My ship girl, my world

Chapter 631 File Update

"The core area has been controlled. Commander, shall we continue to expand the search area now?"

On Qin Ge's command ship, Enterprise asked Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "There's no rush for now, wait for the news."

"Huh?" Not only the company was stunned for a moment, but the rest of the people were a little surprised.

After experiencing several battles now, we are far from being exhausted. Although the battles are quite thrilling, we are still victorious in general.

If he pursued bravely now, he would definitely achieve greater results, but now Qin Ge planned to pause, which surprised everyone.

"Commander, why?" Veneto asked.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Have you never noticed it since we concentrated on fighting? Since we abandoned the base and rushed to the front line to annihilate the Siren stronghold, what about Bismarck and the others on Saipan?"

"Commander, do you mean that they are not continuing to defend Saipan now, but are also conducting ocean assaults like us?" Enterprise said in surprise.

Qin Ge nodded and shook his head, "I don't know, because the order I gave them is that we need to go to the ocean to defeat the Siren stronghold. This action is accompanied by danger, but I am afraid that all this is a Siren stronghold." Ren's conspiracy, so let them make their own judgment before taking action.

So I don’t know their whereabouts now, maybe they are behind us, maybe they are in front of us, but one thing is for sure, that is, they will definitely do something that even I can’t think of. "

"Have the initiative?" Prince Eugen smiled, "Suddenly I was curious as to how they would act."

"I'm also quite curious about how unexpected things can be done by Bismarck, Frederick the Great, and Akagi Kaga's special operations team." Soviet Rosia said with a smile.

"So we will temporarily make repairs in this Siren stronghold?" Veneto asked.

Qin Ge nodded, "It can be said that apart from the two entrances, this Siren stronghold has no other relatively poor defensive shortcomings. As long as people are ordered to guard the two gates, it can be temporarily stationed.

Moreover, the facilities of this stronghold are also well preserved. Didn't Helena and the others also conduct a search to see if there is anything else to gain? "

"Okay, then I'll go down and make arrangements now." After Qin Ge finished speaking, the company immediately responded and turned around to arrange temporary berthing at sea.

Not long after, Helena lived up to her expectations and found something useful in the core, as well as two special files.

On Qin Ge's command ship, all the leaders of the fleet gathered around the table and looked at the file projected on the table.

"Social data: Actions that were deliberately hidden." Qin Ge read slowly, "It seems that this is similar to the previous Tunguska explosion file, but the names Ocean Federation and Frontline that appear in it are a bit interesting. .”

"Commander, are there any existences corresponding to these two camps in your world?" Enterprise asked.

Qin Ge thought for a moment and said slowly, "According to this document, the Ocean Federation is obviously dominated by White Eagle, while the Forward Front is obviously dominated by the Northern Alliance.

The two camps in my world correspond to the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. They have indeed formed two organizational alliances.

One is called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO for short. The other one is called the Warsaw Pact, or the Warsaw Pact for short.

These two organizations fought against each other for decades. Although there was not much fighting, it also caused a new round of equipment competition. We usually call this period the Cold War.

The end of the Cold War ended with the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in 1990, followed by the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the world structure became one of one superpower and multiple powers.

I think the Ocean Federation and the Forward Front are what these two organizations are called in that world. "

"Although I have heard Comrade Commander say it before, it is really sad to hear such news again." Sovietrosia said.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "The changes in the world are never led by personal will. This is the general trend. When a political system becomes large, it has to absorb more people to support it.

People's hearts are fickle, and no one dares to say that they will not be corrupted by sugar-coated bullets from the outside world. When there are too many of these people, the political system will be in danger, on the verge of collapse, or even disbanded or overthrown.

However, there seems to be some changes in this world. Currently, the Ocean Federation and the Forward Front are attracted by the big explosion that occurred in the Tunguska polar region.

But the time does not match up. After all, the Tunguska explosion occurred in 1908, and the two camps emerged after 1955.

Therefore, after the Tunguska explosion, there was a vacuum period between the time recorded in this archive. Perhaps it was because scientists discovered something that made the explosion confusing. "

"That's right, and according to what is said at the end of this file, the Pole has turned into a huge offshore construction site. That means the two camps have discovered something in the Pole and realized that it can be used, so they established construction On-site." The company agreed with Qin Ge's statement.

"Although I haven't seen other information yet, based on this information, it is very likely that the two camps discovered the Rubik's Cube material in the polar regions. Otherwise, I really can't figure out why the Siren would put it in the stronghold." Veneto said.

"Let's take a look at another file. Maybe it can tell us why." Qin Ge said, placing the projection on another file.

"Social information: The special materials production factory is recruiting workers!" The company said in confusion, "Is this a job recruitment notice?"

Qin Ge nodded, "It seems so, but the content is really not simple."

"This factory is located in the precision industrial production center on the outskirts of Newport. It is one of the first 120 companies in White Eagle to obtain a Class I energy cube production license.

Wait, an energy cube? ! The company asked in surprise, "What does this have to do with the Mind Cube?" "

"It's unclear at the moment, but this can completely explain that Siren stayed, and the files in the stronghold do contain records about the Rubik's Cube.

It seems that scientists accidentally detected the existence of Rubik's Cube matter a few years after the Tunguska explosion, which allowed two major organizations to enter it and start research.

And this energy cube should be a civilian version? "Prince Eugen said.

Qin Ge thought and nodded, "It seems that things are becoming more and more interesting. Just three files have already outlined a completely different world.

And it seems that these files are far more than these three. Didn't Washington and the others witness the mysterious ship girl destroying a Siren stronghold before? I wonder if they found such files in the stronghold? "

"Commander, wait a moment, I'll ask right away." Enterprise said quickly.

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