My ship girl, my world

Chapter 685 Link Communication

"It's similar to the Donghuang Front, but these architectural styles are a bit familiar." Cleveland said while walking and looking at the nearby ruins.

"Ha, it's true what you said." Baltimore said with a smile, "As White Eagle ship girls, this is really the first time we have set foot on the land of White Eagle."

"Actually, regarding this, I think the flying dragon and Helena are right. For us, White Eagle is just a destination in our hearts. But in fact, our real destination is the commander.

So when the commander talked about rescuing White Eagle, my first reaction was not to rush over immediately, but to consider what kind of situation the commander would encounter after he came over, and whether I should consider giving up..." Cleveland on the side was embarrassed. said.

"Actually, I am the same. After all, although we belong to the Silver camp, we do not belong to the White Eagle." Baltimore said with a smile, "But having said that, Helena is really mysterious. What she has revealed during her time in our fleet Some of the information is really incredible.”

"Yes, look at our Helena, and then look at that Helena. Suddenly, I feel that the difference is indeed very big." Cleveland looked at the figure of Helena searching in front and smiled.

"By the way, Helena, have you spoken to the other Helena?"

Hearing Cleveland's question, Helena, who was searching ahead, turned her head and nodded, "I told you something. I was on the commander's command ship before."

"Oh, what did she tell you?" Cleveland and Baltimore both looked at Helena curiously.

Helena thought for a while and said, "She told her that she envied me, and asked me to stay well by the commander's side, to be strong, and not to write sadness on my face easily.

She also told me some things I didn’t know about the use of SG radar, which made me feel like a big sister. "

"Is it like this?" Baltimore said, "Is it possible that she wants to come to our port area?"

"It's possible." The company behind came up and said to several people, "No matter from every aspect, our port area is a very good partner. After all, we don't have those between camps. For trivial matters, we only take orders from our commanders.

Moreover, our commander is also a very open-minded person. He comes from a different world. Although it is different from Helena and Feilong's world, it is simply better than other camps. "

"Cooperation? Enterprise, do you think they might join our fleet?" Cleveland asked.

The company thought for a while, "According to the common sense of our world, a commander can contract at most one ship girl with the same name, but Helena and Feilong are both from other worlds, and I don't know if this rule is useful for them.

However, if they can be allowed to join our fleet, it will definitely be a huge improvement to the strength of our fleet, and with their rich experience against the enemy, it will also be a strengthening for us as a whole.

However, these things are uncertain and can only depend on the commander’s efforts. "

"Haha, that's true." Baltimore smiled.

"But in my opinion, this probability is very high, because Helena has told the commander more than once before about this matter. Although she did not say it directly, she only mentioned it sideways, but it is enough to explain some problems." Enterprise smiled. .

"I didn't expect that companies would pay more attention to these things." Cleveland said with a smile.

"No, it's just that I was right next to them when they were talking." The company quickly explained.

"Haha, let's not talk about this anymore. According to the current location of the ruins found, we have almost reached the vicinity of White Eagle's frontline headquarters. We will search carefully when we get down." Baltimore said with a smile.


Just as Baltimore said, they have landed from the shore and have probably reached the center of the island. According to Helena's detection, there is still a weak signal here, so there must be White Eagle's frontline headquarters in this area.

Soon, everyone stopped in front of a square. Looking at the spectacular buildings in front of them and the signs erected next to them, they were finally able to confirm that this was White Eagle's frontline headquarters.

However, compared to the relatively complete headquarters found at the Donghuang Frontline Command, Baiying's headquarters appears to be much more dilapidated. Although the main body of the building is still there, it can be seen from the outside that most parts have been It had been bombed, but this had no impact on everyone, because Helena had already determined the location of the signal.

"It seems that the resistance here is very strong. The Siren even blew up the headquarters. But fortunately, the main building is still there. It seems that we can still contact the White Eagle headquarters." Baltimore said.

"Well, Helena, the next step is up to you." Enterprise looked at Helena and said, "Find the call line and connect it. We must contact the White Eagle Command."

"Understood." Helena nodded and walked into the main body of the building with everyone else.

Soon, everyone found the communication room. Although the situation here was in a mess, the location of the dedicated line was quickly found.

After a period of combing, with Helena's efforts, this dedicated line was finally connected.

"Although there is still some interference, it is enough for a call." Helena handed the communicator to the enterprise and said.

"That's great, Helena." Enterprise praised, then took the communicator from Helena's hand and connected to the headquarters.

After a busy tone sounded in the communicator, he was quickly connected.

"This is White Eagle Command, Hawaii's dedicated line? Hasn't it been destroyed by the Siren? Are you?"

"Hello, White Eagle Command. I am affiliated with the White Eagle Ship Girl Enterprise under Commander Qin Ge. My commander and fleet and I have arrived in Hawaii. After seeing the situation here, I want to use a dedicated line to connect to the White Eagle Command. ." the company said.

"Commander Qin Ge? Are you a company?"

The person on the other end of the communicator was obviously a little surprised, and then quickly said, "I am York City, the York City who was stationed in your port area before."

"That's great. York City, how is White Eagle's current situation? Can you tell us?" the company said happily.

Because the sound in the communicator was noisy and interfered with, the two did not recognize each other's voices for a while, but they had spent some time together in the Riyue Island Port area, so they were relatively familiar with each other.

"Bai Ying's current situation is very difficult. Although he received a communication from Commander Qin Ge to Bai Ying before, everyone thought that Commander Qin Ge was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Although Essex and I both understand that Commander Qin Ge must be confident when he says this, the decision-making power does not lie with us.

It wasn't until the siren fleet attacked that they realized how big of a mistake they had made. "York City said slowly.

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