My ship girl, my world

Chapter 78 Guitar

He pointed at the guitar and asked Qin Ge, "I wonder if this commander has ever touched a guitar before?"

Qin Ge shook his head, "I have only heard other people play before, but I have never touched the guitar myself."

"Oh? Can I ask why you chose the guitar?" the boss asked with interest.

"It's easier to carry around, and I also like the sound." Qin Ge said to the boss.

"Haha, it's true." The boss nodded and said, "Then let me briefly introduce the guitar to you. I happen to be a guitar lover as well."

"Then I'll bother you, boss." Qin Ge nodded and thanked the boss.

"Guitars can be roughly divided into three types: acoustic guitars, electric guitars and classical guitars based on their structure and sound production principles. According to different materials, they can be divided into three types: plywood, single-top, and all-single guitars.

For a novice like you, I do not recommend you buy a plywood guitar, because the material used to make this guitar is rough and the sound quality is not very good. For a novice, the first thing is to build confidence and be interested in the guitar. , then you must play it well yourself.

This kind of guitar obviously cannot meet the requirements of newcomers, so I suggest you look at a single or all-single guitar. "

As the boss spoke, he took down a guitar from the wall, and then said, "Owning a guitar is the most basic thing, and the next step is to really get started.

The first is tuning. If you are a novice, it is recommended to use an auxiliary tuner to tune. The pitch you tune will be very good. After you become familiar with the sound of each string, you will be able to tune based on the timbre. However, this It has reached a high level.

Furthermore, you need to maintain a better playing posture when playing, so this must be cultivated as a good habit in future practice.

And you must concentrate on practicing, be strict with yourself, and focus on the key points of the guitar that you are not familiar with, so that you can really get started. "

In front of Qin Ge, the boss played a few times and quickly adjusted the pitch. He handed the guitar in his hand to Qin Ge, "Having said all that, why not give it a try yourself. I have already tuned the guitar. You can try it out, listen to the tone, and see if you are satisfied with it."

Qin Ge took the guitar from the boss's hand, turned around and sat on a stool nearby, straightened the guitar according to the posture he remembered, and gently plucked the strings.

The pleasant sound sounded, intertwined with the sound of the piano in his memory, making Qin Ge suddenly feel emotional.

He raised his head and looked at the boss, "Boss, how much does this guitar cost?"

"1598 yuan." the boss said.

Qin Ge nodded and said to the boss, "Do you have any books needed to get started with guitar?"

"Of course." The boss nodded, walked to the counter, took out a few books and placed them on the counter.

After Qin Ge also got off the stool, he handed the guitar to the boss and asked him to pack it. But when he paid, the boss only received 1,598 yuan.

"Seeing as you like guitar so much, just think of those books as a gift from me." The boss said.

Several people walked out of the guitar store and walked back to the campus. In fact, after coming from outside, except for necessary things, other daily necessities are provided for free in the school, so there is no need to buy them outside.

After returning home, Centaur and Noshiro went to their respective rooms to try on new clothes. Belfast returned to Qin Ge's room with Qin Ge, because the guitar he bought just now was still in Belfast's ship installation space.

When Belfast took out the guitar and placed it beside the bed, he put the guitar's books on the desk, bowed to Qin Ge, and then went out to make tea for him.

Qin Ge stayed and sat at the desk, opening Guitar's book first. He is not the kind of action person who just sits down and studies with his guitar. Instead, he first learns the theoretical basics before practicing.

When Belfast came in again, he gently placed the teacup in Qin Ge's hand.

Facing Qin Ge who was concentrating on reading, she had become accustomed to this situation in the past two days, so she did not interrupt him, but stood quietly aside.

After roughly reading the book and understanding the guitar techniques and chords, Qin Ge took out the guitar from the guitar case beside the bed and began to play slowly.

But obviously, guitar is not something that can be learned through understanding. After playing it twice, Qin Ge felt that the place he was holding was wrong.

So he raised his head and said to Belfast who was standing aside, "Belfast, can you get the guitar book for me? Open the book to page 5 and let me see if my technique matches the book. It’s different up there.”

"Yes, Master." Alfast smiled slightly, then walked to the table, picked up the collection, turned to page 5, and placed the book in front of Qin Ge.

"Well, it sure is." Qin Ge nodded, quickly put his fingers back in place, then flicked them a few times before nodding with satisfaction.

In this way, for an afternoon, Qin Gedu and Belfast stayed in the room, thinking about how to get started with the guitar.

Moreover, Qin Ge himself was a little unresponsive. He had gradually become accustomed to Belfast's existence and his help.

And all this seems so natural, maybe this is the result Belfast wants. Perhaps at this moment, the joy of the head maid can only be felt from the smile on Belfast's lips.

However, such pleasant and leisure time always passed very quickly. When Sunday came, Qin Ge took his three ship girls, bought three bottles of acid cola with petroleum, and went to the training area where Fushun was located...

"So you've done a lot of construction recently?" Fushun said with some surprise as he looked at Belfast standing behind Qin Ge.

"That's right, because I sold 5 mental cubes before, plus the supplies that the commander of the fleet came from outside to give me a lecture, I think I have the ability to train more ship girls now, so I built another one. Once." Qin Ge answered Fushun's question.

"It's true, and I've heard about it too." Fushun nodded and said, "Your income per week is much higher than some members of the large fleet."

"So I want to convert all this income into the strength of my fleet. I hope you and Taiyuan can give me some advice this time." Qin Ge said to Fushun.

"Of course, but did you bring what you mentioned last time?" Fushun asked.

"Of course I can't forget it." Qin Ge said, and Belfast took out four bottles of Sodium Coke, "Two of them belong to you and Taiyuan. Please bring the other two bottles to Anshan and Changchun. I’ll buy them a drink.”

"Why do I suddenly feel like I'm at a loss?" Fushun looked at the four bottles of Sodium Coke in front of him and said helplessly...

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