My ship girl, my world

Chapter 79 The exercise begins

After registering his name in Anshan, Qin Ge took his shipgirl, Fushun and Taiyuan to the planned area, with a communication device on him.

This communication device can contact the ship girl dozens of kilometers away, and it is also one of the common items used by the commander to command the ship girl.

"Commander Qin Ge, I will go down first. After you and your shipmates have discussed it, let them come down. At first, I will deal with you alone." Fushun said to Qin Ge, and then He jumped into the sea.

During the leap, her ship's equipment appeared, she landed on the sea very lightly, and then accelerated and slid towards the outside.

Looking at Fushun sliding quickly into the distance, Qin Ge turned to his ship girl and said, "This is your first drill, so don't be too nervous about this drill. Fushun is a long time." She is a veteran on the battlefield, so there is nothing embarrassing about losing to her.

But the most important thing is that even if you lose, you have to lose in a good way. Next, after you go to sea, I will not give you any instructions this time. You must use your own training and judgment to try it out first. "

"Yes, Commander! (Master!)"

The three of them nodded to Qin Ge, then jumped into the water one after another and slid towards the opposite side of Fushun.

Qin Ge stood on the shore and looked at the water with Taiyuan. Taiyuan on the side asked Qin Ge, "Commander Qin Ge, why don't you give orders to your own ship girls? If they have your command, then they must They will cooperate better.”

Qin Ge shook his head, "I just want to see what a real battle between ship girls looks like? Because I rarely come to the training ground before and have never seen what the training is like, so I want them to Feel free to play and wait until I figure it out, then I will lay out my own tactics."

"So it's like this." Taiyuan nodded in understanding.

"But Taiyuan, will the drill bombs Anshan just gave them hurt if they were hit by it?" Qin Ge asked Taiyuan.

When registering the venue before, Anshan gave each of the five people a practice bomb. This kind of practice bomb does not occupy the ship's installation slot. However, because Fushun held him tight, he did not ask about the specific function of this practice bomb at that time.

"The drill bombs are just a replacement for the original live ammunition. The bullets fired will not cause any harm, but the clothes of the person who was shot will show various colors. And everyone's colors are different, so use this to Distinguish who hit the opponent." Taiyuan explained to Qin Ge.

"Oh, so even in a 1-on-1 fight, you can directly tell who was shot first. And in a joint exercise, you can also tell who got the result, right?" Qin Ge nodded, Said to Taiyuan.

"That's right." Taiyuan nodded.

After asking clearly about the specific function of the practice bomb, Qin Ge turned to look at the sea in front of him. Because the few people were far away, he specially took a telescope from Anshan.

In the distance, four people were already standing. Because Fushun is alone, she doesn't pay much attention to her position.

But what surprised Qin Ge was the positions of Noshiro, Belfast and Centaur. They did not stand in a triangular position as Qin Ge thought, but in a stepped single vertical array.

Noshiro stood at the front of the team because she was more skilled than Belfast, while Belfast stood in the middle of the team. As for the Centaur, as an aircraft carrier, she stood at the end of the team.

At the beginning of the battle, Fushun took the lead against the formation of three people and charged directly towards them. Because she has fought countless times, she is very familiar with this method of cracking single-column queues.

When Fushun began to charge, the Centaur quickly released its carrier-based aircraft at the end of the team. However, facing the aggressive Fushun, Centaur seemed a little nervous and released all the carrier-based aircraft at once.

Two fighter jets and two torpedo planes rushed towards the direction of Fushun.

Under the cover of carrier-based aircraft, Noshiro and Belfast also charged towards the incoming Fushun.

Qin Ge held his forehead, shook his head, and continued to look at the sea.

Because the distance of the exercise was relatively close, Noshiro had already opened fire before the carrier-based aircraft flew over Fushun.

The flashing black practice bomb was fired towards Anshan at high speed, and because it was an armor-piercing bomb, the bomb was relatively heavy, so it flew very fast.

But Fushun seemed to have not seen the cannonball fired by Nodai, and still rushed forward straightly. It was not until the moment when the cannonball was approaching that he turned his body and dodged the approaching cannonball with extremely gorgeous steps.

The black cannonball hit the sea behind Fushun. Although it stirred up layers of waves, it did not damage Fushun at all.

This was obviously beyond Nodai's expectations. She didn't expect that Fushun would avoid her shells in this way.

However, it was a little late when he reacted. After Fushun entered his effective shooting range, he fired the shell directly at Noshiro at the front of the team.

Two cannonballs shining with red light were like deadly fireworks, flying directly in the direction of Noshiro. At this time, Noshiro was staring closely at the two cannonballs shining with red light, preparing to dodge them with his usual intuition.


As the sound of two shells falling into the water came, Noshiro had passed his limit, and Fushun fired two shells. Noshiro couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after escaping the shell, but she did not relax, but looked directly at Fushun.

At this time, the Centaur fighter jet had already flown over Fushun's head, and the torpedo plane behind the fighter jet had dropped to the sea and projected a round of parallel torpedoes.

But at this moment, the anti-aircraft guns on Fushun opened fire quickly, directly shooting down the two Centaur fighter jets, and faced the rapidly approaching parallel torpedoes.

Fushun directly found the gap between the parallel torpedoes and quickly slid over, so the Centaur's attack was completely in vain for Fushun.

And when Fushun escaped Noshiro's second bombardment, four torpedoes fell directly into the water from the moment she turned around. With four dark waves, he rushed towards Noshiro quickly, but Noshiro was not aware of it at this time.

So, after finishing these things, Fushun turned around and continued to rush towards Noshiro. The ship equipment on both sides of the body fired simultaneously again, forcing Noshiro to avoid the preset position in Fushun.

At this moment, four galloping torpedoes had reached Noshiro's feet.


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