My ship girl, my world

Chapter 811 Grand Fleet Meeting

In the Grand Fleet Conference Room in the office area, since many days have passed since the Chinese New Year, the commanders who visited relatives in Donghuang also returned here with their ship girls.

As the beginning of the year, the Grand Fleet also has to hold a meeting on the specific operation strategies for this year.

"Commander finally remembered us. We haven't had such a formal meeting for a long time. I thought you had forgotten us all?" Wang Yueqin teased with a smile.

Qin Ge, who was sitting in the main seat, smiled helplessly, "You also have your own fleet, and as the fleet gets better and better, there are more and more ship girls in your fleet. I believe you spend most of your time I’m using it to accompany your wife, who wants to waste their spare time on a man?”

"Well, although the commander is telling the truth, it's not good to say it so directly..." Wu Hao blinked and said.

"Haha, what's wrong? Everyone here is a commander, and our family members don't speak the same language. Now the tone of the grand fleet has stabilized, and there are fewer ordinary things, so everyone can have more Spending all your time with your wife, this kind of life should be the most comfortable, right?" Qin Ge said with a smile.

"So when I don't have anything important to do, I won't call everyone together. After all, you all have your own lives."

"We are not as rich and interesting as the commander's life. Now that there are more than 500 ship girls in your port area, we need to expand outwards. Do you want us to move to the outer port? Anyway, there are not many of us. Will the entire harbor be left to you?" Li Chenming said with a smile.

Qin Ge touched his nose and said, "Isn't this good? I never planned it like this before."

"Come on, Commander, just have fun." Yun Zi smiled, "This is actually a decision we made together. After all, your fleet is getting stronger and stronger now, and it is no longer inferior to any other camp. What's more, there are still many things in the port area that we can't understand. If we live here, it will indeed affect your layout.

So regardless of whether we agree or reject this time, we decided to disperse our gathering places to the outer harbor area. "

Li Chenming nodded, "Yunzi is right. Guam is actually not big, but it is not small. We currently have four ports available on the island, and we send ship girls to patrol and change them every day. The defense was really delayed, so I decided to program the rest of us into three teams, and we will be responsible for the defense of the other three ports in Guam in the future.

In this way, with a stable defense, there is no need for the ship girl to switch defenses back and forth, which greatly saves time every day, and everyone also has a certain task, so that no matter which direction the enemy comes from, they can fight as quickly as possible Discover and deploy defenses to hold off the enemy until reinforcements arrive. "

Qin Ge nodded, "This is a good idea, but if this happens, won't it be more difficult for us to work in the future?"

"No." Li Chenming shook his head, "I wonder if the commander still remembers the visual communication technology that the port area researched before?"

"You know, I've seen the file before. Is there any breakthrough now?" Qin Ge asked.

"Well, because this is a joint research and development by the Grand Fleet Ship Girls, generally the detailed information will come from me to you. New progress has been made in the research and development during this period.

As long as a signal tower is built in the center of Guam that can radiate to the surrounding areas, smooth and stable visual communication within Guam can be ensured. And after calculations, it can even cover the sea area with a radius of fifty kilometers outside Guam, which also allows us to understand the sea state information of nearby sea areas in a timely manner.

In the future, meetings and notifications can be completely carried out using visual communication, so that even if we are far apart, we can still use visualization to sit together and have joint meetings like now. "Li Chenming replied.

"Well, that's a good point. It seems that our station is going to undergo a drastic remodeling." Qin Ge smiled and said, "Actually, I also plan to expand the port area. In addition to building some more comfortable residences for ship wives, We are also planning to build a place similar to the Ship Girl Academy.”

"Jian Niang Academy?" In an instant, everyone was attracted by Qin Ge's words.

"Yes, the Kanmu Academy is a place where the Kanmu's combat skills are completely taught. There is a large lecture hall that teaches tactics, a training ground that teaches skills and tactics, and there are also some places for the reasonable use of the Kanmu's skills, similar to the Kanmu version of Commander Academy.

I will select some experienced ship girls from my fleet to teach there. You can also send your own ship girls to study there when you have nothing to do.

After all, everything in the sea area is relatively stable now, and too many people are in a state of having nothing to do after training. Therefore, establishing a party-building academy can allow them to find things to do, and also allow them to better integrate into the collective and cultivate their ability in combat. tacit understanding among them. " Qin Ge said.

"This proposal is better and I absolutely support it." Chen Baijun said.

"Yes, I quite support it. The destroyers in my family are really out of touch. It takes me a lot of time to settle them every day. If there is such a ship girl academy to manage it, it can teach them some knowledge. If so, that would be great." Yun Zi smiled.

Others also supported it, and were obviously very satisfied with Qin Ge's proposal.

"Originally, I was still planning on the location of the academy, but now that you plan to disperse it across three ports, let's make use of the outer posts and place the Kanniang Academy only in the outer ports, so that you can reach the destination from the other three ports. The distances to the Outer Harbor are almost the same.

A distance of more than ten kilometers is not difficult at all for those of you equipped with a car. Moreover, the Kanniang Academy adopts the principle of freedom and is fully open during peacetime and temporarily closed during wartime. You can come and take classes at any time, and there are no tough courses.

The most important thing is to give the girls a place where they can learn and have fun. This is our aim. " Qin Ge said.

"No problem." Everyone nodded.

"Then the Ship Girl Academy should be funded by our fleet. It cannot always be funded by the commander, otherwise we will look too useless." Zhang Xiaoming said with a smile.

"I agree, this is something that will benefit all the ship girls in our fleet. The capital provided by the fleet is definitely not an exaggeration. Moreover, after experiencing the last Siren Tide, we have also accumulated a very considerable income. Building a ship girl academy is completely It's not a problem." Li Chenming nodded.

"That's not good. In fact, although your ship girls can also come to study, the main personnel are still my ship girls. Letting you also contribute money is a bit of a suspicion of lining your own pockets." Qin Ge said speechlessly.

"Haha, the commander is wrong..."

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