My ship girl, my world

Chapter 661 Siren Stronghold

As a wisp of fish belly white appeared in the distant sky, a large group of carrier-based aircraft took advantage of this moment of transition between light and dark and flew across the sky.

After a short rest, the attack on the Siren stronghold was officially launched with an order from Qin Ge.

The fleet quickly approached the Siren stronghold on the sea, and the aircraft carrier mother released carrier-based aircraft, and with the sky about to light up, she began to assist the surface fleet from the air.

Soon, the carrier-based aircraft accompanied the surface fleet and entered the Siren stronghold, cleaning up the Siren fleet encountered in the field of vision.

Everyone cleaned up very quickly and at the same time very carefully. After all, the situation they encountered in the Siren stronghold in the waters of Guam is still vivid in their minds.

They were a little worried that some agent would mix with the Siren fleet and carry out a surprise attack like the agents they encountered before.

But what is surprising is that after clearing the Siren stronghold, there was no attack from any agents. Guarding the core of the Siren stronghold was a pair of Siren elite teams composed of enforcers.

Such a team poses no threat to Qin Ge's fleet at all. Therefore, everyone cleared the Siren stronghold with almost no pressure.

"It's strange that there is no agent guarding this Siren stronghold?" New Jersey said somewhat strangely after occupying the core of the stronghold.

"Maybe it's because there are so many agents on the Donghuang front line that there are no agents guarding the Siren stronghold?" Penn said.

"It's very possible, but it's better for everyone to be careful. After all, the agent's attack power is quite strong. When we relax our vigilance, it may cause great trauma to us." The company said to everyone.

"Understood!" New Jersey and the others nodded and said through the communicator.

"Helena, take a group of people into the core to search for the remaining items, and don't forget what the commander told you." Enterprise said to Helena.

"Understood." Helena responded immediately.

The Prince of Wales and others naturally knew that there would be some technology left in the core of the Siren stronghold, so they naturally had no problem with Helena going in to search.

After all, Qin Ge's family came here to support Donghuang. It was right for them to get some loot after occupying the Siren stronghold. They came here just as temporary thugs, and the loot didn't matter to them.

Just as Helena and others entered the core stronghold to search, the aircraft carrier girls of the fleet also released their carrier-based aircraft to conduct a large-scale search in the sea area, preparing to find the next Siren stronghold.

Surprisingly, the search circle was not very large before we encountered the second or even third or fourth siren stronghold.

Unlike the Siren strongholds in Guam waters, the Siren strongholds here in Donghuang are relatively dense. There are at least five Siren strongholds in just a small area of ​​​​the sea.

After learning about this situation, Enterprise and others quickly boarded Qin Ge's command ship and reported the situation to him.

"Well, it does look a bit weird, the Siren stronghold is so close." Qin Ge said and couldn't help but touch his chin.

"Commander, you also know the situation in the Siren Stronghold just now. The Siren Stronghold in Donghuang seems to be different from the Siren Stronghold in our place. There is no agent here.

Therefore, these siren strongholds pose a very low threat to us. I think we can divide our forces into two groups to quickly clear out the four siren strongholds we discovered, and then join together to explore new siren strongholds. "Enterprise said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge squinted his eyes, thought for a while and then shook his head, "I don't agree with this suggestion. It is still the hinterland of the Siren. Although there are no elite Siren units such as agents found in this Siren stronghold, there is no one It can guarantee that there will be no agent in the next Siren stronghold.

We must focus on safety now, don't forget, there is an arbiter here. What if you encounter the Arbiter at the next stronghold after dividing your troops? Even if you want to rescue, but the distance is relatively long, it will take a certain amount of time to arrive, which will cause unnecessary casualties. "

As soon as Qin Ge's words came out, all the ship girls gave up the idea of ​​dividing their troops. As he said, dividing the troops can certainly improve the efficiency of the battle, but if an accident occurs, the error tolerance rate is very small compared to the entire fleet together.

"Understood, Commander. Helena and the others are currently collecting the relevant loot in the core of the Siren stronghold. We will continue to move forward after they return to the team. So which stronghold should be chosen as the next target to conquer?" King George V said.

"The closest to this Siren stronghold, we must now be down-to-earth and step by step. We must not rush this kind of thing." Qin Ge said.


Regarding Qin Ge's views, except for his own ship girl, other Mikasa and the Prince of Wales are very supportive.

The battle in Donghuang lasted for such a long time. Although they also hoped to end the battle quickly, everything must be done in order.

We are currently Donghuang's only hope, and we must ensure that we can annihilate them stably before we take any action. It is very easy to cause problems if you advance rashly at this juncture.

Next, everyone held a simple meeting about the battle just now. Qin Ge pointed out all the mistakes made in the cooperation between the ship girls, and arranged for the company Veneto and others to go back and notify them to prevent the next time The same situation continues to occur.

This is also the reason why Qin Ge's fleet has been able to deal with the Siren strongholds and agents faster and faster so far. Reviewing and reflecting on the mistakes you have made in a timely manner and correcting them in the next battle will make your tactical coordination more and more perfect.

After waiting for the meeting to end, Helena also completed the search inside the core. As expected, there is indeed a mysterious file here.

But now is not the time to open the mysterious file. After Helena returns to the team, Qin Ge's fleet sets off again, heading towards the Siren stronghold closest to this Siren stronghold.

Because the two Siren strongholds were relatively close, it didn't take long to reach the other Siren stronghold, and there was no blocking Siren fleet in the middle.

Like the first Siren stronghold that was cleared before, this Siren stronghold only has a large number of mass-produced siren fleets and enforcers, as well as fallen ship girls. No trace of agents was found, let alone arbiters. .

But Qin Ge still didn't dare to relax, and he still followed the same method for the next third, fourth, and even fifth siren strongholds, pushing them one by one.

By the time the fifth Siren stronghold was eliminated, the sky became bright again. They had been fighting in this sea area for a whole day and night...

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