My ship girl, my world

Chapter 711 The final combat meeting

Since the supplies had been delivered, under the operation of Tie Xue and others, the ship transporting supplies also left the battle sea area and returned to Tie Xue, and everyone also started a new round of advancement.

Especially when the news that the siren tide receded near the sea near Iron Blood spread throughout the entire fleet, it also gave a certain degree of confidence to the ship girls of the Royal, Sardinian Empire, Free Iris and other camps.

Now that Iron Blood has returned to stability, their camp believes that it will be able to return to calm in the near future. And such a result is the purpose of their attack this time. Now that the purpose is about to be achieved, they are naturally becoming more and more energetic.

As the progress progressed, everyone became more and more worried. After all, the existence of the Arbiter hangs above everyone's heads like the Sword of Damocles, and no one knows when such an existence will appear in front of them.

Even though the information Qin Ge gave them before indicated that there was an Ember Ship Girl lurking in the dark, they still felt a little worried about handing their lives over to others.

However, the subsequent progress was extremely smooth, so smooth that Qin Ge felt a little weird. They encountered no decent resistance at all in the outer sea area strongholds, and basically every battle was passed by crushing them.

The number of characters appearing as agents became less and less, until later, even the executors were no longer visible, only the ordinary mass-produced Siren fleet.

But this situation did not make Qin Ge feel happy. On the contrary, it made him feel deeply worried.

He was certain that the Arbiter had discovered them, but he didn't know the specific reason why he hadn't appeared in front of them for so long, but there must be a huge conspiracy.

And the ember has not appeared yet, which makes Qin Ge feel strange.

Helena and the others should not lie to him. If they wanted to lie to him, they would not have to wait until now. They would be completely defeated by the Arbiter when they were first near the waters of Guam.

So what is all this for?

Or maybe this kind of battle is another experiment of the Siren from beginning to end?

Qin Ge can't explain clearly at the moment, but now that it has reached such a point, there is only one way to the end.


Qin Ge's command ship was crowded with people at the moment. Not only his shipmates, but also leaders from other camps were gathered here.

At this time, all the ship girls' eyes were focused on Qin Ge, who was standing in the center. He was the commander-in-chief of this operation, and the next plan would be the key battle in this battle.

Qin Ge looked around and then cleared his throat.

"Everyone, after such a long period of fighting, we have cleared this Siren Sea area and most of the Siren strongholds. I believe that the situation in your camp has also eased, and our group has achieved our original goal.

However, this is far from the end. Deep in this sea, there are enemies called Arbiters waiting for us. Fighting them is a must option for us.

Success means that our action has achieved final victory, and the world will gain temporary peace.

But if it fails, I don’t think I need to say more, you will understand what this will mean.

Therefore, the final battle is inevitable. If you are ready to give up, you can bring it up now. After all, after entering the battlefield, there is no such thing as quitting. "

"Commander Qin Ge, we have fought this far, how can we withdraw? Anyway, no matter what other camps think, we at White Eagle will never retreat, whether it is for the future stability of White Eagle or for the sake of the world. We must participate in this battle and we must win." Baiying's company said with a smile.

"Yes, Commander Qin Ge, just give the order." King George V said with a smile, and several other camp leaders nodded without any intention of backing down.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Qin Ge smiled and said, "In that case, let's..."

When Qin Ge's words rang out, a voice suddenly appeared at the stern of the command ship not far away.

"Haha, did Commander Qin Ge forget something? How can the final decisive meeting be complete without us?"

When these charming words rang out, everyone instantly looked towards the stern of the ship.

At this time, at the stern of the ship, a group of ship girls with different looks were standing there, looking at everyone with different expressions.

"You are……?!!"

Before Qin Ge could say anything, Baiying's company and several other camp leaders took a defensive stance.

At this time, Qin Ge quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't panic, they are the embers I told you before."

"Embers..." The leaders of Baiying's company and several other camps looked at Helena and the others in surprise, with various lights shining in their eyes.

Qin Ge walked straight towards Helena without carefully observing the surprised camp leaders.

"Long time no see." Qin Ge extended his palm to Helena and looked at the other Embers he had never met before. "So are they the reinforcements you found in this sea area?"

Helena smiled and held Qin Ge's hand, "Of course, they are all ships scattered in this world, and they are also our help in this battle.

Do you want me to help introduce it to you? "

Qin Ge nodded, "Although I can guess a thing or two after seeing their appearance, but if you can help me introduce them, that would be very grateful."

Helena smiled and began to introduce, "You already know Feilong and Gneisenau, so let me start with this one.

This one is Soryu, this one is Scharnhorst, this one is Royal Ark, this one is Fuso, standing next to her is Mountain City, and the one on the far side is Memphis. "

Looking at the Ember warriors who were very different from his own ship girl, Qin Ge nodded to everyone, "My name is Qin Ge. I'm glad to meet you. I'm also very happy to get your help this time and give us a chance." Save our world.

Although we may not be able to play a big role in the coming battle due to our lack of strength, we will still fight side by side with you. "

"Haha, I'm looking forward to it very much, Commander Qin Ge..." Shancheng flashed his red eyes and looked at Qin Ge with a smile.

"Mountain City!"

Fusang, who was standing next to Shancheng, said softly. He saw Shancheng turning his head with an unconvinced expression, and then looked at Qin Ge, "Commander Qin Ge, Helena said that you are the commander-in-chief of this battle. , so he is also the one who guides us this time.

We will do our best to prevent the tragedy that happened to us from happening again in this world.

This is our expectation and this is why we are here. "

Qin Ge nodded, "I understand. Then, as the commander-in-chief of this battle, I will invite you to participate in our final battle meeting."

"my pleasure."

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