My ship girl, my world

Chapter 794 Steel!

Bismarck was a little surprised when he saw the whirlpool on the sea surface after being hit by a cannonball, but he was more relieved.

"Report to Commander, he is in good condition. He is truly amazingly powerful." She turned to Qin Ge and said.

"It can be seen that it is a very terrifying power. With the blessing, it can actually make the fired cannonballs form a whirlpool and pull the surrounding warships into the whirlpool. It is really amazing." Qin Ge looked at the scene in front of him and exclaimed. .

Bismarck's transformation process was the same as that of enterprises. Although it was painful, there were no accidents. When the more than 200-meter-long battleship Bismarck appeared in front of everyone, looking at the ferocious gun barrel, no one would question the power of such a gun barrel to shoot out shells.

And as the battleship Bismarck transformed into Bismarck's ship uniform, when she fired fiercely at the sea, the reaction was earth-shattering.

The energy of the Rubik's Cube is reflected here in the form of cannonballs. If the energy of the previous cannonballs was 1, then the energy of the current cannonballs is 30 or even 50.

However, the ability to create a vortex like this consumes a lot of physical strength, so it is not used unless absolutely necessary. But the improvement in overall performance is visible to the naked eye, and it is also a qualitative leap.

This time, the eyes of the watching ship girls became even more intense.

Because most of the people here are battleships, the only aircraft carriers are Enterprise, Shinano, three Zhenhai, and two cruisers Yitsen and Kronshtadt, and the rest are battleships.

Veneto, Littorio, Rome representing the Sardinian Empire.

Richelieu and Jean Bart representing the Theocracy of Iris.

Representing the Soviet Union of the North, Soviet Belarus.

Representing the royal family, King George V, War Weary, and Elizabeth.

Nagato, Musashi, and Amagi represent the heavy cherry blossoms.

New Jersey representing White Eagle.

Representing the iron-blooded Bismarck and Tirpitz, Frederick the Great, Hutten.

These people are all today's participants and bystanders, they are also the highest level of each camp, and they are also world-famous battleships.

If the changes brought about by the previous company made them feel novel and full of hope. Then the changes brought about by Bismarck made them eager!

Significantly strengthen your current strength and produce qualitative changes. If such an ability can only be obtained in exchange for pain, then it is really too simple.

As for the fact that Qin Ge would be harmed due to her sinking, the ship girls had long forgotten about it.

For them, as long as they are stronger, they will be more able to ensure their own safety and Qin Ge's safety, so that Qin Ge will not be harmed by his soul.

You can't miss the eager Qin Ge in Ship Girl's eyes, but at least there is one who comes first, right?

The steel prepared in the first batch is relatively small. Well, this is the amount divided equally among the various warships. For ordinary people, it is absolutely an astronomical figure.

"Commander, when can we accept the conversion?" Musashi first raised his question to Qin Ge. Perhaps this is also everyone's desire.

Qin Ge smiled bitterly and said, "This matter cannot be rushed. The first batch of purchases is already large, but it is only enough for the conversion needs of eight of them. The second batch may be a little larger, but this will also take a certain amount of time."

"Didn't we sign mutual aid contracts with other camps before? What if we trade materials with them for steel?" Elizabeth asked.

"Naive, this kind of thing can only be done in private. If we propose steel transactions to several major camps at the same time, there is no guarantee that they will use the steel for something. The current conversion involves the commander, and anyone can be listed as untrustworthy. ." Bismarck said unceremoniously.

"In fact, we don't need to collect steel on a large scale from those camps. We only need to target a few camps rich in steel." Amagi said.

"The camp rich in steel?" King George V smiled and said, "Then it belongs to the four camps of Donghuang, Chongying, White Eagle and Northern United."

"Common people, if you make such a request to Yixian of Donghuang, what is the probability that it will be approved?" Elizabeth said, but as soon as she finished speaking, several eyes stared at her, making Elizabeth shrink back behind Zhan Xian.

Qin Ge didn't mind Elizabeth's name, but couldn't help but touched his chin, "If it's not too much, it should be successful."

"I can confirm this. Donghuang doesn't have as many thoughts as other camps. They are a camp that hopes for peace in the sea and people to live and work in peace and contentment. They are happy to see us become a pillar force.

. This is also why commanders can develop. If placed in other camps, commanders might not have as much freedom as they do now. Veneto laughed.

"I'm pretty sure about Shigesakura." Amagi smiled, "Although Akagi Kaga is now in our port area, their prestige is still there in Shigesakura, and the Lord has a good relationship with Shigesakura, so they should be able to win A huge order.”

"As for the Northern Alliance." Frederick the Great said with a smile, "After the secret room is activated, maybe we can take this opportunity to talk to them."

Qin Ge nodded, "Northern United can indeed be counted as one of them. We will discuss these later when the secret room is explored. So let's first identify Donghuang and Chongying as our targets. As for Baiying, we won't consider it for now. "

All the ship girls nodded, the current plan was the safest.

"Of course, Commander, when we set our sights on other camps, don't forget about that cat." Zhenhai said, "To be able to obtain so much steel in such a short period of time, her energy cannot be underestimated."

"Indeed, I will add more orders to Akashi in the future." Qin Ge nodded, "But it is a pity that I did not summon Akashi who belonged to our fleet last time."

"Maybe it just hasn't appeared yet. Lord, don't be impatient. This world is still a numbered world, and any changes are possible." Amagi comforted him.

"Well, you're right." Qin Ge smiled. He was just regretful, not anxious.

Helena on the side couldn't help but sigh when she saw everyone's appearance, "I tell you, these issues can be discussed in the conference room later. The sun is getting hotter and hotter. How long do you have to wait?"

Qin Ge turned around and looked at Helena with a slight embarrassment, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, can you continue now?"

"Of course, have you decided which one?" Helena asked.

"This time it's my turn." Veneto stood up and looked at Helena.

"Well, standing on the previous platform, the process is the same as the enterprise and Bismarck. I won't go into the precautions. Once everything is ready, you can start." Helena said.

"no problem."

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