My ship girl, my world

Chapter 803 Explanation

"Okay." Looking at Helena and the Purifier sitting down in front of them, the company frowned, "Answer me a question first. The matter of confirming that this world is a virtual world should be raised by Helena. came out, but why is there an additional Purifier now?

This world is your experimental ground. Aren’t you the ones who most want this world to remain stable? "

"Hey, you guessed it right. It was actually she who suggested it. I was just forced. It's easy for lunatics like them to kill us. Although I'm not afraid of death, I just don't want to face them." The Purifier stuck out his tongue at Helena, looking a little timid.

"Haha, don't your experimental institutions most want to see something like this happen?" Helena smiled, "Is the hope given by you still called hope? Only when we truly break away from you can we call real change. , isn’t the purpose of your existence to explore all possibilities? For this, it doesn’t matter even if you die in this world.”

"Although what you said is correct, that is the observer's business and has nothing to do with me." The Purifier grinned.

Helena smiled and said to the company, "Revealing the essence of the facts has no loss for us. It will also allow you to understand the world more clearly and judge what you should do in the future. This is for us. A matter of mutual benefit and win-win.

Just like the ship conversion I did for you before, we are not enemies now, and maybe we can become companions in the future. "

Helena's words made everyone a little confused, but before they could ask questions, Bismarck said directly, "Okay, let's not mention these digressions for now. It's up to you to tell them the truth about this world. This will also save trouble." Some."

"Let's just say it straight from the beginning. It's indeed Bismarck." Helena smiled, "Then let me tell the truth. In fact, your commander is Commander Qin Ge. What was imagined before does indeed exist.

The world we live in is a three-dimensional world, that is, a world in which we can understand everything in the world macroscopically from the three dimensions of content, time, and space, and we can also understand specific things from the three dimensions of carrier, energy, and information.

Last time I introduced you to Rubik's Cube energy. That energy comes from high-dimensional space. Although we cannot see higher-dimensional creatures, we can use the power of high-dimensional to break the three-dimensional space in which we exist.

After the crisis occurs in the original world, if you want to save the original world, you must go back to the source of the original world. Turn the past that is destined to be reality into the unknown, so that the future that is destined to be unknown and dilapidated can be stabilized by us.

This is what Ember and Antix are doing now, but the methods they adopt are different. We use the power of the Rubik's Cube to constantly travel through time in the previous world, looking for a glimmer of possibility.

And you have all seen what Antix has done. They have adopted a wider range of experiments, using high-dimensional Rubik's Cube energy to open up countless timelines on the grounds of collecting combat data.

Among these timelines, there are worlds that are the same as the original world line, which we call the main world, that is, there is one world for each ship. A world like the one you are in, which is composed of many ships, is called a numbered world. The upper limit of this kind of world is not high, and even beings like us cannot come to this kind of world at all.

This is also the reason why we can come to this world only after the world you live in has changed.

The numbered world is a possibility of the original world, but it is independent of the original world. Its historical process is different from the original world, so experiments in this kind of world are basically experiments with some illusory ideas.

And such illusoryness is destined to make everything in this world illusory and unrealistic. Of course, the standards I use here are the standards of the original world. For this world, it is real, because we all exist here.

This is the so-called reality of this world, and it is also the summary of your commander. However, because this place has now become a high-end world similar to the main world, we can no longer predict what will become of this place. Maybe she It will really become an unexpected possibility.

This is why we are surprised when we come to this world, and why we stay here in your fleet. We have seen too many worlds, but this is the first time we have seen a unique world like this. Maybe the secret to breaking the situation is hidden here. "

"Interesting, so that's why you taught us how to convert it into a ship?" Enterprise asked.

"Yes, that's one thing. On the other hand, it's because your commander comes from other commanders similar to the original world. This is a very big change for a world, and Commander Qin Ge also Did something like this.

Anticus will be very interested in him, but we do not trust Anticus. The ship is always the best arm of the commander, so it is imperative to transform you around him into the ship. "Helena said.

"So Antix is ​​talking about you, right? So you are very interested in our commander, are you planning to harm him?" King George V turned his attention to the Purifier.

The Purifier immediately rolled his eyes, "Although we are all called Antiques, I told you that we belong to the experimental organization, and what we pursue is possibility. To put it bluntly, it is basically the same as Ember's purpose.

Otherwise, why would the observer give you some data and drawings about scientific research ships before? She just wanted to see your possibilities.

What she wants you to pay attention to here is another group of people, that is, the people of the arbitration agency. Those people are directly under the orders of the Dream Weaver, and they can use all means to achieve their goals. "

"So this time before the Siren Tide started, you suddenly went back because the arbitration agency took over your experiment?" Zhenhai asked.

"I can't give you a detailed list of the reasons. After all, this is also our secret. It's more suitable for you to think about it. The arbitration agency did intervene in our experiment this time." The Purifier shrugged and said.

"Then what is your purpose? What is the original world like now, and what result do you want to achieve? What are the differences between these worlds? Where is our future path?" asked the company .

"Enterprise, you have too many problems. What I can tell you is that our purpose is to restore the peace of the original world. As for his current situation... it is very bad. As for where you will go in the future, that is up to you. Things." Helena said this and looked at Bismarck.

"After all, only when you have walked the road yourself will you know where you will make mistakes, right?"

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