My ship girl, my world

Chapter 810 Scientific Research Ship Girl and Port Development

After a few uneventful days, Musashi and others finally returned to the port area.

Qin Ge looked up at the people in front of him and couldn't help but smile and said, "Looking at you, the construction of the scientific research ship girl this time is very successful. Let me hear who has been constructed."

"Haha, the commander actually noticed it like this. It seems we have to learn more from Bismarck. If we are as calm as her, we won't be discovered so easily by the commander, right?" Enterprise smiled.

"Ha, no, each of you has your own unique personality. Bismarck is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, so don't deliberately imitate her, otherwise it will be bad if everyone in the port area is cold-faced." Qin Ge said quickly .

"Haha, I heard what the commander said. I will tell Bismarck when I get back." Prince Eugen joked on the side.

Qin Ge glanced at Prince Eugen helplessly, "Although it's okay even if you say it, it's best not to."


For a moment, there was a burst of joyful laughter in the office.

"Ahem, back to the topic, what was the result this time?" Qin Ge asked.

"I can only say that it exceeded expectations." Musashi smiled.

"Exceeding expectations?" Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, "Let me guess, did you construct two decisive battle plans?"

"Haha, Commander, are your expectations so low?" King George V laughed.

Qin Ge touched his nose and said, "A decisive battle plan is hard to come by. After all, they are equivalent to maritime legends. You must know that our port area, including Frederick the Great, only has eight maritime legend levels.

Oh, yes, there is also a colorful cloth, but that little guy is considered a logistics unit and is not included in it. "

Although there is something Versailles about Qin Ge's sentence, it is indeed the case. Otherwise, this world would not have lost a single maritime legend for such a long time.

"Haha, Commander, can you guess how many decisive battle plans have been constructed this time?" Enterprise said with a smile.

Qin Ge glanced at several people, all of whom were smiling, but no one gave him any hints.

"Three?" Qin Ge said a number that he thought was a lot. After all, the Legend of the Sea was based on the number of ships. There were only eight out of more than 500 ship girls, which was already a lot.

"Haha, it seems that the commander's expectations are still very low." Enterprise smiled, "The real number is this number multiplied by two."

"Six!?" Qin Ge stood up suddenly, looking a little stunned.

"Yes, one aircraft carrier, three super armored cruisers, one heavy cruiser, and one light cruiser." Enterprise replied.

"Huh? Why are there no battleships?" Qin Ge asked confused.

"If you include Frederick the Great, there are still battleships." Prince Eugen reminded him.

"Well, I know, I'm just a little confused." Qin Ge smiled, "It's very good. Every decisive battle plan has powerful ships. Coupled with the maritime legend in the port area, the strength of our fleet has been greatly improved. Now! Compared with before, it is simply a qualitative change."

"Yes, I think back then we only had more than 200 people. In fact, our actual combat strength was only more than 100 people, so we dared to charge in front of the nine camps and face the arbiter to turn the tide.

Although he did not participate in many top battles, he is already considered very powerful for this world. However, less than three months have passed and our strength has undergone qualitative changes compared to before.

Regardless of the high-end combat power or the number of fleet personnel, this is simply unimaginable. "King George V said with some emotion.

Qin Ge nodded, "But this is just the beginning. Our fleet will become more powerful in the future. It is only a matter of time.

By the way, you guys are here just in time. I have something to tell you. This is something I have been thinking about for a long time. Before, the number of people was too small, but now that we have more people in the port area, then It’s time to implement it too. "

"Oh, what's the matter, Commander?" Everyone became more energetic when they heard Qin Ge taking such initiative.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Our current approach to new ship girls and previous ship girls in the port area is to let the old lead the new, or to train together among the same camp, so that they can integrate into the fleet.

I'm not saying that this method is bad, but I may have been able to integrate into the group quickly when there were few people in the past, but now I feel a little confused. Just like there are many ship girls now, they all form small groups of their own camps to carry out activities, and it is rare for multiple camps to participate.

Therefore, I plan to build a large lecture hall, library, training ground, and club classrooms for various club activities in the port area based on the model of the Commander's Academy.

This will not only systematically teach our ship girls some experience and knowledge about the battlefield, but also allow them to integrate into a group and eliminate prejudices between camps as much as possible.

After all, we are a fleet and a whole, and I don’t want internal divisions to occur in the future. "

"I support the commander's opinion. In fact, I have wanted to mention this matter for a long time. Mainly because every day I see destroyers and other people running around the port area with nothing to do except training. This is a very bad state. .

Since we are now operating as a port area, we have to use some systems to restrain them. After all, they are children and they are also warriors. "Musashi nodded, looked at Qin Ge and said with great appreciation.

"There is no rule without rules. Comprehensive learning can also enable everyone to make progress together. I naturally support such a decision." Zhenhai said with a smile.

"I support it too."

Soon, Qin Ge's proposal won the support of everyone. After all, such a proposal was beneficial and harmless to the port area. Although it may cause some trouble to some more playful destroyers, after everyone gets together, they can make more friends. Isn't this another form of entertainment?

"Well, since you all support it, then this resolution will be passed immediately, and then the questions about the specific address of the lecture hall and the facilities and materials will be left to you.

There is also the matter of expanding the playground in the port area, which should be resolved together with this matter. The current playground in the port area is too monotonous and was built entirely for destroyers. I think the playground must be more comprehensive.

For example, some stadiums, even racetracks and other facilities can be added, so that everyone can live a fulfilling life and have fun every day in the port area, instead of doing nothing like this every day. "Qin Ge said.

"Understood, regarding the innovation of port facilities, we will actually refer to it next, and then sort out a plan to impress the commander. If the commander thinks it is okay, we will build it according to the planned facilities. Now we have The Manjiu logistics team can guarantee the construction speed," the company said.

"Well, then it's decided. By the way, you can draw up a list of teachers, the kind that will convince everyone." Qin Ge said.


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