My ship girl, my world

Chapter 618 New mass production model of Siren

"Tsk, these mass-produced models are really difficult to deal with! I have never felt that they are so powerful. They are actually more difficult to deal with than the executors I encountered in the sixth-level sea area before."

Washington looked at the battleship not far in front of him. He saw that the mass-produced battleship was wrapped in a layer of black mist. The entire hull was like a phantom in the sea. Although it felt unreal, it revealed Penetrating feeling.

It was obvious that several shots had been fired, but the damage caused was not much. It could only be seen that the fog was not that thick at the place where it was hit, and there were signs of cracks on the hull.

You know, with Washington's nearly full strength, she can destroy an ordinary mass-produced ship in level six waters with one shot. But facing such a brand-new model, her artillery played such a small role.

"Yes, this is different from all the mass-produced models we have encountered before. What is this black mist wrapping around the battleship." North Carolina on the side couldn't help but say.

While the two were talking, a group of carrier-based aircraft passed over their heads. Under the attack of enemy anti-aircraft fire, they approached the top of the mass-produced model and dropped several aerial bombs.

In an instant, the flames of the explosion rose on the mass-produced battleship in front of them. Although the mass-produced battleship was not sunk, there was only a trace of black fog covering the battleship.

Moreover, the deck was already cracked by the explosion, and the entire battleship was on the verge of collapse.

"Opportunity!" Washington saw this situation and immediately seized this fleeting opportunity, adjusted his muzzle to the position where he had just fired, and fired fiercely.

I saw the dazzling cannonball sliding down to the location where it had just hit, and then exploded violently. The crack in the splint that had just been created instantly widened, and then the mass-produced battleship was torn apart from that position, split into two pieces, and sank into the ocean.

"Huh, as expected of Washington, what a beautiful shot." North Carolina couldn't help but smile when he saw it.

"To be able to cause such damage, we still have to rely on Bunker Hill's carrier-based aircraft to blow up the black fog." Washington shook his head and said, then turned around and looked at the ship girl standing on the water not far behind him. .

She was currently recovering the carrier-based aircraft, and a night owl was flying beside her.

North Carolina nodded, looked at less than half of the Siren fleet left in front of him, and said with some concern, "I wonder what the situation is like on the commander's side."

"Don't worry, the commander's lineup is much stronger than ours. New Jersey, Enterprise, and Bumblebee are all by his side. I believe he will be like a rock." Although Washington said this, there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

Because this is just the flank, the weakest point for the Siren's attack. Logically speaking, their team should advance very quickly, but now they are also being held back by the Siren's ship.

The location of Qin Ge can be regarded as the direction of Yu Siren's main attack, and one can imagine the brutality of the battle there.

This is also true. Although there are dozens of awakened ship girls here, the attack from the sirens is even more powerful.

In the command ship where Qin Ge was located, the sound of the communicator never stopped. All team commanders are connected to China Unicom's combat channels. Qin Ge needs to constantly update the sea chart status according to the instructions of all team commanders. And in the event of an emergency in any squad, surrounding fleets will be dispatched to provide support at any time.

"Prince Eugen, lead your vanguard fleet to retreat temporarily. The enemy's vanguard firepower is currently too strong and your supplies are being consumed very quickly. After retreating to a safe distance, call the company for aviation support."

"New Jersey, the sirens on your side have been suppressed for the time being. Send two battleship girls to area C where Li Chenming is located to provide support."

"Shinano, the next round of carrier-based aircraft will go to Area E where Wang Yueqin is to provide support. Two enforcers will appear there, and quickly eliminate them."


The situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly. Qin Ge not only had to take into account the situation of his own fleet, but also the situation in the area where other members of the large fleet were located.

Fortunately, after such a long battle, other members of the large fleet were able to stabilize their position in the face of such a difficult Siren mass-produced warship. Although they had no obvious advantage.

This allows Qin Ge enough time to deploy support without causing the entire front to collapse from one point.

Of course, this kind of information collection and deployment is difficult for Qin Ge to handle alone. Therefore, in addition to Qin Ge, Zhenhai and Tiancheng are also on board the command ship.

One of them collects and analyzes intelligence, while the other conducts strategic deductions and submits the concentrated information to Qin Ge.

The sound of artillery fire, the sound of the engine of the carrier-based aircraft, and the sound of explosions in the distance. This originally quiet night became extremely exciting.

Finally, when the sun rose, the Siren fleet began to retreat, and the thick fog on the sea filled the sea again, giving everyone a chance to breathe.

"My lord, drink a glass of water and take a rest. They have retreated temporarily." Tiancheng appeared next to Qin Ge with a glass of water from nowhere and handed it to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge didn't say anything. After testing the water temperature, he drank the entire glass of water in one breath without his usual relaxed posture.

"Ha~" Qin Ge handed the finished water glass to Tiancheng, "Thank you, Tiancheng."

"It's okay, Lord." Amagi said with a smile.

"The situation is not optimistic." Qin Ge turned to look at the chart placed in the middle of the command ship and said with a frown.

"The siren fleet this time is a bit ridiculously strong. I originally thought that the mass-produced blue-black siren model last time was strong enough, but I didn't expect that this kind of existence would appear again this time. It's really..."

Qin Ge didn't say anything later, but the other two people present were both thoughtful people. How could they not think of what Qin Ge would say?

"Commander, I think the appearance of these things is related to the changes in the world before." Zhenhai looked at the sea map and said, "Before the world changed, our fleet also went to the sixth-level sea area, and even at the edge of the seventh-level sea area. I have been there, and most of the fleets that appeared were still what the Purifiers called the Siren Mass Production Type II fleet. I have never seen such a fleet exuding a strange black mist.

And this large-scale fleet attack is very reminiscent of the previous world changes. Perhaps the Siren is planning some huge conspiracy. "

"I know this, but I have imagined many siren attacks before, but I have never thought about such a comprehensive improvement." Qin Ge nodded and said, "And if such a siren appears here, then Chongying Did such sirens also appear in the other major camps in Donghuang at the same time?

We can resist by relying on the awakening ship girls to resist in a small area, but what about them? "

At this point Qin Ge stopped and looked at the sea still glowing in the distance, "I don't know how many people will sleep in the sea forever this time..."

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