair standing in front of the embers and said, "Key point G... forget it, we are no longer enemies anyway, so There is no need to use code names.

Enterprise, as the leader of Ember and the first ship girl, let me introduce the specific reasons to the host. "

Ember's company turned around to look, a sharp light flashing in his eyes, "Although the past has passed, it does not mean that our relationship has become comrades fighting side by side."

"Haha, that's right." A long-haired arbiter smiled and said to the company, "But our trip is for our future, for the future of all Antiques and the ship girls, maybe we can complete this plan After that, we parted ways and never saw each other again. At that time, all the hatred and all the memories disappeared.

So even if you don't admit us now, it doesn't matter. After all, we are substitutes. But we are very concerned about this plan because the adult said that after it is completed, we will eventually be reborn. "

Enterprise's eyes were a little complicated, and then he glanced at the purple-haired ship girl behind him, "Memphis, come on."

"Yes." The Ember Ship Girl known as Memphis looked at the somewhat embarrassed Purifier and said, "The reason why you feel strange about the flying dragon, Helena, and the Royal Ark is because these three have been re-created. of.

The original flying dragons, Helena and the Royal Ark have all joined the command of the Lord, and now they have separated from the existence of the ship girl and have become gods.

But for this project, we used Laplace Terminal to perform calculations and recreated them. And use the Yuan Rubik's Cube to activate them, so that their strength reaches what it was before they joined that adult's fleet. "

"Tsk, you talk about that adult being so powerful. Does he know that he is doing such a thing now?" the purifier asked.

"I know, and I agree." Memphis said, "After all, these three can only be regarded as new meta-warship girls, and they are completely different from the other three."

"Yes, there are too many things like this for ship girls with the same name, and it is normal for them to happen." The Purifier said, looking at Feilong and the others, and found that they did not pay attention to these things.

"What is Commander Qin Ge's current situation? Please give us a detailed introduction, Purifier. When we were on the road before, the observer said that you know the most clearly." Memphis said to the Purifier.

The Purifier nodded, "It has been four years since Commander Qin Ge came to this world. From a time traveler who knew nothing about it, he now has more than 200 ship girls, and more than a dozen of them have begun to move on their own. Break out.

At present, the port area is also developing steadily. With the assistance of Frederick the Great and Bismarck, research on mass-produced warships is being carried out, and a test site is being constructed. "

"Although he is very weak compared to us, considering the situation in this world, it is indeed a bit exaggerated. And he is quite courageous. There are not many commanders who can take us seriously." A man on the side crossed his arms. , the ship girl leaning against the wall said with a smile.

"Yes, the mental unit has just been discovered in this world. Although the major camps have made some research results, there is still a long way to go before they can be used on a large scale." The Purifier explained.

"So your arrival is a burden to the world itself. Without the blessing of Laplace Demon, the battle between you is enough to tear the space of this world apart and destroy the terminal."

When the Purifier said this, he looked at the embers present and the Arbiter, "Also, I have a question. If the original world has been restored, why did you only come with these few people this time?"

"There are still many people currently working on the restoration of the world in the original world, as well as the timeline of the main world, so it is enough for us to appear in this world for now, and as the plan progresses, there may be people coming again.

But I believe that time will be a long time ago. "The white-haired arbiter smiled.

The Purifier shrugged, "Same."

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