My ship girl, my world

Chapter 627 Enterprise?

"This fighting power... is so terrifying..." Memphis was speechless.

Because since the radar reacted, everyone was immediately shocked and saw the carrier-based aircraft flying in the sky.

The black fuselage flashed through the air, and the Siren fleet below it exploded one after another. Flames floated above the sea, and smoke obscured the entire sky.

The Siren fleet, which had just surrounded Washington and others into a desperate situation, completely collapsed in such an instant.

"What exactly happened... All the sirens within visual range have been cleared. Memphis, did you find anything over there?" North Carolina said in surprise.

Memphis shook his head, "The radar shows that the enemy's reaction has completely disappeared."

At this time, Washington shook her head. She looked at the flames and Siren wreckage floating on the sea directly in front of her, "No, there is still an enemy watching us!"

After finishing speaking, Washington, in the confusion of everyone, shouted in front of him, "Hey, the guy who has been hiding over there just now, come out and show your face! My main gun radar has locked on you. You’ve got the position! Do you want to have an upright fight?”

But there was no movement on the sea in front of him, only the remains of the siren that kept burning. Washington couldn't help frowning, she stretched out the gun barrel installed on the right ship and began to adjust, "In this case, it seems that I can only use my cannon to invite you out!

All guns aimed at——! "

"Wait." North Carolina stretched out her arm to block Washington's side and looked straight ahead.

And there, above the burning sea, a figure stepped out.

The fire burned behind her, the smoke blocked the sunlight, making the place look gray, and the remains of the sirens were scattered around her.

His gray-white hair was blowing in the wind, and his shabby cloak was puffed up by the heat. There was a flight deck on the right side of his body, and he was holding a huge bow in his left hand. The whole person was like a gray ghost.

"This looks like a ship girl." Memphis said, but she immediately frowned, "But... this unit can't be detected at all on the radar... Is there a malfunction?"

"No." North Carolina shook her head, "But, have you ever heard of such a powerful ship girl?"

"No." Baltimore immediately shook his head, "As far as I know, even Akagi and Kaga, the world's top combat powers, are not so terrifying."

"Tsk." Washington said to the unknown ship girl ahead, "So, we are the vanguard fleet ordered to search for this stronghold. I am Washington. Please report your information and whereabouts!"

The ghost-like ship girl in the distance gradually raised her head, revealing a weathered face, but her face could not be seen clearly under the cover of gray hair.

A desolate voice came over, looking cold and sharp, "I just want to confirm something with you."

"Huh? You actually ignored my question?" Washington looked a little angry.

Then the ship girl in front of her told her with practical actions that her question was indeed ignored.

"Tell me...the name of your commander..." the ship girl said.

North Carolina shook her head, "We are under no obligation to answer this question until your identity is confirmed."

The ship girl suddenly appeared, possessing such great strength, and asked her commander's name. North Carolina instinctively refused to reply. Although Qin Ge's name was not a secret, it was inevitably suspicious under such circumstances.

The ship girl in the distance was stunned for a moment, as if she remembered something, and there was a hint of nostalgia in her eyes, "...Is it like this again...Then, this time it will be different!"

After whispering, she turned around without hesitation, "I will confirm it myself..."

Having said this, she picked up the long bow and pulled the bow string with her hand, and a golden arrow condensed between the bow strings. After suddenly letting go, the golden swordsman was like a flickering meteor, instantly crossing the sky and landing in the Siren stronghold not far away.


A deafening explosion came, and the Siren stronghold on the sea was instantly enveloped by the explosion, and a huge mushroom cloud was produced above the Siren stronghold. Inside the mushroom cloud was white smoke and red flames.

"Hiss..." The ship girls in charge couldn't help but take a breath. This scene was really breathtaking. They really couldn't think of any ship girl who could destroy a siren stronghold with one arrow.

Until North Carolina was stunned and saw the pattern on the ship girl's cloak, "Wait... this cloak?... How is that possible!

Are you an enterprise? ! "

The unknown ship girl over there did not turn her head, but said lightly, "No... you recognized the wrong person."

Immediately, her figure disappeared between the horizon composed of water and fire.

"North Carolina, is that ship girl really a company?" Seeing the unknown ship girl disappear, everyone asked North Carolina in surprise.

"Yes, as a ship girl, the clothes we have worn since birth are our ship uniforms. The ship uniform belongs to the ship girl, which is why we are called a ship girl.

That cloak is definitely a corporate cloak, there is no way I can mistake it.

So that ship girl is a company, but why? Why doesn't she admit her name? And how did she become like this? " North Carolina said.

North Carolina is not shocked by the emergence of another unknown company, because there is more than one company in the world, and it is very normal for another company to appear.

However, the strength of this company is too strong, so strong that it is a bit out of touch with the world and their cognition. Therefore, when it was discovered that the unknown ship girl was a company, North Carolina felt a sense of unreality. .

"The commander's files from the nine major camps do not record this person, so it is very possible that she is not a ship girl in this world." Bunker Hill said calmly.

"Do you think it's possible that the changes in the world some time ago have something to do with her?" Baltimore said out of the blue.

Her views were echoed by North Carolina as soon as she expressed them, “I feel it is very possible, otherwise the world would not have suddenly changed.

However, that company gave me a strange feeling. I always felt like she was so real that I felt like we were a bit unreal. "

"I don't know, I don't feel this way, but I think she is really powerful." Washington said with fighting intent as he looked at the still burning Siren stronghold in the distance.

"So what should we do about the current situation? Should we report it to the commander, or..." Memphis said.

“The Siren battleship shown on the radar has been cleared, and the Siren stronghold has been destroyed, but we don’t know the specific situation inside.

Therefore, I suggest that you go back to the Siren stronghold to explore the specific situation, and then report to the commander after the situation is verified. " Bunker Hill said.


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