My ship girl, my world

Chapter 662 Information about the Sea Area of ​​Siren Fortress

"How's it going, Enterprise? Did you find anything?" Qin Ge said to the enterprise through a communicator with a somewhat tired spirit.

After all, they conquered five Siren strongholds in a row and spent almost the whole day fighting besides rushing. Fortunately, at night, on the way to the fourth stronghold after conquering the third stronghold, Zhenhai urged Qin Ge to take a nap, otherwise Qin Ge would have become even more sleepy.

"Commander, there is no trace of the Siren stronghold here yet, but now we are launching a large-scale search, and I believe it will be found soon." The company replied to Qin Ge.

"I understand, then please continue searching and report any information as soon as possible." Qin Ge said.

"Received, but Commander, please take advantage of this period to take a break. If continuous siren strongholds are searched later, we will face continuous battles. High-intensity battles like this will affect your health. Physically." Enterprise said to Qin Ge.

"I know. If you continue to search, I will ask Zhenhai to help keep an eye on it." Qin Ge said.


Then the two hung up the communicator, and just when Qin Ge turned around, he saw Zhenhai's eyes that were half-smiling.

"Commander, I have heard everything you promised to the company, so go get some sleep now. You are not us.

And don’t say no. After all, if our commander suddenly faints when facing the arbiter, it will be a very devastating thing. You don’t want this to happen, right? "

After hearing Zhenhai's words, Qin Ge knew that he couldn't refuse this time. Then he nodded and said, "I'll lie down on the sofa here for a while. If anything happens, tell me quickly."

"Understood." Zhenhai said with a smile.

As a result, Qin Ge fell asleep as soon as he lay down on the sofa. This made Zhenhai feel distressed. He then opened the ship's space, took out a blanket from it, and put it on Qin Ge's body.

Then he walked to the communicator, took out the communicator and said, "The commander has fallen asleep. He fell asleep as soon as he lay down on the sofa. He has been worrying about our battle for the past two days, and he has worked hard."

"That's good. Thank you, Zhenhai. If you weren't here, the commander would definitely pretend to go to bed." The voice of the enterprise sounded, with a clear look. It seemed that they had an agreement in private.

"Haha, after all, Commander's stubborn temper has lasted for more than a day or two. If I can't find a way to deal with him after such a long time, then I won't call him Zhenhai." Zhenhai said with a smile.

"Then please take care of the commander, and we will continue to search for the Siren stronghold." Enterprise replied.

"Well, let's take advantage of this period to resupply everyone and stay in the best condition, so that we can be more confident about the next battle." Zhenhai said.


After the two of them finished speaking, they hung up the communicator, and the company went to arrange her affairs. As for Zhenhai, he came to the sofa, looking at Qin Ge's sleeping face with a smile.

By the time Qin Ge woke up again, it was already noon. He opened his eyes suddenly, and the first thing he noticed was the blanket covering him. Then he looked around and saw Zhenhai looking at him with a smile.

"Commander, if you wake up, you can still sleep for a while. We are still more than half an hour away from the next Siren stronghold." Zhenhai said to Qin Ge.

"The next Siren stronghold?" Obviously Qin Ge didn't expect to have found the next Siren stronghold, so he quickly rubbed his face with his hands, sobered up and asked quickly, "They have found the next Siren stronghold. Yet?"

Zhenhai shook his head, "They found the Siren stronghold, but it was not one, but a whole area."

"One piece?" Qin Ge was a little stunned. He couldn't understand what Zhenhai meant by one piece.

Zhenhai stood up and walked towards the sea chart. Qin Ge immediately got up and followed Zhenhai to the sea chart.

"Commander, please look, the Siren stronghold that Enterprise and the others discovered is at this location." Zhenhai pointed to a location in front of his fleet's cursor and said.

"According to their detection, almost all of the siren strongholds within this location are, and a large number of sirens are emerging from there and then heading in two different directions.

The two different directions are Chongying and Donghuang, so we concluded that this area is the centralized base for attacking Donghuang and Chongying Siren. "Zhenhai said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge's brows suddenly wrinkled, and he asked Zhenhai, "Have the company found out how many siren strongholds there are here? Or maybe they have a rough number."

"At least twenty." Zhenhai turned his head and looked at Qin Ge and replied.

"Huh? No less than twenty, are you kidding me?" Qin Ge said in surprise.

"No, and we suspect that this Siren stronghold is just the focus of the attack on Chongying and Donghuang Siren strongholds.

Because according to the coastline of Donghuang and the reports from Anshan and Changchun, there should be some scattered Siren strongholds similar to what we knew before. " Zhenhai said.

"So there are no fewer than twenty-five siren strongholds in this sea area, and there may even be more?" Qin Ge said in surprise.

"That's the truth." Zhenhai nodded, "So now we are heading towards the concentration point. If we remove the Siren stronghold here together, it will definitely relieve the pressure on Donghuang and Chongying. They don’t have to worry about the danger of being destroyed at any time.”

Qin Ge nodded, his eyes staring at the area Zhenhai had pointed out before, "So it's very possible that the arbiter is here?"

"Yes, if I have to choose a location, then this location is the most likely." Zhenhai said.

Qin Ge nodded, "Didn't Helena in another world give me a flame mark badge before? The company said it was a beacon mark. Please remind her that if you encounter special circumstances, don't hesitate to use it immediately. "

Zhenhai smiled and said, "Commander, don't worry, we have had a brief discussion while you were asleep. We are going to send submarines and aircraft carrier reconnaissance aircraft to conduct intelligence reconnaissance in the air and sea areas.

If we find anything unusual, we will immediately use a beacon mark. Because after using the beacon mark, even if there are reinforcements, they will not arrive here immediately. She has a certain amount of time. "

"Haha, since you have already discussed it, let's go according to your plan.

The enemy we face this time is unknown and very powerful. Tactics will probably not have much effect in front of her, so use your shipgirl methods to defeat her. "Qin Ge didn't look disappointed. He stretched out his arms and looked sideways at Zhenhai.

"Thank you Commander for your trust, we will definitely win!"

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