My ship girl, my world

Chapter 701 Iron-Blooded Decision

On the sea, the battle is still going on.

At this time, in addition to Qin Ge, fleets from the other two directions also began to contact the Siren fleet and fought together.

Originally, the major camps had high praise for Qin Ge's ship girls, but after the battle started and looked at their cooperation, I realized that I had underestimated them before.

Even though the fighting time is not as long as them, they are not as strong as them in personal combat. But when it comes to teamwork and quickly clearing the sea of ​​sirens, it is much stronger than them, even the unawakened ship girls are still like this.

"How do you feel, Persian cat-chan." The iron-blooded Prince Eugen was fighting the Siren fleet in front of him while linking up with Bismarck in the communicator.

"The ideal army." Bismarck said seriously.

"That's right. Although they are both Iron Blood and White Eagle, the ship girls on Commander Qin Ge's side cooperate more closely with each other. The offensive is like a tide and will not stop at all. It is really an ideal army.

Although I had heard Gneisenau say it before and had seen such tactics from the teaching materials he wrote, it was so rare to be able to organize those rebellious people and form a unified offensive. "Prince Eugen sighed.

"In comparison, our Iron Bloods currently have a certain advantage in terms of individual combat power, but our joint combat is much worse than them. It seems that we must strengthen our practice in this aspect when we go back next time. This world has already We are no longer what we were before." Bismarck said softly.

"Indeed, but I'm more interested in that person." Prince Eugen said, turning sideways and firing at a fallen shipgirl who was laying money on the floor, but he discovered it. Three shells have accurately landed on the fallen ship girl, sinking her.

She looked sideways and saw that not far away, Frederick the Great was holding a baton and looking at her with a smile, surrounded by two huge dragon-shaped ships.

It was obvious that the three-way shell just came from her hand. For this, Prince Eugen nodded to Frederick the Great in the distance and expressed his gratitude.

"With that huge ship's equipment and that breathtaking aura, I don't remember our Iron Blood ever having such a planned ship. And the name Frederick the Great reminds me of the previous High Seas Fleet.

Although Gneisenau and the others were aware of her existence when they returned, they can only feel her power now after fighting side by side. "Prince Eugen continued.

“The planning piece is always a mystery to us. Although we know something from Northern United, we have never been able to conduct in-depth exploration without a planning ship.

After this battle, I decided to cooperate strategically with Commander Qin Ge so that we could have a clearer understanding of everything related to the plan ship.

Even if you can't understand it, you can still share some techniques and understand some of the techniques he talks about. " Bismarck said.

"A wise choice." Prince Eugen said, "I think not only us, but also other camps will pay more attention to Commander Qin Ge.

In addition to Donghuang and Chongying who put everything on him in the beginning, I think we can work hard and become the third force. "

"Well, since you agree, let's execute it. We must get ahead of other camps, even if we pay some price." Bismarck said.


This scene was not only played out among the Iron-Blooded executives, but also among several other camps. They also began to re-evaluate Qin Ge's power and subsequently change his strategy.

Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that the future changes in this world are closely related to Qin Ge. If you don't want to become a bystander, you can only get more involved with him.

After all, since he became the commander, several major things that have happened in this world have happened around him.

Just when several camps began to make decisions, the situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly.

Without the obstruction of the Arbiter, the three fleets were advancing very quickly in the three directions. In less than an hour, they had already solved a Siren stronghold and began to move deeper.

But in order to maintain the coordination between the three fleets, the distance between the three fleets is not too far. Therefore, this tactic is not so much a fan-shaped advance as a trident-shaped advance.

On Qin Ge's command ship, Zhenhai recovered the carrier-based aircraft he flew back into the ship's installation space, then walked into the cabin and said to Qin Ge.

"The battle on the left and right wings has just ended. They did not choose to expand further because of their victory, but continued to advance toward the front like us."

Qin Ge nodded, "It seems that they also know that now is not the time to rush to expand the victory, but the biggest reason is probably that our fleet is there, which can be regarded as an insurance."

"Haha, the commander's idea is definitely not that simple." Zhenhai said with a smile, "In addition to insurance, you also want to show off the force of our port area, right?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I really can't hide it from you. Yes, I just want to show off the force of our port area.

The world is changing now. Even after this battle, the next battle may be even more cruel. Therefore, we must prepare for a rainy day, and in addition to the strength of our port area, the strength of several other major camps is relatively strong.

Now that Ember has not joined our Minato area, it is unclear what the future cooperation will be like. What if they suddenly leave this world after working together for a while? No one can guarantee this.

So we must prepare for the worst and rely on the strength of our world to fend off the Arbiter.

Although I also want to discuss this issue with them very peacefully, if we do not show the force of our port area, our right to speak will appear very weak. "

Zhenhai smiled softly, "Actually, Commander, you don't need to be so pessimistic. Sometimes things may be simpler than you think. There are so many arbiters and embers appearing in this world all at once. This is definitely not an accident. It is very likely that someone is here. Controlling all this behind the scenes.

Although I can't tell who it is now, it is obvious that the person behind the scenes should be more powerful than the Siren. Otherwise, the arbiter and the embers that can destroy a world will not be dragged into this world. "

"Is that so?" Qin Ge thought for a moment, "It feels like there are more and more mysteries, and I suddenly remembered Helena's words. The more you know, it may not be a good thing, and it may bring troubles. And there will be more attacks. Why aren’t we in such a predicament now?”

"Yeah, so now we just need to take care of the things in front of us. Let's completely clean up the Siren Sea area in the Atlantic Ocean first."


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