My ship girl, my world

Chapter 628 Strange File

After listening to North Carolina's report, Qin Ge and others fell silent.

You must know that they just completed an operation to seize the Siren stronghold, and paid a heavy price.

"It's really hard to imagine that a Siren stronghold was completely destroyed in one attack. How powerful is this?" Veneto said in surprise.

"Haha, compared to this, I am more interested in the fact that there have been some changes in this world. And with the emergence of such a powerful ship girl, I wonder what will happen in the future?" Prince Eugen smiled and bit. Biting his finger.

"You should also feel it. After the world has changed, it is as if the shackles that previously bound us have been lifted. After these few battles, I can feel that my strength is increasing. Although it is relatively weak, it is better than The previous one was simply too strong.”

"Well, indeed, I have also felt this feeling. I thought I was the only one who had it before. If it happens to you too, then it can be explained that this is caused by the changes in the world." Richelieu nodded. , agreed with Prince Eugen’s statement.

"Is this so?" Qin Ge couldn't help but frowned, "The world has changed, the shackles have been opened, new types of sirens and unknown siren elite units have appeared, and unknown ship girls have appeared.

Everything appears in this Siren Tide. It seems that this is the Siren's conspiracy this time.

But why is that ship girl unwilling to communicate with us more? With such a powerful combat power, she should be able to directly eliminate the sirens in this world, right? "

"I can't tell, but something must have happened." Prince Eugen smiled, "But Commander, there is no need to worry. Although this sea is big, as our strength increases, we will eventually come into contact with that level. Yes, we will know what the reason is then."

Listening to Prince Eugen's words, Qin Ge couldn't help but nodded. Just when he was about to say something, a figure appeared on the command ship.

"I'm sorry for disturbing your meeting, but we found a special document in the Siren stronghold. I think this will be useful to the commander, so I took it over immediately." Helena stepped forward with an apology. Said to everyone.

Qin Ge waved his hand, "It doesn't matter. What did Helena find that made you come here in such a hurry?"

Helena directly took out a data disk from her ship's installation space and handed it to Qin Ge, "I copied all those things in it. Commander can check it."

Qin Ge took the data disk and handed it to the company around him. The time enterprise structure data disk is very familiar and is connected to the command ship's command system.

After a short operation, a document was projected on the table and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"Social data: new developments in historical mysteries?" looked at the projection on the table, the reader's title was confused.

Qin Ge quickly scanned the information. Although some writing on the information had been blacked out, it still did not affect reading.

"This is the data file of the Tunguska explosion." Qin Ge said to everyone after reading it.

"The Tunguska explosion?" Soviet Rosia looked at Qin Ge in surprise, "In my memory, there was indeed a big explosion in the Northern United Region, but I can't remember exactly where it was. Why is the commander so sure? ?”

Qin Ge smiled and pointed to a line of text in the file, "Although this place is deliberately blacked out, the Tunguska explosion also happened in my world, so these times can be guessed at once.

The combination is like this. At dawn on June 30, 1908, a huge explosion comparable to a nuclear explosion occurred in the Tunguska region of Northern United Siberia, completely destroying a forest of more than 2,000 square kilometers.

And this refers to a hypothesis put forward after the Tunguska explosion, called the meteorite theory.

In fact, in addition to this hypothesis, there are still many hypotheses in my world. Some of the more famous views are the meteorite impact theory, the antimatter theory, the comet impact theory, and the ice body theory.

After all, no one knows what the real cause of the impact is. They can only use various hypotheses to deduce how the big explosion occurred. But I'm a little bit curious, why is there such a file in the Siren Stronghold? "

This question made everyone think deeply. Indeed, it is true that such a historical document cannot appear in the Siren stronghold, but now that it has appeared, it means that there must be some reason inside.

"I think the Siren wanted us to discover something, so I deliberately placed such a file in the Siren stronghold." Amagi said from the side.

"Did you find anything?" Qin Ge frowned, "According to Siren's usual behavior, I feel that this possibility is very high, but what does the Tunguska explosion have to do with this world?

Could it be that the cause of the Tunguska explosion was the Rubik's Cube crystals produced by meteorites hitting the earth? Isn’t that too ridiculous? "

Qin Ge's seemingly complaining words made all the ship girls' eyes light up. Zhenhai said with a smile, "What if, as the commander said, this Tunguska explosion is related to the Rubik's Cube?"

"Ah?" Qin Ge was stunned, and immediately said, "Don't just believe what I say. I was just complaining."

"But other than this, is there any other reason why Siren would place such a seemingly irrelevant and weightless file in the Siren stronghold?" Zhenhai said with a smile.

"Hiss..." Qin Ge took a breath, "If this is really the case, then maybe Siren means to let us explore the essence of the whole incident? Why don't they tell us directly?"

"Perhaps you think we are not qualified? Or maybe the result is too incredible?" Prince Eugen chuckled.

"None of this can be determined yet, and the label of this file is one, which means that in addition to this file, there is a second or even a third one.

As long as we collect enough, we can completely restore the truth of this matter. "Enterprise said to Qin Ge.

"Well, it seems we have added another mission in the future." Qin Ge shrugged and said, "But what I am curious about is, is there a Tunguska explosion in this world?"

The ladies in charge couldn't help but look at me, and I looked at you, and then they shook their heads in unison.

"My lord, our main focus is usually on battles. Historical mysteries like this are not within our scope of attention. If it weren't for this file, maybe we wouldn't know anything about the Gus explosion." Some people in Tiancheng said He said helplessly.

"Okay, it seems we have to find time to check whether there is a Tunguska explosion in this world." Qin Ge said with a smile.

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