My ship girl, my world

Chapter 632 Bismarck’s message

North Carolina's answer was very simple. Indeed, they found a mysterious file in the dilapidated stronghold.

After receiving the news, Qin Ge couldn't help but nodded. So far, every Siren stronghold he had encountered had at least one mysterious file, which made people think that it was done deliberately.

But why would the sirens put these things here? Is it to allow yourself to peek into the truth behind the incident?

Qin Ge doesn't know now. He feels like a pawn on a chessboard, being manipulated by others, but he can't resist. In other words, there is no place to resist at all.

Because people cannot resist unknown things, resistance is based on what is known.

After more than an hour of rest, a message from Bismarck arrived, breaking the wait.

"Commander, the number of Siren strongholds in this sea area has been determined. There are still two Siren strongholds that have not been cleared. One is at the coordinates xxx, xxx, and the other is at the coordinates www, www.

xxx, xxx is the closest location to you, so please bring a large force to clean it up. Just leave the Siren stronghold at www, www location to us. The cleanup plan is currently underway. "

After hearing this communication, Qin Ge finally breathed a sigh of relief, but became a little worried again, "Bismarck, this time there is an unknown Siren elite unit in the Siren stronghold, which is completely different from the executors we have seen before. Don’t be impatient, or wait until I bring everyone with me.”

"Commander, we all understand the situation you are talking about, and we may have a little more information about those Siren elite units than Commander."

Qin Ge was slightly surprised when Bismarck's voice came from the communicator, and also surprised the surrounding ship girls. Before he could ask why, Bismarck's explanation followed.

"When we discovered the second Siren stronghold, we met an interesting ship girl, and we also got this information from her mouth.

The units currently encountered by the commander in the Siren stronghold are called agents. They are not the executors of the observers and others we fought against before, but are the product of another organization of the Siren.

The name of that organization is the Arbitration Organization, and the main body within them is a powerful siren unit called the Arbiter. The agents who appeared this time were the lower-level units released by these arbiters.

As for the Builders and Purifiers we encountered before, their units are the experimental organizations in Siren, responsible for conducting experiments in various worlds.

According to that person, the people who have been fighting us since the beginning have always been experimental personnel who are not good at fighting. The Arbitration Agency is the real person responsible for fighting in the Siren. I must have learned the power of those agents, right? "

"Arbitration body? Agent?" Not only Qin Ge opened his mouth in surprise, but the ship girls next to him also looked shocked.

"This, even the Purifiers and the others are not considered the Siren's combat units? How strong will the Arbiter be?" Veneto asked in surprise.

"We haven't met the arbiter yet, so we can't judge the strength of the arbiter. But according to the interesting ship girl we met before, we can judge that the arbiter is very strong, and for the ship girls in this world, it is a bit strong. That's outrageous." Bismarck seemed to have guessed everyone's reaction and continued to speak into the communicator.

"Wait a minute, is the ship girl you met a strange ship girl named Enterprise?" Enterprise remembered the previous report from North Carolina and asked Bismarck.

"Enterprise? No, what we encountered was not an enterprise, but Gneisenau. That means you have also encountered that kind of ship girl?" Bismarck said with some surprise.

"We didn't encounter the company directly. North Carolina and the others saw that company when they were on a search mission. According to North Carolina, that company alone wiped out several siren fleets and destroyed them with one arrow. A Siren stronghold was established.

However, when North Carolina questioned her, she acted very indifferently and left the Siren stronghold directly. "Qin Ge explained to Bismarck.

"Understood." Bismarck said, "Commander, let's wait until we meet up to discuss the rest. Next, we will first clear out the two Siren strongholds and restore calm to this sea area."

"Understood." Qin Ge said, and then interrupted the conversation.

"It seems that Persian Cat-chan and the others have encountered interesting things during this period. The Gneisenau who is in the same company as before is not a simple guy." Prince Eugen said with a smile.

"Persian cat sauce?" Qin Ge looked at Prince Eugen in confusion.

"Alas, I accidentally said it on such an occasion." Prince Eugen chuckled, "Then everyone just pretend they didn't hear it. If Bismarck knew about it, she would be unhappy."

Qin Ge's expression became weird, "Why do you call Bismarck Persian Cat Sauce? The two of them can't be related at all, okay..."

"It's just because we can't connect them together that we call them that. Don't you think it's interesting, Commander?" Prince Eugen said with a smile.

"Uh... Okay." Qin Ge touched his chin and looked at the people with strange expressions. He thought that their mood should be the same as his. After all, it's really weird for the serious Bismarck to call him a Persian cat or something.

But immediately putting this thought behind him, Qin Ge then put down his hand and said to everyone seriously, "We are now moving towards the Siren stronghold, and by the way, we will notify North Carolina that they are moving towards the main fleet. "


With Bismarck's exact information, Qin Ge stopped waiting and prepared to gather strength to eliminate the last two Siren strongholds.

In another place, after Bismarck hung up the communicator, he looked at the figure sitting on a mechanical dragon ship suit in front of him.

"Anyway, thank you very much for providing us with this information, so where are you going next, Gneisenau?"

"I didn't expect that our battle with the arbitration body is not over. After we find the singularity of this world, we may leave this world." said the ship girl whom Bismarck called Gneisenau.

"Oh? Leave this world?" Frederick the Great on the side narrowed his eyes, "Gneisenau, you said that your world has been destroyed, and all the ship girls have been killed, right?"

"Yes." Gneisenau nodded.

Frederick the Great smiled slightly, "In that case, it's better to stay in this world for the time being.

You must have just heard the news about the phone call between Bismarck and my child. The ship girl named Enterprise should be from other worlds like you, as well as the representatives of those arbitration institutions.

Since you all came to this world at the same time, you must have been guided by something. I believe the world will become a more interesting place in the future, both for us and for you. "

"So, are you planning to invite me?" Gneisenau said looking at Frederick the Great.

"It's not wrong if you think so." Frederick the Great smiled.

"I'll think about it..." Gneisenau said.

Akagi from afar looked at the situation here and couldn't help but smile, "Haha, interesting..."

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