My ship girl, my world

Chapter 795: Getting on the ship or something...

"Steel, steel!"

Qin Ge, who was sitting in the office, kept mumbling, which made Tiancheng beside him feel helpless and distressed.

"Lord, this matter cannot be rushed for the time being."

Qin Ge raised his head and glanced at Tiancheng, and couldn't help but take a deep breath with a wry smile, "I also know that there is no rush, but since the change that day, you have also seen the changes brought about by the company and others. In the port area, people who want to become ships There are a lot of people on the ship, so no matter where I am now, I can hear things like conversion, ships, and steel.

Especially some of the more straightforward people came directly to book a seat with me... It was definitely impossible to refuse them. I could only explain the current situation to them, so I got used to it and now I always say it no matter what happens. Holding steel. "

"Haha, it seems that the Lord's mentality is quite good." Tiancheng said with a smile, "I am relieved. In fact, you don't need to pay attention to most people's requests for the time being. You only need to inform the leaders of your camp. It will be solved naturally."

"I know, but it's impossible to isolate yourself from them, right?" Qin Ge said with a smile, "Some things can indeed be handled by the leaders of the camp, but some things are not suitable.

Although I am the leader of the port area, I am also fundamentally your commander, not only for the leaders of each camp, but also for everyone in this fleet. "

"What the Lord said is true, but Tiancheng doesn't want to see you working so hard." Tiancheng said.

Qin Ge shook his head, "I'm not very tired, especially after relaxing during this period. What worries me is that now I have to find a way to let everyone in the port area divert their attention from this matter, and the ship transformation This matter is a long-term plan and cannot be rushed.”

"If it's just a diversion of sight, then I have a method." Amagi said with a smile, "But with this method, the Lord may be a little tired."

Qin Ge looked at Tiancheng in confusion, "What method can you tell me?"

"My lord, do you still remember the promise you made to stay in the camp on the Atlantic coast?" Amagi said with a smile.

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, "Hey, the ring? It must be yours in Tiancheng, but don't I want to wait until I go to Chongying to give it to you?"

Amagi smiled, "I understand your Lord's thoughts, but I'm not talking about the ring, but the people you gave the ring to.

There is a lot of information that shows that the Lord promised them there that when he returned to the port area, he would prepare a vow ceremony of their own for them, just like the glorious oath ceremony before.

If at this time, the Lord announces that the entire port area is to prepare for the next oath ceremony, then everyone's attention will definitely be diverted from the converted ships. After all, for us, converted ships are just an improvement in strength, but The oath is indeed the most anticipated thing. "

Qin Ge's eyes lit up, "Yes, how could I forget this matter? Really!"

Qin Ge stood up from his seat excitedly, "The oath ceremony is great. This way everyone's attention can be diverted, and if it's one per day, we can also go to Donghuang and Chongying as planned."

"One a day?" Amagi was stunned for a moment, "Did the Lord say that we should hold a vow ceremony with one person a day?"

"Yes, should we hold the oath ceremony with everyone on the same day? That would be too..." Qin Ge stopped when he said this and looked at the smiling Tiancheng, "So, what you were referring to at the beginning was this?"

"Yes, all the ship girls who have been given rings by their master will hold an oath ceremony on the same day. The message of this is very explosive. No matter how much people care about the steel conversion matter, they will be attracted by this matter.

And for this matter, we need to prepare for a relatively long period of time. Even after experiencing it, it will take a long time to eliminate the impact of this matter, and this can win us a relatively long period of time. time. Amagi said with a smile.

Qin Ge couldn't help but swallowed, "But, I don't know how to hold a vow ceremony with so many people at once. I have no experience at all."

"It's okay. You have experienced this kind of thing a few times. Could it be that after the Lord just decided on these quotas, he will not give out any more rings in the future?" Tiancheng asked with a smile.

Qin Ge rolled his eyes, "Having a vow ceremony with so many people at once, I always feel like I'm like a big radish. No, even a big radish wouldn't dare to do that. I always feel like I'm an emperor..."

"Isn't it?" Tiancheng smiled and said, "To be taken seriously by the nine major camps, to form a cooperative relationship with them, and to have them sincerely recognize you, does the Lord still think that you are just an ordinary commander? "

"Tsk, my identity changed too fast, and I couldn't get used to it for a while. But aside from that, the vow ceremony is equivalent to a marriage ceremony. It always feels weird to marry so many people at once." Qin Ge said.

"So this matter requires the Lord to suffer." Tiancheng said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled bitterly, "So if we hold the oath ceremony together, Donghuang and Chongying must also be included in it, right? So even if Tiancheng says he doesn't want it, he still expects it in his heart, right?"

"Lord, I didn't say that, but if you understand it this way, then I won't refute it." Amagi said with a smile.

Qin Ge grinned, "This matter will always have to be faced, it's just sooner or later. But since you have brought it up now, let's take advantage of this period of time to carry out the issue of the oath ceremony together. Bar.

But the date will have to wait until we get to Chongying. Does this count as boarding the ship first and then paying for the ticket? "

"Getting on the boat or something, if it's the Lord, it's not impossible." Amagi's cheeks were slightly red, and his eyes were full of love.

Qin Ge was a little stunned by Tiancheng's appearance, and then he realized what he was doing. Isn't Amagi essentially a ship? And I said to get on the boat...

"Ahem, that's not what I meant, you know... Anyway... the meaning of getting on the boat is... Well, I always feel that the more I explain, the more confusing..." Qin Ge said speechlessly.

"I understand, Lord, but Lord, does that really mean nothing?" Amagi asked.

"Ahem, it's still a little bit, but that's not the key." Qin Ge said quickly, "The key is that your proposal is great, and we will just follow it.

However, I did not bring the Oath Rings today, so wait until tomorrow. Starting from tomorrow, I will give them to you one by one before the oath ceremony is held. "

"Haha, since the Lord said so, Tiancheng will arrange this matter next."


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