My ship girl, my world

Chapter 710 Hidden Plan

"U81, why are you here? What's the current situation of Iron Blood? Is the siren tide under control?"

The iron-blooded Bismarck saw several familiar figures, so he quickly stopped and asked.

"Ah, it's Sister Bismarck." U81 and others ran over immediately after hearing the voice.

"Yes." Bismarck nodded, staring at a few people, wanting to know the current situation of Iron Blood.

"The siren tide has receded now, and the situation in the Iron Blood offshore has begun to stabilize. When we left, the remaining siren fleet there was already under the control of the large fleet commanders." U81 explained.

"That's really great." Bismarck let out a sigh of relief, "Where's Tirpitz?"

"Tirpitz is currently presiding over the repair of the defense line near Iron Blood. She is worried that this is a trick of the Sirens, so the construction of the defense line has not been relaxed at all times." U81 replied.

Prince Eugen on the side smiled and said, "She is indeed Tirpitz, but you have already seen the current situation. Her worries are somewhat unnecessary, but the iron-blooded necessary defense line still needs to be built. After returning, you will tell her the situation.

At present, the facilities near the Iron Blood coast have been mainly restored, and the front line has been temporarily abandoned. After all these battles are completely over, we will discuss the future development of the Iron Blood. "

"I understand." U81 nodded quickly.

Prince Eugen is a very important person in Iron Blood, and her words are usually implemented.

At this time, Bismarck on the side also nodded and agreed with Prince Eugen's suggestion, "The world we are facing is somewhat unpredictable now, so Iron Blood is currently acting on Prince Eugen's instructions and rebuilding our offshore defenses first. , wait until the battle is over, and then consider it comprehensively.

You go back and tell Tirpitz that everything is going very well here. Maybe there will be a fierce battle later. The outcome of this battle will affect the direction of the world.

But no matter what, take good care of Jagged. "

"Understood." U81 nodded.

While everyone was talking, a figure stepped into the iron-blooded cabin.

Including Bismarck, everyone looked at that figure and couldn't help but become solemn.

"Frederick the Great?" Bismarck said softly.

"Haha, I saw a few little guys from the iron-blooded camp of this world coming over, so I came over to take a look." Frederick the Great said with a smile.

"So what's the current situation in Iron-Blooded? According to our progress, the siren tide on Iron-Blooded's side should have been lifted by now, right?"

"Yes, the siren tide on the coast near Iron Blood has also been lifted, which proves that our current strategy is feasible. As long as we continue to advance, the siren tide on the North Atlantic coast will also be lifted this time." Bismarck nodded. .

"This is inevitable. After all, this is how Donghuang and Chongying ended the Siren Tide." Frederick the Great said with a smile.

"Then this time Frederick the Great came here not only to care about the situation around Iron Blood, but also to talk about anything else. I believe that your observation of us for so many days has finally yielded a result, right?" Eugen The prince smiled.

"Haha, you are indeed Prince Eugen, so I will tell you the truth." Frederick the Great said with a smile.

The conversation in the Iron-blooded command ship lasted for a long time. When everyone was about to finish supplies, Frederick the Great left the Iron-blooded command ship with a smile. It seemed that she was very satisfied with the previous conversation.

At this time, inside the Iron Blood command ship, Bismarck frowned, looked at the thoughtful Prince Eugen and said, "Do you think Frederick the Great's words are credible?"

"Although it remains to be investigated, based on the current situation, it is indeed a way out for us in the future." Prince Eugen said.

Bismarck withdrew his gaze, thought for a moment and said to U81, "You also heard what Frederick the Great said just now. Tell Tirpitz without missing a word of this conversation, and confirm this conversation as our iron-blooded Confidential, don’t let anyone know except you.”

"Understood." U81 said.

"Sister, but doesn't this conflict with the policy we implemented before in Iron Blood?" said U556 on the side.

Bismarck shook his head, "Now and then, although we have not experienced the final decisive battle yet, this time we iron-blooded have indeed become bystanders, so the previous decisions are not necessarily the best for us.

The world is changing very fast right now, and we don’t know when new enemies will appear. We must be at the forefront of all camps to maintain our iron-blooded advantage.

What Frederick the Great said just now is right. We Iron Blood should indeed make some changes, especially after fighting them for such a long time. "


On the other side, the figure of Frederick the Great returned to the Iron-blooded command ship where Qin Ge's shipgirl was.

"Agreed?" Prince Eugen bit his finger and smiled.

"Although the answer given is to consider, do they have a reason to refuse?" Frederick the Great said with a smile.

"In fact, this is a win-win situation for them and our fleet. This battle not only determines the fate of the world, but also determines our identity as leaders in the future.

Although it is impossible for every camp to be submissive, it is best to cut off some extraneous things. " Bismarck said.

"I don't hope that they will fully support our fleet's future decisions, but if they can stand on our side when executing that plan, even if they don't lend a helping hand and just watch, it would be best." Emperor Lie said.

"But your plan is indeed a bit crazy, and are you sure you won't tell the commander about this plan? Although she will hesitate, I think it is very likely that he will support you based on his character." Prince Eugen smiled.

"My child..." Frederick the Great smiled, "There is no need to trouble my child with such things. At present, this plan needs to be kept secret for a while. My child is the focus of the world, and there are many people around him. There are many unsettling factors.

So when this plan is implemented, I believe that with my child's courage, he will definitely support us. "

"You are right. There are indeed many unstable factors around the commander." Bismarck said solemnly, "In this case, let us carry out the full power with iron blood. Even if there is a conflict with the commander later, That’s also our responsibility.”

"I believe that that time will be both the end and the beginning. Everything is from our perspective of exploring the truth. We will know what the truth of this world is like at that time!"


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