My ship girl, my world

Chapter 615 The world is changing

Upgrading the world is not something that can be completed in an instant. Even with the arrival of Zero and the help of everyone, it will take several days to complete. Therefore, during this period, in addition to the continued activities of the preset mass-produced warships , all other sirens stopped moving.

But such a move did not make the nine camps or Qin Ge have the slightest suspicion. After all, in the past, except for the mass-produced warships and agents that could be encountered on the sea, it was rare to see senior Siren humanoid commanders. traces.

On the other side, because the time to approach the Siren Tide is getting closer and closer, the commanders in the port area who had gone out for training also returned to the port area.

This time back, Qin Ge clearly saw from the report they submitted that their strength had greatly improved.

Not only did each of them have two or three fully trained ship girls under his command, but even their aura was different from before. They finally looked like soldiers who had experienced battlefields.

This made Qin Ge very satisfied, and he couldn't help but feel guilty for some of the plans he had made before. If Frederick the Great hadn't asked him to carry out the reform of the large fleet in time, it would have been several years before Li Chenming and the others truly had combat effectiveness.

But now, they are independent commanders. And as soon as he came back, he went to garrison tasks at three other temporary ports from Qin Ge.

Qin Ge was also very happy to give it. The previous arrangement of the company was mainly for people to observe and report in time if there was any situation.

Now that the garrison tasks of the three temporary ports have been handed over to Li Chenming and others, at least one commander and a team of ship girls will be present for each garrison.

No matter how urgent the problem is, we can deal with it first, and then decide whether to request support from the Minato District based on the size of the problem. This greatly reduces the pressure on the Minato District.

Next, in the port area, apart from this incident, nothing major has happened recently, and all work is proceeding as usual.

Until one day, Helena, who was accompanying Qin Ge at work, suddenly froze for a moment, then quickly ran to the window, held the window with her hands and looked out.

Qin Ge, who was at work, was a little confused by Helena's series of actions. He stood up and asked, "Helena, what's wrong?"

After hearing Qin Ge's question, Helena immediately turned around and said to Qin Ge, "Commander, I feel that the world is changing."

"What? The world is changing?" Qin Ge was confused by Helena's answer, "What does it mean?"

Helena shook her head, "I don't know, it's just a feeling. I feel that the world is changing."

"Hmm...a feeling?" Qin Ge touched his chin, "As an awakened ship girl, it is impossible for me to suddenly feel this way. If you are so sure, there must be something fishy."

As soon as Qin Ge finished speaking, the phone in the office rang. He couldn't help but glance at Helena, then picked up the phone and said, "I'm Qin Ge, please speak."

"Commander, I am Enterprise, and I just felt that the world is changing."

The voice of the company came out on the phone, and her words made Qin Ge frown. After all, Helena just said that to him, and now the company immediately called and said the same thing, which means that more ship girls may have noticed it.

After thinking for a moment, Qin Ge said into the phone, "I already know, Helena told me just now. Don't make any noise, first pay attention to who has sensed the change in the world, and report it to me in time."


After the enterprise finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and Qin Ge also put down the phone. Helena on the side asked a little strangely, "Commander, do you think some people have noticed the changes in the world, but some people have not?"

Qin Ge nodded, "walked to the window, pointed to the destroyers playing below and said to Helena, if they also noticed the changes in the world, their reaction at this time should be the same as yours."

But it is a pity that their movements have not been interrupted, and now Li Chenming and the others have returned and are also working in the office area.

If they were aware of it, then the office area would not be so quiet. In addition, this call was made by a company, and the two of you have the common characteristic of being an awakened ship girl, so I think you may be the only one who has noticed the changes in the world.

In order to be more careful, I asked the company to pay attention to it. "

Helena reacted immediately, smiled and said to Qin Ge, "The commander is really observing carefully."

Qin Ge shook his head, "It's not that I observed carefully, but I always feel in my heart that this time the Siren Tide will have something we have never seen before, so no matter what happens before this Siren Tide, I No one will be surprised.

And if it is true that the world is changing as you said, then it is very likely to confirm the danger of this siren tide. It seems that the next few days will be quite busy. "

"Commander, I will always be by your side, no matter what happens." Helena looked at Qin Ge and said firmly.

Qin Ge smiled, then opened his arms and hugged Helena beside him. Seeing Helena's face turn red instantly, Qin Ge smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely lead Helena to victory."


Not long after, the office door was knocked open, and it was Enterprise and Prince Eugen who walked in.

Qin Ge raised his head from his seat and looked at the two of them, "How is it?"

Enterprise nodded to Qin Ge, "Commander, after some investigation, I found that the only ship girls who sensed the changes in the world this time are us awakened ship girls, while the unawakened ship girls didn't sense anything. .”

Qin Ge nodded, "It seems to be consistent with what I speculated, which means that not only our port area, but also the awakened ship girls in the nine camps have also felt the changes in the world."

"This is inevitable. Since even we are aware of it, they must also be aware of it." Prince Eugen said, "However, what I am curious about is how has the world changed?"

Enterprise shook his head, "I don't know, but at this special time, it's really weird that something like this happened."

"Well." Qin Ge looked at the two of them and said, "In the next period of time, we will strengthen patrols in the waters near the island. I think this matter must be related to the sirens.

And the Siren Tide is coming soon. With everything happening now, it can be imagined that we have underestimated this Siren Tide.

Therefore, if any abnormal situation occurs in the future, immediately activate the port security plan and be fully prepared for attacks from the sirens! "

"Yes, Commander!"

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