My ship girl, my world

Chapter 804 Scientific Research Ship

"But how do we know that you are not lying to us? Even if different camps in the same world have intrigues with each other, maybe you have indeed given us favors before, but in this matter of choice, we still have to Sincerity must be seen.

This is not only responsible for our fleet, but also for our commander. I believe you can also figure this out. "

Zhenhai looked at Helena and smiled. Although it was a smile, it was actually a question, just a smile.

Helena was not in a hurry, "I understand your concerns, so there is a better solution, that is, what if we become you?"

"What do you mean?" Veneto was stunned for a moment.

But there are also people who react quickly. Musashi smiled and said, "You mean you Embers are going to join our fleet?"

"That's right, when you became a ship, you already felt the connection with the commander's soul. So as long as we become your companions, all doubts will be unnecessary, because we belong to the same fleet. Commander's.

Commander, as for the importance of ships, I believe you understand without me telling you that no matter how our identities change, that dependence on our souls will never change. "Helena smiled.

"Tsk, I'm so willing to give it up." Zhenhai smiled, "Does our commander want you to value me so much? Travel through so many worlds and become his ship."

"We have looked for countless possibilities, so no matter how small this possibility is, it is still a possibility." Helena said.

"But once you join our fleet, you will have no choice." Enterprise frowned.

"But even if we don't join your fleet, our hope is very slim. We will either die in the search or go crazy in despair. Rather than doing this, it is better to hope that the possibility will appear." Helena said.

Although the Purifier on the side had no expression on his face, he was already speechless in his heart. As expected, these people are born to act. This is obviously part of the plan, and the original world has been restored, but now they are pretending to be so desperate.

If she didn't know better, she would really be deceived by these people.

"The final decision on this issue is still made by the commander. We have no decision-making power, so now let us return to the original topic. What does it mean to break the cage of this world? What did you promise Bismarck?" King George V of England asked.

"No, it's just that Bismarck wants to find a way to break through this virtual world. We are just a party providing information. Whether we can become a cooperative party in the future still requires your own judgment." Helena said.

"Then let's stop this topic for now. The most important thing for us now is to improve the strength of our own fleet. Only when the strength is achieved can we be qualified to stand on this stage.

What's more, whether we need to break through this virtual world in the future depends on our commander's decision. "Zhenhai said with a smile.

"What can improve your absolute strength now is to completely transform you into ships, so that you will have stronger strength and achieve qualitative changes. In addition, the purpose of your visit this time is to research ships." Helena said.

"In this aspect, the research conducted by experimental institutions far exceeds ours. If they provide you with information, I believe the progress will be very fast. What do you think, Purifier?"

The Purifier grinned, "I will only tell you the information and methods. As for whether you can get the blueprints of the scientific research ship in the end, it depends on your own efforts."

"There is no problem with this. As long as we know the methods and what needs to be paid attention to, then we will have the ability and confidence to study them." The company nodded.

"Sure enough, what you said is the same." The Purifier said, and then took out a crystal from the space and placed it on the table. "This is all the information we currently have about the scientific research ship. As for the rest, it will be up to you to work hard. .”

Looking at the crystal on the table, Bismarck took it without hesitation. This action made the Purifier's head full of black lines. However, Bismarck didn't care. He analyzed the crystal in his hand briefly, analyzed it into various data, and placed it in this office.

In addition to some theoretical information about scientific research ships, there are also many practical methods for making scientific research ships. And among them, everyone also saw several familiar information.

Monarchs, Frederick the Great, Cheshire, North Wind, Louis IX, Parseval and several others.

In addition, there are many scientific research ships that have never been seen before, and among them there are several scientific research ships with decisive battle plans.

Super Armored Cruiser Agatsuma, Heavy Cruiser Drake, Super Armored Cruiser Aegir, Armored Aircraft Carrier White Dragon, Light Cruiser Plymouth, Super Armored Cruiser Brest.

"Interesting." Musashi looked at the information with bright eyes, "It seems that the port area can add six more maritime legend-level characters, but the Purifier gave these to us, aren't you afraid that we will eventually use them to counterattack you? "

The Purifier smiled, "Then you underestimate our strength. Now that the world has evolved to the strength of the main world, and you have transformed into ships, of course we have corresponding measures.

Otherwise, do you think there are so many ships in the main world, how do we deal with them and take advantage? "

The company that got this answer was stunned for a moment, "Can I think that since we haven't seen mass production of Siren during this period, do you want to upgrade the mass production of these events? Or are you planning more aggression? "

"Who knows, but you won't rest for too long, that's all I can say." The Purifier said.

For a moment, everyone here nodded slightly, knowing that this information was enough for them. The silence in the sea is not the defeat of the Siren, but the prelude to a new round of battle.

After talking for a while, Helena and the Purifier left the conference room.

"Bismarck, do you believe them like that?" the company asked Bismarck.

"I don't trust anyone, I only trust the commander. As for what happened today, this is just part of the cooperation. The last cooperation with Ember was their account of the Rubik's Cube and the special nature of the commander.

This time they made their intentions very obvious, so I think since there is a benefit, we can continue to cooperate. Even if we are seeking skin from a tiger, at least we will gain something today. "Bismarck said while looking at the information on the scientific research ships.

"Yes, every scientific research ship is a very powerful existence. As long as they are transformed into ships at the same time, the high-end strength of our port area will be enough to gain a foothold in this world. The next time we engage in a large-scale war, Then we will no longer be on the passive side." Zhenhai nodded.


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