My ship girl, my world

Chapter 617 The Siren Tide is coming!

Under the dark sky, a group of ship girls patrolled on the calm sea.

"Well, there is no moon tonight. The sea is so dark. I really want to turn on the navigation lights." A young ship girl in the team muttered.

"Foote, don't talk nonsense. If the navigation lights are really turned on, we will be a very obvious target on the sea. The commander asked us to patrol and be alert to special situations that may occur. He did not ask us to conduct meaningless operations. Fight." A ship girl with red hair and glasses said quickly.

"Foot is just too lazy, sister Fletcher, don't worry." A girl with silver-gray hair said with a smile, and there was an eccentric look in her eyes.

"Haha, Fletcher, you sisters have such a good relationship. It would be great if your sisters were as obedient as you in Washington." A beauty with blond hair wearing a white navy uniform said with a smile.

Fletcher quickly looked at the speaker, "North Carolina, I'm sorry for making you laugh."

"It's okay, I just feel like it's not easy for you." North Carolina smiled.

"Nothing is difficult. Although some sisters are naughty, most of them are very well-behaved. I am very happy." Fletcher said with a smile.

"Haha, it's true. Watching my sister grow up, I always feel a big achievement in my heart. But Washington's temper is a bit too aggressive, so it's better to be by my side. I'm afraid she might not pay attention to the commander one day. The officer is broken." North Carolina said worriedly.

"Don't worry, North Carolina. Although Washington has a more direct personality, the commander has a very good character. Even if he is bumped into by Washington, he will laugh it off." Fletcher comforted.

"That's right. In my journey as a free ship girl for so many years, the commander is the one who feels the most special to me, so I joined the commander's fleet without hesitation." North Carolina smiled.

While the two people were talking, the surrounding sea gradually changed. The sea fog spread out at some point. Although it was relatively shallow, it was happening.

Charles, who was driving at the front, suddenly stopped, forcing the people behind him to stop quickly.

"Charles, what's wrong with you?" Fletcher asked quickly.

Charles turned around quickly and said to everyone, "Have you seen it? Sea fog is rising on the sea, and the fog is filling in very quickly. This is not a normal thing in this season."

As Charles told the story, the others realized that a thin layer of mist had enveloped them.

"This is..." North Carolina's eyes flickered, and she remembered the situation she encountered in the mirror sea near Sun Moon Island before, "The micro-layered mixture is what the siren used to cover the march. It seems that there is Things happen."

"Ah! Do you want us to notify the island immediately?" Fletcher said in surprise.

North Carolina looked at the rising fog and shook his head, "Don't worry for now, the radar we are equipped with was improved by Helena, and it can now detect enemy ships in the micro-layered mixture.

So now we activate the radar, move closer to the external waters, and detect the size of the enemy ships. Only in this way can the information provided to the island be complete. "

"North Carolina, this is a risky move." Charles said to North Carolina.

But North Carolina smiled slightly and said to Charles, "So, my righteous partner, aren't you willing to go?"

Charles smiled and said, "The Little Beaver Team has nothing to fear, and justice will definitely win!"

"Then let's go," North Carolina said.


As the sea fog gradually thickened, the patrol led by North Carolina deviated from the previous channel and headed towards the waters outside the island.

After marching for a while, North Carolina raised his hand and asked the patrol to stop, because at this time, dense red spots appeared on the radar.

"Hey, this is really troublesome." Osborne, who has always been fearless, couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"The distance is getting closer now. Osborne will rely on you next. My target is too big and my speed is not too fast.

After you complete the investigation, come back quickly. We will return to the port area together and report to the commander. " North Carolina said.

"Understood, leave it to us." Osborne nodded, she understood what North Carolina meant. Their purpose now is just to get close for reconnaissance, not to start a war.

I saw Osborne leading Thatcher, Foote and Fletcher through the thick fog in front of them, until they disappeared from the sight of North Carolina.

After waiting there for a short time, Osborne and several destroyers reappeared with solemn expressions on their faces.

"How was it?" North Carolina asked.

"It's the same as shown on the radar, and after close inspection, it was found that most of them are mass-produced ships that have reached the awakening level, and there are also a large number of executors distributed among them.

I've experienced Siren Tides with the Commander several times, but I've never seen anything like this. "Osborne said solemnly.

"It seems that the commander's prediction is correct. The siren tide this time is indeed different from before." North Carolina nodded, "Then now we will return to port immediately at the highest speed and report this information to the commander."


Everyone increased their speed to the maximum, maintained a single column, headed by North Carolina, and sailed rapidly towards the port area.

And this scene doesn't only happen near Guam. The frontline patrols of almost all camps discovered the sea fog rising from the sea.

After the ship girls' inspection, they were shocked by the siren fleet that covered the sky. Soon, the news quickly reached the frontline commanders of each camp.

Everyone realized at this moment that a more tragic war than before was about to come.

No, it’s about to start.

Late at night, the urgent ringtone pierced the sky and rang in the quiet port area. In an instant, the peaceful atmosphere was instantly broken.

All the ship girls and commanders quickly got up from the bed, put on their clothes, and rushed to the planned location in an orderly manner.

All the ship girls marched towards the logistics warehouse to receive their own combat readiness supplies. All the commanders went to the conference room for a combat meeting.

Although everyone moved very quickly, there was no chaos at all. It was obvious that this situation had been practiced several times before.

Ten minutes after the bell rang, all the commanders gathered in the combat command room in the port office area.

Standing next to Qin Ge were North Carolina and Osborne, members of the previous patrol on the sea. He looked serious and said to all the commanders who were seated.

"Everyone, the Siren Tide is coming!"

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