My ship girl, my world

Chapter 702 Rest Time

When night fell over the entire Atlantic Ocean, the fleet led by Qin Ge was marching on the sea.

What can be clearly seen is that the overall speed of the fleet has slowed down, including the fleets on both wings.

This is an order issued by Qin Ge in the public channel. The main point is to give the ship girl who has been fighting for a day a break.

For him, the ship girl is not a weapon that can be used to fight all the time, but more of a comrade who fights side by side and a family member who lives together.

There are times when people are tired and sleepy. Although the ship girl will not be in such a situation for a long time, the fierce battlefield will always affect some emotions.

In particular, there are many destroyers and light cruisers in the fleet. Prolonged fighting can demoralize some of them, making them more vulnerable to injury.

Therefore, before encountering the enemy, this strategy of moving forward silently is very suitable for a fleet that has just experienced a big battle.

"Except for the people on patrol, everyone is starting to eat. Master, please have something to eat. I heard from Miss Zhenhai that you haven't eaten for a day." Belfast placed the food and tea on the dining table Go up and say to Qin Ge respectfully.

Qin Ge didn't shirk the blame. There was no fighting now, and it was also a time to take a rest. So he stood up from the chart and came to the table under Belfast's gaze.

Looking at the food on the table, Qin Ge said with slight surprise, "It's quite rich. I remember Belfast. You just returned to the command ship not long ago, right?"

"Yes, Master." Belfast smiled.

Zhenhai, who was sitting at the table, looked up at Qin Ge and said with a smile, "Belfast must have taken this from Donghuang. Don't forget Ning Hai's heroic words before."

Qin Ge couldn't help but smile after being reminded by Zhenhai, "Ning Hai is really... haha."

While at Baiying, Ning Hai's cooking skills were unanimously praised by everyone, especially Qin Ge.

After all, none of his Donghuang shipmates were particularly good at cooking, which is why Qin Ge was so impressed by Ning Hai's cooking skills.

As soon as Ning Hai was happy, he promised to do more things for Qin Ge in the future, so that's why we have the current table of dishes.

After sitting down, Qin Ge said to Zhenhai while eating, "After this battle is over, I must build Yixian Ninghai and the others, so that I don't have to watch others covet them."

Zhenhai smiled and nodded, "The commander's suggestion is okay, but if the future Yixian and Ning Hai know that the commander built them for food, I'm afraid they will be a little sad."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Food is the most important thing for people, and eating is a big deal."

"Commander's eloquence is getting sharper and sharper, but you are not a simple civilian." Zhenhai said.

"Well, except for the identity of this commander, I am just a simple human being." Qin Ge said with a smile, "I have appetite and greed, but I have never said that I am a saint.

Just like other commanders, the main ship girl is summoned for powerful power. In order to satisfy the longing for beauty, summon the existence of your favorite. "

"So who does the commander like now? Don't mention Guanghui. She is already your wedding ship, so let's talk about the others." Zhenhai said.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "What's so difficult about this? It's far away, but it's so close."

"Oh? Where's Belfast?" Zhenhai didn't show too much surprise at the answer to this question.

Qin Ge shook his head and smiled, "Why can't it be two people?"

Zhenhai was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Haha, Commander is becoming more and more interesting now. He really gave me some unexpected surprises."

"This is not a surprise, right? We have been together for such a long time, and you have been by my side in every battle, helping me with suggestions. After we have been together for a long time, our relationship will naturally become deeper." Qin Ge smiled.

"So when you asked this question, you must have already guessed the answer, right?"

Facing Qin Ge's words, Zhenhai smiled, "I'm not a roundworm in the commander's belly. I don't know what you are thinking, but I just asked to confirm your thoughts.

But I'm not the only one fighting alongside you. I owe you a lot this time, Commander. "

Qin Ge's face froze and he couldn't help but smile, "Indeed, it seems that the ring of oath in the port office is far from enough."

"It's not enough. Ordinary commanders have to prepare several, and all the red-tip income from fleet missions is used here.

But the commander has only given out one until now, and it’s not because he can’t afford it. Be careful that someone in the port area leads the uprising. The commander will not look good at that time. Zhenhai said jokingly.

Qin Ge quickly shook his head after hearing this, "No way, uprising or something, I'm not a big landowner or a local emperor. I haven't done anything to apologize to everyone, so there shouldn't be any need, right?"

"Haha, Commander, have you forgotten who tied you up in the office?

Or maybe you have forgotten, who keeps showing off to you and is always ready to sneak attack you at night. "Zhenhai said with a smile.

When Qin Ge heard what Zhenhai said, he suddenly remembered that there were indeed a few people in the port area who had been watching him eagerly.

He quickly said, "I also have Bismarck, Frederick the Great, New Jersey, Enterprise, and the others, there should be no problem, right?"

"Haha, Commander, they can indeed block most people for you. But these people definitely do not include themselves. Take Frederick the Great for example."

When Zhenhai said he was here, he couldn't help but squint his eyes, "That person is definitely not what she appears on the outside. She is like an abyss. If you don't pay attention, you will fall into her arms.

And usually, that person behaved too calmly. As soon as he came out, he triggered a wave of commanders to reform the port area.

After the reform of the port area was successful, it retreated from the rapids and behaved extremely calmly, which is really puzzling. "

Qin Ge shook his head, "Zhenhai is a little too sensitive to Frederick the Great. In fact, I have my own judgment about her. She feels like... well, a mother to me.

Although it may be a little weird to say this, she is too tolerant. Although she is also strict in some aspects, tolerance still accounts for the majority, just like a parent.

I'm sure she was planning something, but I don't believe it was anything to hurt me. "

"Maybe, after all, her attitude towards the commander is completely different from ours."

"Well, let's eat first and talk while we eat."


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