My ship girl, my world

Chapter 686 Warning

"Although the frontline positions in Hawaii have made preparations, those preparations were only to deal with the siren tide that happened before, and they also made plans to defend the enemy from the island.

However, when the Siren Tide broke out, they all knew that they were wrong. This was not a Siren Tide in the ordinary sense at all. As soon as they met, the elite troops on the Hawaiian front suffered heavy losses.

With the cover of the aircraft carrier-based aircraft, the front-line fleet and the ship's mother retreated to the Hawaiian island in embarrassment. But the Siren didn't give them any time to react and chased after them.

After deliberation, the command issued a retreat order to the Hawaiian front line. But it was too late by that time. Siren's carrier-based aircraft air raided the main island of Hawaii, basically destroying all the buildings on the island.

Even the commander who had not left and some free ship girls were all buried in Hawaii. But some people still escaped. They are now defending along the west coast, although there are relatively few people.

But it seems that the Siren's main attack direction is not somewhere. After destroying Hawaii, their main force crossed the Panama Canal and came to the Atlantic Ocean.

This information was also told to us by the Panama Canal garrison. Currently, the Sirens have established Siren fortresses in the Atlantic Ocean, and Sirens are constantly pouring out of them to attack surrounding areas.

Now all the camps around the Atlantic are struggling to cope, but commanders continue to fall every day, and the remaining resistance is gradually dying out.

We don't know how long we can last, so the company is ready to unite with the leaders of several other camps to give it a go. They will recruit awakened ship girls from their respective camps and form them into a fleet to enter the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean to destroy those siren strongholds.

This is the specific situation on our side now, but it stands to reason that Donghuang and Chongying are also being attacked by the siren tide. Why can your fleet suddenly appear in Hawaii? Have the sirens in Donghuang and Chongying retreated? "

Facing York City's question, Enterprise replied, "A lot of things happened during this period, but as you said, now the siren tide of Donghuang and Chongying has been repelled by us.

And the reason why we are here is because the commander is preparing to gather the power of the awakened ship girls of Dong Huang and Chong Ying to support you. "

"Ah? Is this true? You actually repelled those Siren fleets? And now you are ready to come to support us?" York City said in surprise.

"Of course this is true, and we have received relatively accurate information that there are two arbiters deep in the Atlantic Ocean, so you must not act rashly and wait for our arrival, otherwise you will regret it." Enterprise said.

"Arbiter? Are they those unknown siren elites? We have eliminated several of them. Although it is difficult, they can still be defeated." York City said.

"No, what you are clearing should be the elite units mixed in the Siren fleet. They are agents released by the Arbiters, just like the executors released by the testers. They are only elite units, not the main body.

The Arbiter's body is much more powerful. They alone can destroy all the ship girls in this world. We had nearly 20 awakened ship girls who could not break her defense in front of her.

And the key thing is that we only face one arbiter, and you have two there. And the strength of those arbiters is one plus one, definitely greater than two. "The company said seriously.

"Ah! Is she so powerful? Then how did you defeat her?" York City asked quickly.

"We did not worship her. If help had not appeared, we might have sunk in the sea. So please tell other camps not to act rashly at this time, just defend the coastline with all your strength and wait for our fleet arrival." The company warned again.

"I understand, can you tell me the current situation of your fleet so that I can tell the companies and persuade them to wait for your arrival before counterattacking." York City asked.

"Our fleet now has a total of nearly two hundred ship girls. Among them, Donghuang assists seven awakened ship girls, Chongzakura assists fifteen awakened ship girls, and our fleet itself has forty awakened ship girls and those who are awakening. above.

So as long as we wait for our arrival, we can assist the sixty awakened ship girls. "Enterprise explained to York City.

"Do you have forty awakened ship girls now? I remember that when we left, there were less than ten of you." York City said in surprise.

"Perhaps because our commander is special, our awakening rate is much higher than that of other camps. But now is not the time to talk about this. After we take a short supply break here in Hawaii, we will go directly across Panama. canal.

When the time comes, you will send people to pick us up and guide us. Remember to wait until we are gone before making a counterattack plan, otherwise you will regret it. "The company warned again.

"Although we have not met the arbiter you mentioned, now that you have said so, I still know you very well, and I will do my best to make them stop this plan.

Then hold the position here and wait for your arrival. Then we will discuss the counterattack plan. "York City said firmly.

"Okay, that's it. We will leave immediately. Please be sure to wait for us. Goodbye." The company said.


Enterprise let out a sigh of relief after hanging up the communication, "It seems that this communication is very timely, otherwise they would have broken into the arbiter's ambush, and then something big would have happened."

"But Enterprise, do you think they will really stop their plan? They didn't listen when the commander told them to strengthen their defense..." Cleveland said on the side.

“I have said what I can say, we have done what we can do, and the decision-making power does not lie with us.

If they really insist on having their own way, then what happens next is beyond our control, but if they wait, then we will definitely give them a surprise this time. "Enterprise smiled.

"Yes." Baltimore said, "Then let's return to the command ship immediately and tell the commander the news, so that we can set off quickly."

"Yes." Enterprise nodded, "Then let Cleveland tell the commander that Helena will detect where Bismarck and the others are currently. We will go over and help them find supplies. This way we can complete the supplies earlier and set off earlier."


Everyone nodded and left the communication room together, each walking in different directions.

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